
Made In China

Started by Sauragnmon, July 15, 2009, 05:34:56 PM

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Quote from: MiB on August 14, 2010, 03:46:05 PM
Maybe the same plane from movie: "The Jewel Of The Nile"?



All hail the God of Frustration!!!

Henry Yeh

As with all two-seat trainers, J-10S looks hideous compared to the single-seat versions.
I know the Israelis & USMC first popularized the "let's two-seat them all" fad, & suddenly the ugly became trendy, & therefore "cool", but sorry, not a fan here.

Henry Yeh

How come nobody mentioned this?

Anybody cares to make a 3D CG model, and slap on some real cool camos for PLAAF, PLAN, & export customers?


To be honest Henry, I think the J-10 is a very pretty airplane in both two & single seat models.  But what's the other photo you posted??  Is it an actual aircraft or is it a mockup?



Henry Yeh

J-XX, or J-20, a tech demonstrator now undergoing taxiing trial.


Most excellent, thanks for that Henry.




Of course, no one menitioned it yet as they don't know if it is a legit photo.

But it could be interesting as it could be the real deal.

Then again... I only found out about the new J-20 only last night/yesterday.

Hmm... a stealth fighter with canards!
Fulcrums Forever!!!
Master Assembler


Canard Delta, Butterfly Tails, Twin engines and look at the way the landing gear deploy... that's a very interesting aircraft.  I think I saw design sketches under the old J-XX entry that looked something like this, so it could well be a test aircraft.  It lacks the high spine of the PAK FA, it has the intakes right close to the body, the wings seem to have area ruling weights/actuators.  It looks reminiscent of the MiG 1.44, with a new forward fuselage design.  1.44 had the same rear look with the canard delta, the weighted wing actuators, the canted tails with ventral stabs, but the whole forward section is different.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


One point that is odd is that it is wearing Russian stars and not PLAAF ones???




They're not Russian stars, Mav. They're red and yellow with a Chinese character in the centre. Like their "stars'n'bars" roundels, just without the bar. :lol:

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Yeah, they're a trimmed-down PLAAF marking, which in this case is just the star, gold bordered, with 8 and 1 in the center, signifying the October 1st anniversary of the PLA.  It's easy to miss the characters in the center because they are thinly marked.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.

Henry Yeh

Curiously, given China's history of collaboration with Sukhoi, the J-20 clearly shows MiG 1.44 influence. Perhaps the J-11B license breach fiasco really threw Sukhoi off (now preferring instead to work with India)? Will MiG become a Chinese brand name (like they did to IBM)?
Personally, I think it's closer to F-15SE, capability wise, than to F-22. Also, from what I understand, J-20 is powered by a pair of indigenous engine, with nowhere near the thrust needed for supercruise. Doesn't mean it can't turn & burn with current generation fighters, but F-22 it ain't.

Henry Yeh

Too bad nearly all of China's allies are piss-poor 3rd World despots. I don't think any of them can afford this babe. We probably won't see it with foreign markings.


Guess Westwood didn't get that far off......  :lol:
To the individual soldiers, *everything* is a frontal assault!


Current Hobby Priority...... Sigh......

To-do list here

Henry Yeh

Life imitates art: the engineers at CAC have been playing too much C&C.