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Fw-190 and Ta-152 WHIF Ideas

Started by Joe C-P, July 15, 2002, 10:43:04 AM

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Joe C-P

QuoteThis is probably an old one, a few years back at the Nats I saw a what if Fw190 in IDFAF markings. The sign with it asked what would have happened if the Czechs had built them instead of the S199. I have just borrowed a book called War Prizes, (Butler, P. Midlandcounties, 1994). In the section on CZ - they operated both A and D subseries as the S-90. It does not give numbers of a/c involved, but I suspect it was the availability of engines that stopped them.
I plan to someday make one as a carrier fighter or torpedo bomber, a replacement for the Bf-109s on board Graf Zeppelin. I'm fairly certain that at least one variant could carry a torpedo, but wouldn't mind someone backing me up.
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


OK, here's my post war German a/c currently building plan as it currently stands:

1. French built Ta152C, as the NC901, adapting what they found left over in an underground Fw190 factory on French territory and reverse engineering from a captured example or two (maybe some blue prints falling their way, too). The DB603s may have been assembled in a factory close to German border.

2. Using the smuggled blue prints and French built DB603s, Dornier's Swiss subsidiary builds Do 355 all-weather fighters post war for the Swiss, beating off surplus NF Mosquitos by virtue of being locally built. A French captured Do 355 is used during the test program.

3. The Czech store of DB601 engines wasn't burnt down, so they bulit more S.99s (Bf 109Gs) and no S.199 Mezeks (Mules). The Albanias, with few other options available, buy some to supplement and second source the Soviet supplied Yak-3s.

4. Me-262 recce version, a post war Czech built one, in Yugoslav markings.  Yes, the Czechs really did make some S.92 "Tubina" from leNazi left overs and apparently the Yugoslav AF order a couple, but they weren't delivered. Actually, I've just finished a Revell kit of this in a rather striking winter camo.

So, there you go. Just a little bit of fact and a bit of a stretch and some fiction.  :)


My info is that the Czechs tested one a/c with BMW 003s, but that the results were unsatisfactory and the aircraft was re-engined with the Jumo 004B.


Hi Joe, the Fw 190A-5/U14 was the type that could carry a torpedo.

all the best Steve
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


I've been thinking about 190s/152s of late in a post war environment, and the idea of a IDFAF Ta152H recce plane has some interest. Rather than being Czech, though, I was thinking of the French, who did after all build Fw190A-5s or A-8s as the NC900 post war. What if they upgraded to the 190D or even to Ta152s instead... and then exported some.

The idea of a French built, Swiss marked Ta152 sounds neat, but not sure if I should go for a C or H model. Any suggestions as which might be better suited to the Swiss environment, or which the French might be most likely to go for?


QuoteAs for the Swiss using the Ta 152, the C series would have been the best bet, as it would be unlikely the Swiss would have any need for high altitue interceptors.
Tho's little old hill's the swiss have are high.
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


I would think the diff would boil down to the enviroment being used in: Heavy, built-up European fare, use the HVARs and bombs, more open but tanks likely in concentration with lots of lightly equipped embarked troops, time for the napalm. Korea/Indochina comes to mind for the second option..


Hi all,

I'm building an NC901 (that's a French post-war version of the Ta 152C) to fit into my WW3 scenario [a href=\"http://members.tripod.com/ta152h/index-2.html\" target=\"_blank\"](see website for more details)[/a] and was wondering what would be a better tank hunting load for 1950: 4 x 5 inch RPs and 2 x 1,000 bombs or the rockets and napalm tanks (Mustang style teardrop tanks)? It's going to be in Italian markings.

Any suggestions? :/


Thanks for that. Weaponeering has always bemused me. It'll be helping to defend the outskirts of Rome, so probably built up area load would be best. Here come the bombs and RPs!




Well, the Piston Perfection build is coming up, and I figured I'd throw out an idea I came up with while on the throne; twinned Fw fighters!

I had the Ta 152 in mind, but you can apply this to any single seat, single engined, tractor prop fighters of the '40s. Except the Mustang, naturally.

Fw 190Z - Two seat Zerstörer or escort. Simply Take two 190Ds and smack them together with a new center wing.

Ta 304 -Join two FW190Ds or Ta152 with new wing...

Ta 304A -Daytime Zerstörer/Escort with fuselage mounted guns and right-side cockpit removed, freeing up room for armor and fuel as needed. Amament consists of cannons in center wing, perhaps 4x30mm or 2x20mm & 1x37mm.

Ta 304B -Daytime missile carrying Zerstörer. Both cockpits present and with light gun amament, usually prop hub guns only. Pylons for X-4(or similar) wire or radio guided missiles missiles, which would be controlled from right-hand cockpit

Ta 304C -Two seat night fighter. Fuselage guns present, with radar dish in center wing section, or antennae on outer wings. Radar operator on right-side cockpit

Ta 304H -Two Ta 152Hs joined together with right-hand cockpit faired over. 152H-1 is high altitude fighter with guns similar to Ta 304A. Ta 152H-2/R-1F is reconaissance with prop-hub guns only and cameras in right-side fuselage.

Ta 380 -Twinned radial engined Fw190.

Ta 380A -Single seat low altitude Zerstörer with fuselage mounted guns and right-side cockpit removed, freeing up room for armor and fuel as needed. Amament consists of cannons in center wing, perhaps 4x30mm or 2x20mm & 1x37mm. Something's gotta shoot at all those Soviet sturmoviks and tactical bombers.

Ta 380B -Single seat attack aircraft. Twinned radial engined Fw190, with right-side cockpit removed. Cowl guns retained, with 2x37mm cannon in center wing section with 20mm on each outboard wing.  Bomb racks under each fuselage and center of wing. Rockets optional.

Ta 380W -Single seat floatplane torpedo/dive bomber, one float under each fuselage. Guns on engine cowls and outboard wings only. Torpedo rack on center wing section. Ta 380W-2 has divebrakes. Ta 380V13 has right-side cockpit facing backwards with occupant controling defensive barbette on center wing.

Ta 380Z -Stripped down early model or worn out 190s twinned together, to be used as trainers and glider tugs. Guns fitted as needed for night harassment or weapons training.
"How about this for a headline for tomorrows paper? French fries." ~~ James French, d. 1966 Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.

Jeffry Fontaine

What are the chances of a lash up using the Fw-190 or Ta-152 with the engine or engines from an Me/Bf-109.  

Better yet, what about an Me-110 with Fw-190 or Ta-152 engines?
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


QuoteWhat are the chances of a lash up using the Fw-190 or Ta-152 with the engine or engines from an Me/Bf-109.  

Better yet, what about an Me-110 with Fw-190 or Ta-152 engines?
Perhaps a Fw-190D/Ta-152 with the engine and cowling from a Me-410 and with the radiator suitably located (wasn't there a V-series Fw-190 wth this configuration?).

Fw-190D/Ta-152 with the "swallow wing" tested on Fw-190V19.

A combination of the above two ideas.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin

Iranian F-14A

A carrier based fighter bomber model to replace the Me-109Ts.This would pretty much be a standard short nosed -190 model with a hook,and beefed up landing gear.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever-1984
Current projects:
OH-58F Kiowa Warrior
S-70C Civilian Hawk
HAL Light Combat Helicopter
S-64 Skycrane Firefighter

Daryl J.

Long wing Ta-152 (?H?) with swallow tail?  

Daryl J.


Wasn't there a Ta-152 or Fw-190D-9 Zwilling posted a few months back?


All hail the God of Frustration!!!