
Whiffie Nominations are Closed

Started by philp, January 08, 2009, 07:17:08 PM

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Deon - you ca select text from the address bar of your web browser in the same manner as you do in Word - just clikc up there, and then click and drag to highlight. Then push ctrl+c (command+c for Mac, dunno about Linux) to copy, and ctrl+v to paste the text into whatever you want.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Thanks Philp, I'll do some more tomorrow..it is an excellent way of seeing what people have done.

I was wondering whether there was an easy way to nominate throughout the year and just total them up at the end.
Perhaps having a permanent whiffies folder, people could post  builder and  model/ profile names. Then you could create the categories and form a small comittee to determine the winners from the posted entries. That would be less onerous for the punters and might be easier for you to collate, no last minute rush type thing...just an idea.
'...please, tell me where to put it..?'

'do nothing except that which is necessary or beautiful' (Marcus Aurelius)..well I've got the 'do nothing' bit sorted...


Did I hear you volunteer :drink:

I actually had a committee of 2 others to help out but that didn't seem to happen so I am doing it myself this year (what I get for coming up with the idea in the first place  :banghead:).

The only problem with sending them in for the year is that you may see more than the 5 you can nominate in a category.  I know that as the year goes on, the builds get better and better as peoples skills increase and as the steal, er, borrow ideas from others on the site.  Now, as for tracking your own favorites and then having them when nomination time rolls around, that is a great idea.  I actually will bookmark builds, stories, etc and even save pics of profiles or builds that interest me.  That gives me a ready access at the end.  Course, some of the builds etc just stand out like JHM's build of the Fontaine Camo.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Im always ready to help Phil (not always much use tho'!)

TheWhiffies could have a sub folder for each category

people could pop their votes into the relevant folder

If they post more than five would that  goes someway to making up for those who post less

Im thinking 'make it easy to vote' = advance democracy!

I hope more would participate if it was easier to contribute.
It wouldn't matter if people went over five as in each category only the most voted for would be 'nominated'

say bob puts in 10
say job puts in 20  of which only three match bobs
at this point those 3 are potential nominees,
If at the end there's still only 3 then the commitee picks another 2 and the five in each category go to a public poll ..
does that make any sense?

'...please, tell me where to put it..?'

'do nothing except that which is necessary or beautiful' (Marcus Aurelius)..well I've got the 'do nothing' bit sorted...


Your whole scheme makes sense Deon. Anything which relieves the enourmoous preassure of re-reading the whole forum inside two weeks is a god send!
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


What, PW, you didn't start going through the forum back in Nov when I posted the preliminary categories?   :wacko:
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Let me think about it.  Not sure how the powers that be who run this thing would feel about more space being taken up by this.
Also, don't want to influence people too much.  What I think are great may not be their cup of tea.  But, if you see something getting mentioned for a category, you may pick it yourself even if it wasn't one of your favs.

Like I said, let me think about it.  Got to be some way to make this easier for me.  And everyone else or course :wacko:.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


No worries Phil, let me know if there's anything I can do to help out.
'...please, tell me where to put it..?'

'do nothing except that which is necessary or beautiful' (Marcus Aurelius)..well I've got the 'do nothing' bit sorted...

Ed S


Just some ideas.

Why don't you set up a thread for nominations for next years Whiffies.  Then people could make nominations throughout the year as they see something that they think is worth recognition.

Also, what about all Group Build winners getting automatic consideration for a nomination.

We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.


I'll try to do some over the weekend: I get 10mins, here, 15 mins there at work and my home connection is slow and unreliable, so looking at lots of pictures is a bit of a pain on it. A lot of these will be the ones that just took my fancy enough to remember, rather than an objective analysis of which is best. Also, I've only been here since May, so I don't "remember" much from before then....
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


Weaver, anything you can do is good.  As for just what took your fancy, I based the nomination plan kind of on what they use for the Oscar's  (hey, if it is good enough for them, it should be good enough for me) and, as we know, what we think is the best doesn't always get picked (and surely doesn't seem to win).  "Best" is always in the eyes of the beholder which is why I think this will give a good idea.  If several people nominate the same item, then that item has shined for them.

The GB winners have been pointed out to the nominators several times as well as the rest of the GB entries.  The only problem I have with giving the GB winners an automatic nomination is where would they be placed?  Take your F-107 as an example.  That could go in Best Jet, Best Alternate Markings  or even Best Alternate History.  Now, I don't want to be responsible for picking which category to put it.  Several GB participants have already been nominated so I think the word is out and hopefully, all of the GB winners will be in at least one category.

I had also thought of a Best GB Winner category but because of the difference in GBs and the fact they have already won something, thought if would be better if people nominated them for other categories.

Or course, Ed, you can nominate all the GB winners for different categories as part of your nominations  :thumbsup:
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


As to auto nomintaing GB winners- perhaps next year a category for 'GB winners' could be added, so all GB winners are entered there (and anywhere else they are nominated) and vie for the title of the grand supremem winner of all the GBs of the year. Just a thought.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Gang, just a quick update on what's going on.

I now have nominations in all but 2 categories (still need some figures and Most Improved whiffer nominations).
Several categories only have one nomination so far (Multi wing, ship, backstory and fictional country).

A grand total of 8 of you have submitted at least some nominations with BlackOps leading the way with almost his full allotment (thanks Jeff).

Still have not seen any nominations from several of our more prolific posters including some of the Moderators.  I know you guys have seen something on the site that you have liked.  I have seen posts that said you did.  So, nominate some of them.

Minimaster of Ceremonies

Hoping the other 700+ of you don't wait till the last minute to send your nominations.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


1/20 and things are looking up.
We now have nominations from 13 members, that's almost 2% of the forum.
Several builds are getting multiple votes so should have a good assortment for the Whiffie of the Year however, lots of categories don't have 5 front runners.  Only one category still has no noms, Most Improved Modeler.  I know those of you who have been here a while have seen several builders improve their builds by either showing better skills or more thought out conversions.
Only 2 whiff countries have votes so far so could use a little help there.  Figures, ships, armor, and several others could also use a little boosting.
I may have to rethink the Best Profile category.  I have several great nominations, only problem is, none are the same.  Seems we are a bit fickle on our profile choice.  Maybe I should have gone with Best Profiler, who knew.  Maybe some of the late nominators will make this one easier.
Well, two more days to go so hopefully, some of you are madly running through the old posts looking for those good ones.  Or maybe, just trying to find some of those that you remember you liked.  Either way, keep em coming people.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Philip - first off, thanks for all your efforts: must be a handful collating all these PMs

Few Points:

In all fairness, far fewer than 700 people have been active members of the site during the period this has been discussed.

I think Most Improved Modeller is the only one I didn't nominate in: having only been here 6 months, I didn't feel qualified to make that judgement.

Best Profile is, as you suggest, nearly impossible due to the sheer volume of them. Best Profiler would perhaps work better as you suggest.

I took Best Camouflage to be "Best Colour Scheme" whether it was "camouflage" or not.

The distinction between Kitbash and Scratchbuilt needs better defining: I was unsure where to put some things.

Best Alternate Country should perhaps be Best Alternate History: then it's just a straight choice from the relevent part of the forum, rhater than wondering what qualifies as a "Country" thread or not. This is because Countries can be subsumed in larger threads: for instance, I created the Country of the Earldom of Cheshire, but because it, and many other people's countries, are a small component of Patchwork World, it doesn't have it's own thread you can reference.

"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones