
Post Apocalyptic Train Diorama

Started by Macal, November 06, 2008, 01:14:36 PM

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John Howling Mouse

Eh, I heard about these guys....the ones who don't even need to buy kits, anymore.   :thumbsup:
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Yup. Bastards. ;D

Looking good so far, Macal - I am eagerly awaiting further progress. :)
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<

Joe C-P

Anyone can scratch-build; it requires patience and, accurate, detailed references. A lot of what you do to what-if a model is basic to scratching - creating parts, cutting, filling, shaping, replacing. One "simply" does it for all the parts rather than just some. I needed to build an AOR (a supply ship) and there isn't anything even close in shape, so I purchased plans and had them resized to the scale I needed. Some of the details come from other models and specialty detail sets, but the vast majority is wood, plastic, and metal I shaped myself.

Macal isn't doing anything you couldn't do; however, Macal is doing it very well. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to the final product!  :thumbsup:
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


Quote from: JoeP on November 30, 2008, 02:56:26 PM
Anyone can scratch-build; it requires patience and, accurate, detailed references. A lot of what you do to what-if a model is basic to scratching - creating parts, cutting, filling, shaping, replacing. One "simply" does it for all the parts rather than just some. I needed to build an AOR (a supply ship) and there isn't anything even close in shape, so I purchased plans and had them resized to the scale I needed. Some of the details come from other models and specialty detail sets, but the vast majority is wood, plastic, and metal I shaped myself.

Macal isn't doing anything you couldn't do; however, Macal is doing it very well. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to the final product!  :thumbsup:

Yeah, You're right! It isn't a difficult thing as it looks in first...It just need a little bit more time, but after You've built 4-7 models, You gonna build much faster and more better than the first time...If You know how to do scratch, just Your fantasy should be the limit...But my opinion is that fantasy is a thing we can train   :thumbsup: even I had to see many many pix-videos-drawings-concepts to get the idea and inspiration I need for a job...
So Keep it up EveryOne!!! If theres a question about this I (and I think JoeP too) will answer that :)
Good building for EveryOne!


Well done Macal!
Whatever projects we might want to build, they always come better from scratch, period! :thumbsup:
I wish you the best with your model and i look forward to see it finished (but take your time)! :cheers:
"Half the work that is done in this world is to make things appear what they are not."
Elias Root Beadle


Hi There!
Just finished a concept drawing  :)
This is how the final model of the M32 should look like  :)

The Drawing is also post-ww3 styled, with horrible Hungarian spelling :) (You know, after an Apocalypse, there's just a few schools existing, so the knowledge spread in direct transfer, and just a few things are written...)
As You can see, it'll has:
-T72 turret
-a flat railway car
-an M32 banker
-Lots of junk:)
-DSKs (Russian heavy weapons)

*Click on the pic to see it in original size*


Hi All!

Long time hadn't been here, had to change job...But after all, it seems everything gonna be okey, so decided to continue this project :)
Today, I've started to build the modified flat car, but unfortunatly I cannot find T-72 turret at the moment, so builded it with T-55 one.

Let me know what You think :)


Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


Hi Mates!

A few days ago started the Modifies Flatcar temporarly with a T55 turret 'till my T72 one arrive. Just to see how it'll look like :) I've made the main forms of the gondola, the body frame, the superstructure under the turret, and started to add some details to the interior like the buttressing (bracing , strutting - I don't know wich word is the correct for the details can be seen at the inside back of the superstructure in english :wacko: ). Also made almost the back door, wich will be opened to the right.
The model's just put together temporarly, the accessories also...

So, let the pictures talk about the improvements of the yesterdays clubnight :):
(Note: I used an old 1:35 scale dragon german self propelled crew member for the scales.)

And a little Background for the scene:

Quote[size=18][Monolog from a crew member...][/size]

"It's 2048...
Or they belive so...
Leastwise here in the Pannonian Plain...
The hole era is based on an event, an incident, wichone is hard the talk about.  Nobody knows what happened exactly, how and when. Those people who survived agreeded: it is 2048.
The event was a strange incident, some kind of war the Great Old Ones said. But a few say it wasn't a war, it was the Apocalypse. It was not the usual warfare, no soldiers stand face to face in the war fronts.  Just Lightnings, blowings, nuclear explosions. They denominated as E.G.F.S. - the Era of Great Flaming Sky. Don't know how long was this incident, just seen the sky in the tones of red everyday, and the hole word in flames.
After the E.G.F.S. starnge disases came, followed bye strange mutants and creatures: lots of them looked almost like humans, with ugly suppurations, other ones like hunched apes without any sign of intelligence...Other strange mutants can be seen nowdays, like giants from the mountains, squats from under the ground...
In the most of the survival tribes theres a theory that these creatures are the "fruits" of the old military experiments and came from the laboratories or from the battlefields where they fought against themselfes and against the humans. It can be...Or maybe they were evoluted in the wilderness after they left the battlefields and laboratories...Some of them are just a weak joke of mankind, but there're lots of very dangerous species...Like the radiant ones from the dangerzones...
Yeah, DZ-z (dangerzonez)... Any man in his senses tries to keep out of these places...RA Zones (Radio Active), D-Zones (Disase), Chem-Zones, etc...Some of them easy to find, otherones will kill You in a second, and You just don't get what happened...
The Pannonian Plain wichone is a basin mainly, was almost a safe place for the people, but after the war just a few tribes stayed here. Most of them live like their ancestors, in nomad lifestyle...
Like Us...With our special train, we go to get clear water to our fountains and water sources, and take the water to trade with. Fortunatly, the hordes around our territory don't know much about our water resources.
So we trade water for food, for equipment, accessories, and for diesel oil for our machines like the Great Iron, the DE (Diesel Engine).
The distances are huge in some case, so we cannot go with cars and truxx, and the roads are in horrible conditions also...the Great Old Ones said they were in the same condition before the war...But the Engine works well. It isn't fast, but very strong! It is a beutiful Thing!
The Beautiful Iron, that was given by the IronGod to us and works with the grace of Him!! He listens to the prayer of our Mechanics and the D.E. works very well all the time. It needs to, We need it for our nomadic lifeform. I'm proud about this D.E.!
And after we made the "tour" and had the buisniss we go the our base called "The Shelter". To the place where we always spend a little time, where the Great Old Ones lives and teaches the Younger generations...
Oh Iron God! Thanks for Your help in the everydays. that You take care for my body, my mind and for my technics! That You protect may flesh, my iron, my will! Please bring a better and nicer tomorrow!
Iron and Blood!"