Westernise it (it hasn't be brought up, right?)

Started by dy031101, January 28, 2009, 10:26:20 AM

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I don't know if this the right place to post this... but I got a idea.
Why don't we westernize the trucks used to carry other eastern weapons.
I got several ideas(all including the HEMTT truck as a base-line chaissis):
1. 4 S-300 missile tubes on a HEMTT(HEMTT is already used to carry Patriot SAM's & the regular russian truck carrying the system looks kinda like a HEMTT(if you look at it on the side.).
2. Replace the Tatra trucks carrying the RM-70 MLRS with HEMTT trucks.
3. And the most distrubing of all... A HEMTT towing/carrying a Ballistic Missile/Scud.
Fulcrums Forever!!!
Master Assembler


With all the interest for the Mi-17 from NATO, i know what i'm going to do...