USAF Fighters

Started by tigercat2, May 10, 2009, 05:45:04 AM

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Here are several What If USAF fighters; I have always had a fondness for the Century Series, and thanks to Trumpetor (F-107) and Anigrand (F-103, 108 and 109), was able to complete the series in 1/72.

Wes W


What if the USAF bought the F-17 and developed it into the F-18 or a deriviative.

Wes W.


A few Huns, and some other What if stuff scattered about.

Wes W.


Thuds and a few others.

Wes W.


The spectaular but unbuilt Republic F-103, in What if markings.

Wes W.


The shark mouth suits that!


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Everything Looks Cool :mellow: I think the 103 Really looks Cool with Shark's Mouth!!!!! Tell if You guys Agrre or Not but.......Doesn't the 103 look like Something you'd see in an Episode of 'Thunderbirds'????? Keep up the Great Work!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :cheers:


Outstanding...... Really digging your USAF Banshe.


Thanks so much for the kind words; I thought the Banshee would look good in SEA cammo; also in this world the Navy used the F-84F (probably called it the F2R or something like that).

Here are a few more Fighter What ifs.

Wes W.


Lovin' the Thunderwarrior and Draken  :thumbsup:


Here is the Viggen in use by the USAF.

Wes W.


Did a double take when I saw the Draken, for a brief moment I thought there was something very unusual about a F-102!
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


For some reason, the photos I posted to this site have vanished.  Here is a test photo; let's see if this works.  When I selected the "Additional Options", there seems to be no provision to post photos. 

Has there been a change in the system, or am I doing something wrong?

Wes W.


Hi Wes,

Sorry, I was messing with the board controls and accidentally disabled Attachments.  I've disabled new attachments for the time being as we are dealing with some board issues.  You should still be able to insert images you've uploaded elsewhere on to the forum though.
"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"


Thanks, I thought it was something I was doing wrong.

Wes W.