
SE5A 1/48? scale Artiplast Kit--Allan in Canberra

Started by Allan, June 20, 2009, 09:02:48 PM

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Hi all and thanks for the kind compliments.
I've changed the camo around a little and here she is. What I have to do next is attach some machine guns (maybe four) to the fus, dispensing with the upperwing Lewis gun, and then start to add some lozenge camo. The interplane and undercarriage struts will be in varnished wood, as will the propellor. Then perhaps some straight-edge Balkan crosses, as suggested by Brian. Then Hartmann's markings.
The white is from Xtracrylix and went on pretty well, producing a satin, hard finish.
Allan in Canberra

Brian da Basher

I really like how you've enhanced the camo, Allan! The white mist on the mottle makes it look evne more like lozenge seen through a haze and the darker topside colors provide excellent contrast.

Very impressive and the top wing isn't even on yet.

Go, Allan, go!!!!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher


Great save on that cockpit.  I ran into something similar on a current project, and your solution is much better than mine.


Thanks fellows, more photos soon. I oversprayed the mottle with very thinned RLM 76. It's easy to do, but you have to be careful to make sure that the sides receive equal treament. I'm removing some old paint from some Browning machine guns at the moment. Once I've done that, they'll be painted darkish grey, metallized and then positioned artfully on the fus.
I'm looking forward very much to applying the lozenge camo--then I'll send out an SOS for some Balkan straight-sided crosses.
Allan in Canberra


Lozenge applied and copiously futured to make it snuggle down on to all the nooks and crannies of the wings.
Undersurface of top wing, in one long piece of decal, next and then the uppersurfaces.
Same lozenge pattern upper and lower as that's all I have.
Allan in Canberra

Brian da Basher

Nice job on the lozenge decals, Allan. I always imagine them as being difficult to work with. I seem to end out fighting with much smaller decals though. I like the colors, too which seem to be a perfect underside compliment to the uppers.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher


Brian et al,
These decals are not produced by a reputable decal company. Instead, they were made by a modeller using a printing machine, so the quality is not really up to scratch. They don't really look good and to boot have not adhered properly to the model, so I have removed them by soaking the plane in a bucket of water. This has caused the acrylic paint to slightly bubble here and there, which will require touching up. My old school mate might, or might not, have acquired some lozenge decal for me at a model show in the states. We'll see. So progress has stalled somewhat and I am in pondering my plight mode right now.
Allan in Canberra


I had to dispense with the lozenge decals and decide to model this plane in Africa Corps livery.
Here's the prop painted to resemble wood. I'll use a different color for the struts, maybe tan. Yellow on first and then brushed with thinned acrylic burnt sienna.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Brian da Basher

You've got an amazing talent for capturing woodgrain Allan! That prop of yours would pass muster over at the Aerodrome no problem! Any chance you might spill the beans on your technique?

I'm sorry the lozenge didn't work out, but sometimes the direction Plan B takes you in is even better than the original destination!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher


Thanks Brian and Chris,
Let's hope so re this model.
Today I did the struts and here's how they look. Not too bad. I started off with yellow and then applied acrylic tan and sienna mixed with some yellow to lighten the color in order to contrast it with the color of the prop. I think a yellow base is the go for this kind of work followed by acrylic.
Allan in Canberra

Brian da Basher

Sure looks like realistic Allan! Thanks for sharing your woodgrain secrets! Using a yellow base looks like an excellent choice!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher


Ditto here: That wood is superb!

I feel your pain on the printed decals, too.  I have some laser decal paper, and it works great for small stuff, but you really have to slather it with microsol to get it to sit down at all.  I can imagine it was a nightmare on those big wing surfaces.


Here're some more photos of one of the wings getting ready to be painted and after painting.
And where on our site has General Chat disappeared to??
Allan in Canberra


Nice work on the wooden look, Allen.

Also, it sure seems that you must have a jigsaw puzzle lying around from which you traced outlines of individual pieces onto tape, then cut out?? I have thought of that, but my scale, 1/72, is just too small to use that technique effectively (unless maybe I can get ahold of some travel puzzles that have miniature pieces!)

My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!