
Whiffie Nominations are Closed

Started by philp, January 08, 2009, 07:17:08 PM

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i know this is a very difficult task you have undertaken and i don't mean this to sound critical or anything, but there are too many categories! and a lot of choice within those categories.

maybe next time, if there is a next time, a group of the 'senior members' should chose 3 or 4 for each category and thus avoid giving me, and possibly other members, a major headache.

keep up the good work.  :thumbsup:

i will be voting when the finalists have been chosen. it's choosing the finalists that's the killer.


Hey, can we start the whiffies for 2009 already please? I mean, if we could have a sub-forum for the whiffies, and have a picture post for each of the categories. Those of us who then go ahead and do a build we think is worthy of the whiffie nomination can then post a picture (a maximum of 2 though, AND NO TEXT :wacko:). That would help the 2009 whiffies quite a lot :thumbsup:


I'm going to start keeping a list of nominations for 09 in a word document when I spot them through out the year. Makes things easier.
Not sure about the idea of having a forum, I mean it's meant to be secret. The nominees (ie: LOLcats in the act of eating, nom nom nom!) are not meant to know they have been nomed until voting begins.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.

Ed S

That's a good idea puddingwrestler. I like the thought of keeping a file through the year with potential nominees. It would sure beat trying to review a whole year's worth of posts to find some nominees.

We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.


Thanks for the feedback all.

Weaver, as to the number of members, I just took the number from the site.  While I never expected 700 people to nominate, I was thinking that 25-30 of us would based just on post count.

Will carry through with Best Profile this year as there is some fantastic work done on these.  Best Profiler is still a possibility for 2009 but how do you pick that person, number of profiles, quality, do requests, create new designs, etc.  A profile can call out to you either by the skill it was rendered, a subject you love, or just one that makes you go wow.

Camoflage/Color scheme, works for me.

I have always defined Kitbash as a build made using other kit parts as the main pieces of the build. BDB and Eddie M are just 2 names that jump to mind.  Scratchbuilt is building a kit out materials that could include kit parts but is mainly made from other materials.  BDB's breadclip biplanes and Rafael's cardboard builds again jump to mind.  The great thing about these categories is there is no right or wrong answer and there are builds entered in both, picked by different modelers which gives them more noms and a better chance at being in the running for the Whiffie of the Year.

I know lots of countries are buried in other posts.  I was hoping this nomination would bring to light some of the more interesting ideas our members have come up with.  Oh, and Weaver, there is nothing wrong with nominating your own country, builds, etc.

TT43, the whole point of the nomination process was to give everyone that wants to, an equal chance to pick your favorites.  I feel all of us know great whiffery when we see it.  I based the process loosely on the Oscar awards process.  Sorry if it is giving you a headache.

B787, I don't want a thread where next years nominations are kept all year.  I said it before and PW and Ed both seem to agree, the nomination process is supposed to be secret.  Making your own file on your computer to keep track of the ones you like is an excellent idea and I encourage you all to do that.  If nothing else, it makes it easier to find some of those builds, etc that inspire you for your own builds.

I also don't want a 2009 thread to confuse someone who is still trying to find something to nominate for 2008.

That said, I don't see any reason a new thread can't be started after the Awards Ceremony to sway the nominators for next year much like the one I posted for 2008.  Plus, I would love to see more people make use of the Galleries to post your builds, profiles, etc.  It does make it easier to find some of these.

Ok, think I covered most of that feedback (which, as they say at work, is a gift).  It is almost Thursday, the 22nd here in Utah so I will let you all take a few more moments to track down some more nominations.  Also, if you are reading this, stay tuned for another announcement (1 more extension, I am not saying).
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Phil ,you have done a great job on this and we all really appreciate all your hard work.  :wub: :bow:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Here's another approach to the "keeping track" problem.

Put up a thread where people can post pictures and links for POTENTIAL nominees throughout the year. There are no categories and no limits; it's just an aide-memoir, or a "plug-your-favorite" thread, if you like. Then run the actual nomination/voting process the way you have done, but it's much easier for people to track down the stuff they want to nominate by simply referring to the thread.
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


OK, one last time.
Got to thinking that Thursday is silly day to end nominations so...
You all have through the weekend, midnight, MST, Sunday, Jan 24th.  Then I have a week to tally all the nominations and set up the final vote which will run for 1 week (one week only Vasilly) with the final ceremony taking place by Feb 15th (if I can get the TV coverage).

Really would like to get nominations from at least 7 more people which would get us up to 20 (counting mine) but even a couple more would be helpful.

So, please, nominate something or somebody.  And for those of you who have already sent in some, but not all, of your allowed noms, you got a couple days to pick a few more.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


1/22 and now new nominations all day.
So, extended through the end of the Weekend.
Please take a few more minutes and send a few more nominations.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Almost noon here on another snowy day in Utah.  That means just over 12 hours left to nominate the Whiffies.
This last extension has worked really well, 1 guy submitted a few but nothing from anybody else.
There will be NO more extensions as I need to get this in place and the vote running.

I have checked with the powers that be and the easiest way for me will be to put Polls up for each category under the Whiffies Child Board.  Course, that means you all need to go through 27 (I think) different topics to cast your votes so hope someone doesn't get about halfway and decide it is too much work.  This way, I will have the winners ready to post in a week.  That also means that you all can see the results after the vote but I have an idea about that.  We shall see how it works.

Anyway, please take a few last moments to nominate some entries, especially if you haven't done so yet.

Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Are you going to put images of the nominations for each category in thier respective threads? Seems to me that'd help people decide and streamline voting, although ti is, of course, more work to set up for you.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Planning on a link to either a pic or the thread.  One reason I wanted people to include links was so I had that info.  Never done a poll before so will see how this goes.

Got any last minute nominations?
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Thanks to all who took the time to send in nominations.  Some great stuff has been nominated.
I will be compiling the results this week and plan to have the voting threads up by next Monday.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

John Howling Mouse

Quote from: Weaver on January 22, 2009, 04:57:14 AM
Here's another approach to the "keeping track" problem.

Put up a thread where people can post pictures and links for POTENTIAL nominees throughout the year. There are no categories and no limits; it's just an aide-memoir, or a "plug-your-favorite" thread, if you like. Then run the actual nomination/voting process the way you have done, but it's much easier for people to track down the stuff they want to nominate by simply referring to the thread.

Thanks for all your hard work on this Phil.  I agree with Weaver's suggestion above and it's been mentioned in PM's to me from a few other modelers, too.  Trying to recall and locating my favorite whifs from 2008 nearly had me quitting the process halfway.  It's just too much to dig through!  We need a single thread where Whiffers can post two pics (no other text beyond the subject's title) of whatever model truly tickled their fancy, regardless of category or formal nomination at that point.  That way, we can all look back at the end of 2009 and go, "Oh yeah, I remember when so-and-so did that fantastic model---I'll go nominate him/her for a Whiffie in the category of my choice."

Hey, if nothing else, we'll wind up with one heck of a gallery (should be linked to the Site's homepage for first-time visitors to see, too).
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.