

Started by HOG, January 04, 2009, 02:44:12 PM

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Mike Wren

how did I miss this thread? wonerful stuff...  :wub:



Bloody hell page 4 and I ain't on paint yet.

cthulhu77, BlackOps, ChernayaAkula, Ed S ,Mike Wren  -Thanks  :thumbsup:
Captain Canada - Trouble is I greased it when I dropped it.   :angry:
sotoolslinger - Cheers Ron but I need hands see below.  :wacko:
Mossie - Is this what you meant?.  ;D
Weaver -What is `Mapad Stationary` ?  :unsure:
lancer - Trouble with Alpines is that the flowering season in the UK is mainly in the spring and the rest of the  year they just form spreading mats of green that take up room. Maybe some choicer species such as dwarf conifers, Lilium `Priceii`and a few small Saxifrages and a perennial Diasica or two.  :rolleyes:
(*As ever superb wor from one of our resident modelling gods* -but I won`t do catalogue work or underwear)
Brian da Basher - So far it seems to like Evergreen tubing, Milliput and filler which it is eating by the ton.  :blink:

Anywat on with the show. As I said in the last blurb I dropped it. Nothing serious just a leg fell of, but all in one piece, easily fixed. Trouble is I was a bit bored with this build, it was going together OK but it didn`t really feel like I was being pushed in any way. It just might have been any TV cartoon robot outta the box with no effort required. Sooooooooooo as I had a leg in one hand and the rest in the other I decided to change things a bit. Would it be possible to show a wounded walking robot? I put the leg back on with a sorta twist innit and a pronounced limp. (L.I.M.P pronounced limp) Battle damaged the shoulder armour a bit with a ricochet scar on the hood, invented some sort of uber super cannon from a bit that woke this morning being perfectly happy as a MK103 and here it is so far. The hands are just bluetac`d on and the arms are gonna have to be reworked to match this new pose but I think I`m gonna like this a lot better with this new twist. Anyway here's where it is.

Well let me know what you think, any suggestions ?
Cheers  :drink:

H-O-G = Head Out of Gestalt-hands on autopilot
WORK! The curse of the drinking class.
"Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson )


So.....  walk softly and carry a big stick  ;D Looks awesome :wub: :bow:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Quote from: HOG on January 13, 2009, 02:43:16 PM

Mossie - Is this what you meant?.  ;D

Looks great, nay, fantastic to me!  The only thing I'll re-iterate is some kind of toes, like I mentioned earlier you could simply scribe a line in.  At the moment, your mate isn't quite capable of proper walking, he'll stumble a bit.  All legged creatures have toes of some kind, you need them to walk.  We all take the p!ss out of Gary Lineker for having his carrer finished early by a repetetive big toe injury, but if you've ever badly hurt them you'll know how difficult it is to walk.

Okay, biology A-level over!
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


Love the battle damage!  :wub:  The hands look great too  :thumbsup:
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.



Just for Mossie, it`s now got toes.

Let it never besaid that I don`t give the customer what he wants and just to be on the safe side it`s got toe paint too (well all machines are refered to as she arn`t they  ;D) I have taken heed Mossie and will add someting sensible but I couldn`t resist it.

But back to reality (or whatifery), this is the final pose and tommorrow I get to paint!.

As you can see I`ve added a bit of plate armour, fixed to look like a field mod` and as a chance to add a bit more battle damage.

A pic with Fred the  Fitter for scale (1:48)

And in this pic why do those three holes always remind me of the bear in the Muppets?.Perhaps it`s the `mouth` as well.
Edit.. checking this it now looks like Yoda from SW`s  >:(

Oh well tommorrow I go digital. All comms and crits etc etc,

Cheers  :drink:
H-O-G = Head Out of Gestalt-hands on autopilot
WORK! The curse of the drinking class.
"Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson )


Super cool and yet funny ;D :lol: :rolleyes: :thumbsup: :wub: :bow: The SF3D/MaK 3000 guys should be strokin this all over :party:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Still trying to figure out how it plays croquet.  I mean, that mallet doesn't look complete.

Oh, and you used the wrong shade of polish.  Don't you know that glitter will be all the rage that year?
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


This thing just keeps getting better and better :thumbsup:  The toes alone make the model! :bow:


 ;D  First time I've seen a mech with a petticure  :bow:
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.

Daryl J.

Now if this build has you a bit bored, what happens when you're all warmed up and focussed?      :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Daryl J., adding to other comments about the build's awesomeness


Quote from: HOG on January 14, 2009, 07:05:08 PM

Just for Mossie, it`s now got toes.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Sorry if I've banged on about it Gary, trouble is, at we're covering the limbs at the mo for the students & I can hear the senior lectures voice in the back of my head!
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

Ed S

Brilliant.  A crippled mech hobbling along.  This keeps getting better.



We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.


combat's gonna be hell on the nail varinish dearie........Besides, with all that nail varnish, you're gonna have to rename this thing from a combat walker to a combat mincer... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :mellow:
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die



philp-"  Still trying to figure out how it plays croquet."   It don`t.

Daryl J. "Now if this build has you a bit bored, what happens when you're all warmed up and focussed?" Things like these.

As an aside I believe we can post pictures in a gallery here. Can anyone explain to me how?

Well I`ve started painting, lightest colour first,

Unfortunately I`ve run out of Tamiya acrylics and have had to do this in enamels. Nothing wrong with enamels, but it means coating with somthing when I start washing in oils to avoid colour merge and a longer drying time. Anyways a quick overall coat in RLM 79 sand with a mini mask of RLM 71 Dunkle Grun. The mini masks are at the bottom of the picture. Bits of 10thou card cut to give a digital effect at the edge. I`ve used this technique before on larger models like ships and the Polar Lights Enterprises, You spray around the edges of the pattern and fill in the middle, but on this its a little small and oversprays a problem. Still I`ll give it over night to dry and do the darker green tommorrow and will see how it looks. Aiming for the impression of spraycans and a cardboard masking edge. But all in all very pleased with the build now its all one colour instead of the hodgepodge of bits it was yestersday.

The grey in the cockpit contrasts nicely with the camo` and am very happy with the way the hands have turned out.
Oh well more as it happens. Crits & Comm`s etc
Cheers  :drink:
H-O-G = Head Out of Gestalt-hands on autopilot
WORK! The curse of the drinking class.
"Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson )