
Pics of finished airfield stuff....

Started by matrixone, January 04, 2009, 04:11:31 PM

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Brian da Basher

That's just amazing, Matrixone! Maybe it's a residual flashback, but my favorite is the bug!
:thumbsup: :bow: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher

P.S. I vote you build the 1/144 He-111 next.  :wacko:


Matrix, great job - especially on the finish. Do you give everything a flat overcoat or a lightening coat or is that the original paint? Because they look not only fantastic, but full sized, not 1/48.

BTW, Badger has a great garage sale page. I got a Sotar from them for about $100 last year.



I too picked up my last airbrush on Badger's garage sale page for a very good price  :thumbsup:

I just realized M1 just said he was going to make more hangers!  :blink: Your going to need a hanger to store your hanger collection in!  ;D
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


Thanks Brian and Frank!

You are right I should get busy with that 1/144 He 111 kit, one thing that has kept me from starting the He 111 is the canopy framing and how the heck I will paint it. My only 1/144 scale kit that I have built so far has been the Eduard Fw 190 and was barely able to paint the canopy frame...it was almost too small to see. -_-

Yes I used a clear flat coat on the vehicles. On the VW I sprayed a little of the flat clear on the rear windows to give the effect of the windows being dirty. The lower sides of the VW and Opel Blitz were lightly sprayed with a light earth color to give them a well used look.

Jeff G,
Yep I am doing two more hangers, these will be built from the Bachmann Plasticville USA kit. I will try and get some pictures of the unbuilt kit.... BTW it also comes with 4 airplanes! ;D



I couldn't see the pics at work fo some strange reason so I ahve had to wait until now to see them.

Glad I did, they are outstanding mate!
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Thanks Sisko!

You will see some of these models from time to time in the background of pictures of my new airplane models.


Joe C-P

Great work on those very small models!

Hey, how about branching out and building some KG200 whifs?  ;D
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


Thanks JoeP!

Funny that you mentioned KG 200, I was just looking through my copy of the Hikoki publications title ''KG 200 The Luftwaffes Most Secret Unit"'to get ideas on camouflage and markings for the 1/144 scale He 111 I am getting ready to build. I have no extra 1/144 decals to mark my He 111 with so I might have just national markings and no unit markings on this model.

These small scale models of ground equipment were fun to make and I am getting my 1/72 scale Schwimmwagon ready to paint today but I had a bit of a set back about an hour ago when I dropped one of the headlights as I was glueing it onto the car body and it fell on the floor and can't find it! :banghead:  I ended up making another one out of sprue and while its not very good looking it will have to do. The Schwimmwagon is not really needed in my airfield pictures but its an interesting vehicle and as long as I have the kit I wanted to try and build it as a challenge and also for painting practice with my new Iwata airbrush.



You are definitely one of those guys who sets the bar for a lot of us.  Great looking builds, man!

I've been doing the "dropping of tiny parts" drill with some 1/72 and 1/144 armor lately.  I'ts a fantastic exercise in frustration.  I have some carpet that's basically spotted gray, white and black, and it even occasionally eats much larger parts, too. :thumbsup:


Thanks for the nice comments noxioux!

I have shag carpet in my workroom and I knew the second that I dropped the headlight that if it bounced off the table and on the floor it would be gone forever. I spent about about 20 minutes looking for it on my knees with my flashlight and could not find it. The only bright spot in all this is I found a tail wheel from a 1/72 scale Fw 190 that I was working on years ago! ;D



Just a tip for those of you with voracious carpet monsters, rubberband some panty hose over the hose attachment on your vacuum cleaner and it will pick up small parts without sucking them in  :thumbsup:
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.