
F-15 Strike Eagle"Hello Kitty"

Started by cthulhu77, December 13, 2008, 05:43:34 PM

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That is the coolest damn thing I've seen for a long, long time. :wub: :wub: :wub:


Hello Kitty F-15 Eagle (Strike Version)

   Ace combat pilot "Bunny" Nakagura blasted past the 15 kilometer reading, leveling off to head on a steady course towards the dam in central China.  The SR-71 Whippoorwill was providing a nice blast of fuzz to disrupt the enemy sensors, and she streaked along in the twilight on full burner.
   Far below, anti-aircraft batteries swept the skies, but with the screens full of nothing but static like morning cable tv, there was naught to see, and nothing for them to fire at. The soldiers could hear the jets, but couldn't see anything, let alone shoot off their massive T-8 missiles towards.
   The Whippoorwill blasted past her at well over mach 4, and began a gentle curve back to the friendlier skies of Alaska, where a group of F-23's was waiting in case of pursuit from the Chi-Com Consulate. With their digital camouflage, constantly changing, anyone coming after the fast jammer would get a nasty araam surprise.

   Buns, however, was flying in a special jet.  "Yeah, Hello Kitty is now the official spokesperson for Japan. That's right!" She punched up the throttle and sped down towards the dam. The pink of the fighters skin made her almost invisible to the naked eye in the dusk of the September flight.

   There was a quick meowing from her console, and her HUD lit up with the targeting information. Flicking back the master arms control, she selected her first attack: Daffodil cluster munitions!  The two red canisters tumbled away, and fell towards the  barracks and buildings below. At 500 feet, they split open, and little flower bomblets rocketed to the ground, spreading joy, love, and massive small explosions that shook the earth, and ripped apart two Eurofighters that had been parked on the tarmac. The cloud that lifted up from the torn base looked just like a big friendly dandelion!
   There was a warbling hiss from her helmet, she had been spotted !  Three SU-47's were coming in from the port, and 20mm ammo flashed past her canopy. In a 7 g turn, she flipped an Immelman maneuver , and in a snap she was behind the tail enemy aircraft. Toggling her massive buttons furiously, she picked out a missile for each aircraft.
   "Spark One!" she yelled as two of the huge Kitten class missiles leapt from their nice and clean launch rails, in a very pretty cloud of smoke.
   "Spark Two!" two of the slightly smaller, but just as pretty,  FreshStep air to air heat seeking  weapons left their pylons.
   One of the Kittens locked onto a SU-47 and exploded not ten meters away...the fragments fell down onto a dog shelter below, incinerating everything.  The other refused to track, but kept on swerving about and finally raced towards the river, and crashed into the water, killing a lot of fish and fisherpersons.
  The FreshSteps, however,  both raced to their designated targets, and blew them apart in a very nice way.
  With the immediate local threat suppressed, Bunny  clicked her throat mike, and watched as the heavies came in...B-92's, loaded for bear.
  A sudden warning came on her HUD, there was a ZSU below ! "Oh no!" she exclaimed.
  Whipping the F-15 around in a tight turn, she located the group of foul craft, and thumbed six KittyLog bombs down. No matter how many barrels they put on them, that much pleasurable destruction would leave them in the litter box !
  Like playing with a mouse, she strafed the entire encampment with the 30mm GAU, and people exploded beneath in lots of neat colours.
   "Hmm, I think I want some sashimi tonight! Hello Kitty wins again!" She banked over the hills, and headed towards Osaka, where the best fish and whale blubber sandwiches were served.




Though I am disappointed you did not mention the AC-26 Cuddly Cluster Bomblets.

Brian da Basher

Oustanding Great Old Wise One! I just love the pale orangish-pink color you chose which compliments the Hello Kitty and the load-out perfectly!

Now you need to do a dark blue night fighter version!
:bow: :bow:
Brian da Basher


There is that 32nd F-22 that S'slinger gave me...

Ed S

Looks good.  Definitely not what one would normally expect on an F-15. 

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.

John Howling Mouse

Super model, excellent display...as usual.
But that backstory came all too naturally to you, didn't it, Greg?!  So, what is your Hello Kitty International Fanclub Membership number? 
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.



I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Time to do the Barney Raptor,
or worse, the Mickey Mouse F-35
(was that last one a redundant statement?)
Getting back into modeling


Brian da Basher

And an excellent review it is too!

I better get your autograph before the paparazzi close in...
Brian da Basher


I think the opening photo of Amanda is causing more of a stir than the jet...


Get this Cheese to sick bay!