
R-type Final "R-100 Curtain Call"

Started by SebastianP, December 11, 2008, 01:49:30 AM

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Fell in love with the R-type series back when Super R-type for the SNES was new, played it on the store's test machine for an entire christmas vacation (couldn't afford to buy it, and man did the neighborhood gang have fun with that console...), then forgot about it for a good long while.

Found this little gem while searching for something completely different a few years ago: http://homepage2.nifty.com/sparrow2/build16-r100c.htm, build article here: http://homepage2.nifty.com/sparrow2/scratch06-r100.htm

Note that this isn't my build, it's just the only version outside of game screencaps I've found.

Oh, and the game screencap in question: http://www.slateman.net/rtype/rtypefinal/ships/100.jpg

Now you've got a complete overview of my references. Here's what I made from them:

(I've gotten a bit further since, just haven't uploaded any renders).

The software I'm using is Lightwave 3D v9.5, with mostly just the built-in tools. The model is right now at 22000 polys, the hoses accounting for nearly half. (no real way around that...). Texturing is in progress right now, it's the first time I'm really bothering so it's one of those learn-by-doing things that's going back and forth... hopefully it'll look like I want it when done :-)

While not working on the model, I'm chipping away at the requirements to unlock this beast in the R-type Final game (borrowed from a friend who's replaced his PS2...) which is hard going (gotta unlock the first 99 fighters to have a shot at this one...).

Enjoy, and tell me what you think!