
SE5A 1/48? scale Artiplast Kit--Allan in Canberra

Started by Allan, June 20, 2009, 09:02:48 PM

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My Sabre is ready for its first coat of RLM 76, but in the meantime I've been fooling around with this SE5A kit that I picked up for a measly few dollars. It's the Artiplast offering and the previous owner sanded away all the raised lines for the markings, so a lot of the work has been done for me. I posted a question on Hyperscale (some of you may have noticed) asking for cockpit tips and received some informative replies. I'm not sure at this stage what to do with this kit, but making it will be fun and I've thought about producing it in Hartmann's markings with the tulip nose and possibly with some more wing struts a la Sopwith Snipe.
I've done some work on the cockpit, so here are some photos. I've knocked up some seats and will give you info on how I did it in the tips section of this site.
Allan in Canberra


Good detail skills, congratulations. :thumbsup:
Uh, have you explained elsewhere your what-ifing project with this SE5A? Monoplane? Radial engine? Twin-engine? Tell us more or direct us, please, this may be even better... ;D
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Hi all,
Here's the plane with the cockpit painted and washed to resembel some sort of wood, along with a rudder bar (length of propelling pencil lead with small loops of wire cemented onto it, control column (ditto), and small seat, which I have painted RLM 02 and which will have to be touched up and possibly given a cushion before attaching some seat straps. That's enough for this small scale, although I'll also attach an instrument panel before cementing the two halves of the fus together.
How's about it so far?
Allan in Canberra


Hi fellows,
Here's the cockpit detail as it stands, all ready to slip into the cockpit tub. I'll do that much later, once the painting is complete as there is no sense in rushing things and snapping parts off. You can see where I used superglue to attach the rudder bar and control column---touch up needed there, I know. Any suggestions on how I can improve my technique?
Allan in Canberra, all set to glue the two fus halves together.


Brian da Basher

That's some absolutely wonderful detail work on the seat and cockpit, Allan!

I'm always in awe of those that are able to detail their models so convincingly.
Brian da Basher



Thanks fellows,
This is a very rough-and-ready kit that I won't treat too seriously. I've made some more progress and aren't fussed about sanding off injection marks on the plastic. It's amazing how much quick progress you can achieve when accuracy and precision are dispensed with. I'll just forge along quickly and rely on the paintwork and decals to attract the most attention.
Allan in Canberra


Incredible cockpit Allan!  I think you need a few more clothes pins in the tail though!   ;D  :thumbsup:
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Hi fellows,
Here's the SE5A in its first coat of matt Revell grey as an undercoat. I've little more sanding to do before the final camo can go on and, truth be told, I still haven't decided what to do with this plane. Suggestions please, but maybe Hartmann's marking. The tulip petals might pose a problem as the nose isn't circular like the 109.
Allan in Canberra

Brian da Basher

Here's a thought on the color scheme, Allan: Hartmann's markings but on top of W.W. I lozenge and late-W.W. I German balkankreuzes.
Brian da Basher   


Just splendid, Brian, I'll give it some real thought as I have some lozenge decal lying around, lots of Hartmann's decals and know someone who just might be convinced to part with some WW 1 crosses.
Allan in Canberra


Very Cool Job,So Far!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see More,Keep up the great Work :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :cheers:


Here she is. More work to do and also I'll show you the lozenge I want to use.
Allan in Canberra

Brian da Basher

You've got a real talent for mottle, Allan! I really like the colors and the upper gray is nicely scalopped. This project is coming along very nicely and you've got me looking forward to your next update!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher