Photobucket Tutorial?

Started by sequoiaranger, May 18, 2009, 09:32:52 AM

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I have to confess I am a bit intimidated by the off-site photo-upload system most people seem to use here. I  **REALLY** liked the forum's own system, but (sigh) I guess that is history now. :angry:

Can someone "walk me through" a typical posting here using an off-site photo repository, so I can have a chance at doing it right? :unsure:
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


1:  sign up with photobucket
2: create an album, such as "models 09"
3: upload your image(s)
4: underneath your images in the album, there will be a series of bars,
    direct link
    html code
    img code

    Pick the "direct link" line, and copy it.

5:  on the thread that you would like to post your image to, select the "image" icon (the little landscape looking thing, 2nd in from the left on the lower bar, above the emoticons.) 
6: paste the copied link into the image line.
7: submit your post !

   Make sure you keep the images somewhat small, I always resize everything to be 800 px wide at the most.


If you have any further problems, feel free to call me and I can walk you through it.



Gotta get to work, but will try it out this evening.

Thanks. Hopefully others will see this. You will have "done your good deed for the day" here! ;D
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Can I ask a question ?

When I load pics to Photobucket it gives me -tiny, small, medium, large, 15", 17" and 1 megabyte - size options to save as. Whats the best one to use for subsequent posting here ? Only I now find I can only load 1 image per page rather then the 4 I could via the direct post method previously available.

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


...the 680 pixel size.

>Whats the best one to use for subsequent posting here ?<

I found that about 720 pixels was the limit for this forum without needing a "slider bar" to see the whole image. The slider thing is annoying, to me, especially when there are multiple pics and I can only see 3/4 of all the pics until I scroll down to the bottom and then see the other 1/4 after I move the slider. There was an option for an 800 pixel save that I considered, but stuck with the 680 size for my presentations.

> Only I now find I can only load 1 image per page rather then the 4 I could via the direct post method previously available.<

I have used multiple images on a post here since the new photo-posting regime took effect. I think you just have to add some dialogue or symbols in between pics.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: cthulhu77 on May 18, 2009, 09:39:55 AM
1:  sign up with photobucket
2: create an album, such as "models 09"
3: upload your image(s)
4: underneath your images in the album, there will be a series of bars,
    direct link
    html code
    img code

    Pick the "direct link" line, and copy it.

5:  on the thread that you would like to post your image to, select the "image" icon (the little landscape looking thing, 2nd in from the left on the lower bar, above the emoticons.) 
6: paste the copied link into the image line.
7: submit your post !

   Make sure you keep the images somewhat small, I always resize everything to be 800 px wide at the most.

Alternatively, you can copy the img code link and paste it directly into your post, anywhere you like.
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones

John Howling Mouse

Quote from: sequoiaranger on May 18, 2009, 09:32:52 AM
I have to confess I am a bit intimidated by the off-site photo-upload system most people seem to use here. I  **REALLY** liked the forum's own system, but (sigh) I guess that is history now. :angry:

Can someone "walk me through" a typical posting here using an off-site photo repository, so I can have a chance at doing it right? :unsure:

Here is the text I e-mailed to Wes a little while ago.  It's overly detailed but I think even a computer novice can follow it like a recipe and it should work even if one does not really understand the steps in computer terms:

For the sake of what I hope will be clarity, I'm going to assume you are relatively new to computers and the internet for these instructions.  You may already know some or most of the steps below.

Go to
Register online for the "free" user account version.  If asked about auto-linking to your third-party preferences such as Facebook, MySpace, etc., simply leave those blank (ignore and skip).
Once registered, uploading your images to Photoshop and linking from those uploaded images to other websites (such as What If) is very easy.

On your Photoshop album webpage, there is a box saying "Upload Images & Video"
Ensure selection for choosing files is "from my computer" then click the "Choose Files" button.
Browse through your computer files the way you normally would and select whichever files you want to upload.  Like on most programs, you can select multiple files at the same time
by pressing the "Ctrl" key while you left-click with your mouse on each of the image files you wish to choose.
When you have selected the one or multiple files you want to upload, click on the "Open" button at the bottom right of the Photobucket window (or, if the "Open" button is already highlighted, simply press "Enter" on your keyboard).
It will take a moment to upload a couple of normal-sized image files (each, say, 150KB size), longer if you're uploading more than a dozen large files at a time.
Once the upload is complete, you will see either:
1. a listing of each image that was uploaded with the opportunity to put tags and descriptions on it (this is a new feature for "Pro/paid" accounts so I don't know if "free" accounts see this; if you do, ignore it and select "Go back to album"
or the "Album" button)
or you might see:
2. your original album again

Either way, you want to get back to your album page.  The images you uploaded will be tiles there as small preview thumbnails.

Choose an image you want to display on another website (such as What If) by moving your mouse over the image but do NOT click on it.  Once your cursor is hovering over the image, a drop-down box will appear with
four ways of linking the image (little descriptions with some computer text next to them in a white field).  Always select the option at the bottom of the four: IMG Code by left-mouse-clicking the white field of computer text next to it.
Now, Photobucket had a handy feature for awhile at this point but it doesn't work on my computers anymore: a single left-mouse-click on the white field of computer text next to "IMG Code" used to auto-copy it.  You'd even get some text pop up, telling you "Copied."  Now, I have to single-left click the field to select it and, once highlighted, I then right-click my mouse to open the Windows options and select "Copy"  (alternatively, you can substitute Ctrl and C buttons at the same time for the same copying function).  Leave the Photobucket website open only if you will have more than one image to link, otherwise you can close it.  Select a new tab on Internet Explorer to open your destination website where you want to post the image you've just copied.

Go to your destination website where you want to post your image.  In this example, we'll say it's the What If website.
In your "New Topic" or "Post Reply" window, type whatever descriptive text you want, then, when you've reached the spot where you want to insert the image from Photobucket, right-click and choose "Paste" from the Windows option (or you can substitute pressing Ctrl and V buttons at the same time for the same pasting function).
Some computer gibberish will appear in your textbox now.  This "is" your image and it will appear as a photograph the rest of us can see once you hit the "Post" button.  If you want to test view it first, you can use the "Preview" button at the bottom of the What If text box.  If it looks right, simply hit the "Post" button and you've now uploaded your Photobucket images onto What If without the limitations of filesize on What If (and using less bandwidth from the site, too).  If you want to add more images in the same textbox, repeat the steps above using other images from your Photobucket account.

If you want to reference a link to another webpage altogether (such as another of your build threads or another modeling site), follow these steps:
At the website/page you want to link, left-click on the URL/address at the top of your Internet Explorer screen, highlighting the website's address.  You can either right-click and choose "Paste" or simply press Ctrl and C buttons on your keyboard to copy the URL/address.
Go to your target website (again, we'll say this is What If).  At the top of What If's "Post Reply" textbox, there are two rows of hotkeys (above the smilies).
Click on the third icon from the left, right under the underlined U hotkey.  The button you want looks like a tiny icon of Earth with an even smaller page-file partially in front of it. If you hover your mouse over the button, text saying "Insert Hyperlink" will appear.  Clicking on this will put the following HTML code in your textbox:
You have already right-clicked and "copied" the website's URL/address so, on the textbox in What If now, position the cursor right after the first "url" in brackets.  Press your "=" (equal sign) on your keyboard then right-click your mouse and choose "Paste" from the Windows options box (or you can substitute Ctrl and V buttons at the same time for the same pasting function).  Your text will now look something like this:

You have already right-clicked and "copied" the website's URL/address so, on the textbox in What If now, position the cursor right after the first "url" in brackets.  Press your "=" (equal sign) on your keyboard then right-click your mouse and choose "Paste" from the Windows options box (or you can substitute Ctrl and V buttons at the same time for the same pasting function).  Your text will now look something like this:

Between the ][ brackets, type in a descriptive text of the website you're linking to.  Some people simply type the words 'click me' or 'clicky' but it helps to use something meaningful such as "my subject build" or the actual name of the website such as "Modeling Madness" to let people know first what they might be clicking on and where that action will take them.
Your text should now look something like this:
Name of the targeted website

When you hit "Post," what the rest of us will see is your text with the "Name of the targeted website" showing up as a clickable hyperlink right where you put it (no computer gibberish).  So, if you're talking about some other site you want us to see, we can choose if we want to take a quick peek over there as we're reading your own entry on What If.

Hope this helps,

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Couple of minor extra points if I may John? (in red)

Quote from: John Howling Mouse on June 06, 2009, 12:31:03 PM

Here is the text I e-mailed to Wes a little while ago.  It's overly detailed but I think even a computer novice can follow it like a recipe and it should work even if one does not really understand the steps in computer terms:

For the sake of what I hope will be clarity, I'm going to assume you are relatively new to computers and the internet for these instructions.  You may already know some or most of the steps below.

Go to
Register online for the "free" user account version.  If asked about auto-linking to your third-party preferences such as Facebook, MySpace, etc., simply leave those blank (ignore and skip).
Once registered, uploading your images to Photoshop (Photobucket) and linking from those uploaded images to other websites (such as What If) is very easy.

On your Photoshop (Photobucket) album webpage, there is a box saying "Upload Images & Video"
Ensure selection for choosing files is "from my computer" then click the "Choose Files" button.
Browse through your computer files the way you normally would and select whichever files you want to upload.  Like on most programs, you can select multiple files at the same time by pressing the "Ctrl" key while you left-click with your mouse on each of the image files you wish to choose. When you have selected the one or multiple files you want to upload, click on the "Open" button at the bottom right of the Photobucket window (or, if the "Open" button is already highlighted, simply press "Enter" on your keyboard). It will take a moment to upload a couple of normal-sized image files (each, say, 150KB size), longer if you're uploading more than a dozen large files at a time.

Once the upload is complete, you will see either:

1. a listing of each image that was uploaded with the opportunity to put tags and descriptions on it (this is a new feature for "Pro/paid" accounts so I don't know if "free" accounts see this; if you do, ignore it and select "Go back to album" or the "Album" button) (yes, it now happens to free accounts too: wish there was some way to stop it, but I havn't found one yet...)

or you might see:

2. your original album again

Either way, you want to get back to your album page.  The images you uploaded will be tiles there as small preview thumbnails.

Choose an image you want to display on another website (such as What If) by moving your mouse over the image but do NOT click on it.  Once your cursor is hovering over the image, a drop-down box will appear with four ways of linking the image (little descriptions with some computer text next to them in a white field).  (You can change your preferences in Account Options: Album Settings: Link Options so that these boxes appear all the time, without needing a mouseover)

Always select the option at the bottom of the four: IMG Code by left-mouse-clicking the white field of computer text next to it. (You can also change your preferences in Account Options: Album Settings: Link Options so that ONLY the IMG code box appears - handy 'cos you get more pictures on each screen....)

Now, Photobucket had a handy feature for awhile at this point but it doesn't work on my computers anymore: a single left-mouse-click on the white field of computer text next to "IMG Code" used to auto-copy it.  You'd even get some text pop up, telling you "Copied."  Now, I have to single-left click the field to select it and, once highlighted, I then right-click my mouse to open the Windows options and select "Copy"  (alternatively, you can substitute Ctrl and C buttons at the same time for the same copying function).  (Think this is the same for everyone now - I've never had the auto-copy function)

Leave the Photobucket website open only if you will have more than one image to link, otherwise you can close it.  Select a new tab on Internet Explorer to open your destination website where you want to post the image you've just copied.

Go to your destination website where you want to post your image.  In this example, we'll say it's the What If website.
In your "New Topic" or "Post Reply" window, type whatever descriptive text you want, then, when you've reached the spot where you want to insert the image from Photobucket, right-click and choose "Paste" from the Windows option (or you can substitute pressing Ctrl and V buttons at the same time for the same pasting function). Some computer gibberish will appear in your textbox now.  This "is" your image and it will appear as a photograph the rest of us can see once you hit the "Post" button.  If you want to test view it first, you can use the "Preview" button at the bottom of the What If text box.  If it looks right, simply hit the "Post" button and you've now uploaded your Photobucket images onto What If without the limitations of filesize on What If (and using less bandwidth from the site, too).  If you want to add more images in the same textbox, repeat the steps above using other images from your Photobucket account.


"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


Thanks guys thats how I like my instructions - step by step.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: NARSES2 on June 08, 2009, 04:10:50 AM
Thanks guys thats how I like my instructions - step by step.

Oh the irony!  :o ^^^ That... ^^^... coming from a Whiffer!   :rolleyes: :wacko:  ;D ;)

Instructions? We don't need no bleedin' instructions!  :party:

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Ok, ok - I should have inserted the acronym IT  ;D

Used to really throw my IT staff when I told them I wanted nice, simple, clear instructions on new software in plain English. The younger ones couldn't deal with it, had to be the older hands - no wonder I went through a lot of IT bods  :wacko:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Are the procedures the same for Facebook as I have a few pictures that I know you will chat about?


Quote from: McColm on October 10, 2021, 02:27:17 AM
Are the procedures the same for Facebook as I have a few pictures that I know you will chat about?

Right click the picture
Select copy image link
Paste the *entire* link between the img /img tags
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

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