Motherload of old kits!

Started by Ollie, January 28, 2004, 06:34:26 PM

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A guy we know sold Thierry $40 of old kits. In it, in 1/48 :

- Tamiya Lancaster
- Monogram B-24 (with glass nose)
- Monogram B-29
- Testor C-130

Thierry kept the Lanc and I got the 3 other Viermots.

In 1/35 :

- Revell Corsair
- Revell Hellcat
- Revell Wildcat
- Spit VII
- Zero
- Hurrie
- P-40
- Bf 110
- Huey
- Hughes 500

Oh, I got my 3 big planes for a Eduard He 280 and a crappy 1/48 Nanzan.  The kits all need love, but it sure beats having to buy them!!!   :wub:  :wub:  :wub: :ar:

First image is the three big ones.


Next is the B-29.  Notice how dusty it is, as if we just found it in the desert!

:wub:  :wub:  





My only junk kit is this Mono DC-3, my airbrush test bed!  I got it when I did my confirmation and I have no intentions of either throwing it away or restoring it!   :wub:

It even has a What-If paint scheme!



Thierry having fun with the 1/32 Zeke swooping down on the B-29.



Now the 1/32 stuff.  Love the junkyard look of it!




Captain Canada

Well, you know what they say......" One man's junk is another man's treasure"

Now let's see you combine all kits in each scale to make some kind of 'super' bird !

;)  :wub:  :ph34r:  
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Well Toad, the B-24 will be a RCAF Maritime Patrol plane to seek out U-Boats, the B-29 will be Kee-Bird and the Hercules will be RCAF, but not sure what scheme...  I can't comment on the other kits, as I'll give them to a buddy of mine.



QuoteMy only junk kit is this Mono DC-3, my airbrush test bed!  I got it when I did my confirmation and I have no intentions of either throwing it away or restoring it!   :wub:

It even has a What-If paint scheme!

has kind of a " L.A. anarchy "  feel to it...great stuff !!

The Rat

Oh great, now you'll keep the neighbours up all night while you run around making airplane noises!  :P  
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