
Help needed - info on Lockheed Have Blue?

Started by Freightdog862, November 25, 2008, 04:34:01 AM

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Hello guys, a bit off topic but can anyone direct me to a good source of info (inc scale plans) of the Lockheed XST Have Blue? I want to revamp the Pegasus kit for a resin release, I know its not accurate (and neither was the maintrack one!) so I want to get the best info I can to rework the project. End result should be a limited run resin kit if I am successful!
Thanks, Colin



Try Overscans Secretprojects website, they should be able to give you the best references and contact details for available info. Quite a bit more data has likely appeared since the original kits were released.




(PS Go for the EAP as that really needs to be issued as a buildable kit !!!)
Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships



Don Color has a list of his opinion of the colours that were used on Have Blue.  Note that he doesn't think much of the colours described in the Pegasus kit!

Click on Camouflages, Aircraft, By Types, Have Blue

Air Vectors has a modest amount of info on it's F-117 page, but it gives a little bit more insight into the program than most.  I remember seeing a fair bit of info in one of the Key Publishings X-Planes publications, I'll dig it out & have a look.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


Oh, almost forgot about this one.  This site is good for all things F-117 related, found it when looking for info on the Hopeless Diamond.  There's some info that's relevant to modelling.

Here's the link to the page on the Have Blue:
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


I believe there's only a few pictures released still plus a short video. Both Have Blues crashed while top secret still so the data available is limited.
Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


Interesting from a "fixing the Pegasus model" perspective.


Flateric may be able to produce some stills from the video which could be of use.
Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


Thanks guys, appreciate it. Thats about doubled my references already!


Hi Colin, looked at the X-Planes article, there's not much in it unfortunately, mostly about the F-117.  Looking forward to seeing this kit, putting your kit next to a F-117A & Unicraft's Hopeless Diamond would make a nice display on the development of the Stealth Fighter.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


F-117 NightHawk by Paul and Alison Crickmore is a very good book on this subject and includes a few pages on the Have Blue program. These are just the usual pics but probably better quality than most online ones.
You can probably find this in a library or secondhand bookshops. I got my copy in The Works cheap some years back.

BTW, I will have a Have Blue model and several EAP kits if you make them!


I've got quite a few original pics of EAP btw.

Found a few bits, will email Dennis R. Jenkins and Jay Miller to see if they know of any more bit I fear there's only about 7, maybe 8 images in existence.
Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


Look out your window, there is black van parked there...

Howard of Effingham

Quote from: Thorvic on November 25, 2008, 04:45:57 AM
(PS Go for the EAP as that really needs to be issued as a buildable kit !!!)

here, here!

[and a supermarine scimitar too!  ;D]


[who is very happy with the freightdog decals he got at SMW, btw]
Keeper of George the Cat.


Quote from: Howard of Effingham on November 28, 2008, 04:37:29 AM
Quote from: Thorvic on November 25, 2008, 04:45:57 AM
(PS Go for the EAP as that really needs to be issued as a buildable kit !!!)

here, here!

[and a supermarine scimitar too!  ;D]


Pegasus never issued the Supermarine Scimitar !!! :banghead: Only Skybirds86 and Merlin ever did injection kits of the Scimitar (Frog did the Supermarine N113)

Colins looking at restarting the Pegasus/ Silver Cloud range, possibly by replacing some of the worse limited run injection kits with superior resin replacements, doubt he would duplicate what Czechmaster have already produced and would probably prefer to keep to projects and prototype to stay within his existing range.

Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships