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Started by Glenn, January 10, 2004, 06:26:14 PM

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Hi, and I hope I get this right! This model goes back about 10 years ago, when I got it from the local Hobbyshop for nix, as parts were missing. On taking it home, opening it up, and realising there was no cockpit interior. Also, the guy who handed it to me said 'do something with it!' So, I did!
After assembling the body, I marked and cut it just behind the nosewheel doors, and then another cut behind the back of the wing. Removing the tail, (or tail slot, can't remember) and regluing the tailplane area behind the cockpit. Next, reglued the wing section to the back of the tailplane section, turning it into a canard. The tailpipe was from the kit, but the tail (inside) was built up with PVC. Once the wings and tail were added, and seeing there wasn't any cockpit interior, just painted inside the canopy in gloss black, and glued in place. Finishing it off with a lot of bog and sanding.
The colour scheme is also a mystery, and the decals, were from the kit. (the stars, I mean) I shot it in flight at first, then added the u/c later.
The model     VEB 1/72nd Su-7  

John Howling Mouse

Love it!
That color scheme is cool too.  Very realistic.
Dare you to pull THAT scheme off again.

More pictures (other angles, etc.) pleeeeeeeeeease!!

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


I'm with JHM, could we have some more piccies from other angles?
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


:wub: So lovely... Congratulations, Lyn.  :wub:  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Remember I said I'd forgotten the colours I'd used, well after going to my local hobbyshop, model in hand, (customers wondering what it was?) well, the colours are Tamiya.
The overall colour, J.A. Grey and the over colour Buff.
There are other photos coming, but here in Brisbane we've had a week of rain and we've only seen the sun in short bursts.
Catch yea later,

John Howling Mouse

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


I don't understand this, but everytime I try and send a photo to you guys, I'm told that there is a error on my part, and what I'm doing is illegal! IS ANYONE ELSE HAVING PROBLEMS, AND IF SO, WHAT CAN i DO TO FIX IT UP?


Is the file size too big ? The limit is 74Ko here. Does that explain ?
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Yes, Lyn, your so wonderful OV-12 picture, received by mail, is 120Kb, I reduce it and post it for you as a new topic. I cannot tell you how with Photshop, I will do it with Photopaint, but Ollie or someone may give you directions. We NEED your marvels, dear Lyn...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


For those interested, this is the left side view of the Su-7. In B&W the shot is now 35kb, if it works, we'll soon know!


Will die without understanding this world.