
Space 1999 Eagle

Started by Gary, July 12, 2009, 01:54:16 PM

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Can anyone recommend a good Space 1999 Eagle transporter?
I don't want to spend a mint but I also don't want a piece of crap. There are some studio scale ones that are poo and over 1000 bucks. I was gonna get one that was 12 inches long and supposedly accurate (Warp) but the reviews trashed the resin used as useless and very hard to work with. So much extra effort had to be put into supporting the landing pods as the weight if the kit will snap them off. I really want something interesting for the film class I am teaching. I have a big section on green screening and I want to do Sci-fi with something cool like the Eagle.
Getting back into modeling


If you can find the old AMT version, it was o.k.  If it was me, I would just scratchbuild it...not too much there.


The AMT kit is a nice simple build,Adaquate detail,Inexpensive and still gives you room to detail it further.It's suprising what a few wires and hoses do to dress up the skeletal framework that's the main frame of the Eagle,all in all I think it would fit the bill for what you want to do with it
Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


The Airfix Eagle goes for about £30-40 on Ebay  :banghead:
Thats one kit they should re-release.
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