
Saab Gripen for RAF DACT and supplemental AD?

Started by AeroplaneDriver, July 16, 2009, 05:27:11 AM

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I left the magazine on the plane the other day, so I cant quote verbatim, but did anyone catch the article in the latest Air Forces Monthly on the woeful state of UK Air Defence?  In a small sidebar to the article the author mentions that the SAAB VP of Marketing or some such post has approached the MoD regarding a small Gripen purchase, primarily to give Typhoon pilots a better variety of DACT, but also to supplement the AD fleet...

Now obviously this isnt going to happen when the ****censored in compliance with board rules on politics**** currently in charge cant even get an extra few helos into the inventory, but who knows...things change....
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


I seriously doubt it - we're locked into Typhoon purchases by the penalties that were put into the contract to (ironically) stop the Germans threatening to pull out every other Thursday.

As for better DACT....thats what NATO is for.
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


I also doubt it. The budget is tight enough as it is. RAF Gripens would be seriously cool, though.

Quote from: nev on July 16, 2009, 09:02:18 AM
As for better DACT....thats what NATO is for.

And now for another completely mad thought. How about a dedicated NATO Aggressor force?  :wacko: One that is funded by all members, has pilots from as many member countries as possible and flies around as necessary. Maybe give them a home base where they have some space for ranges and where other members can deploy to. They could deploy to other bases as needed (in support of some large exercises or such). Probably way too expensive, but a cool thought nonetheless.

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Well, I'm sure you could put some sort of composite squadron together - each nation contributes a couple of fighters, so you'd get various different types in there - F-4s, F-16s, F-18s, Typhoons, Gripens, Rafales, Mirage 2000s, etc. Money and red tape would get in the way, though. Would be cool to see nonetheless.

As for buying the Gripen, I'd rather see the money spent on the Tiffies. Or Nimrods. Or more Merlins for the Army. Or a couple of extra Darings. Or more APCs. Etc, etc etc. Plenty of current programmes that need money before we start any new ones. :)
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


Realistically, with the way the Tiffies are limited in acquisition amongst the member countries, and all that red tape, I don't see why the RAF wouldn't investigate a secondary acquisition to supplement the slow pickup of Tiffies in the RAF, with other fighter aircraft getting long in the tooth.  Similar for other ground attack units.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


Well a Gripen buy could be facilitated by a reduced JSF purchase by the RAF (the ac allotted to the RN would be unaffected), especially if it's the new Gripen NG.

At least thats my 2 shillings worth.

Shas 8)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


QuoteAs for better DACT....thats what NATO is for.

For a while there, the Luftwaffe was - when they inherited their MiG-29s, everyone wanted to 'play' with them ;D.

Now, with all the extra additions to NATO, it still is I guess.

As to RAF Gripens, I still think it makes a great replacement for the Jag.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Poland still has some Mig-29s I think, and are a NATO country.
But it might be cheaper to hire a few Ukrainian Su's to have a go at the real thing, but I couldn't see the Ministery of Defeat doing anything like that.


Sounds like a Good Idea but...........I think MoD might have Trouble trying to get some of the 'Monkeyheads' to Allow them the Money, also, Doesn't the RAF have Standing Oders for Tornados as Well as Typhoons? might make it harder to get Gripens in that case!!!!! Stay Cool guys! :ph34r: :thumbsup: :cheers:


Quotedid anyone catch the article in the latest Air Forces Monthly on the woeful state of UK Air Defence?  In a small sidebar to the article the author mentions that the SAAB VP of Marketing or some such post has approached the MoD regarding a small Gripen purchase, primarily to give Typhoon pilots a better variety of DACT, but also to supplement the AD fleet...

I have said magazine and it does make a point that the proposal is one extremely unlikely to be taken up.  ah well, all the more whiff fodder...

QuotePoland still has some Mig-29s I think, and are a NATO country.

Yep - in fact some are the ex-Luftwaffe ones.  I should probably clarify my statement a little - when I said "Now, with all the extra additions to NATO, it still is I guess."  I wasn't referring to Germany in particular but rather that the additional Eastern (primarily) additions to NATO in recent years offer plenty of options for a DACT SQN? with MiG-21s, 23s, 29s Mils etc.  Maybe something based in Luxembourg for use against all NATO countries?


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


I like the NATO Aggressor Squadron idea, maybe with UN markings applied.  If you don't mind, think I will open this as a new thread.

While RAF Grippens would look cool, I think it would be cheaper to get a few Lawn Darts (F-16s) to play with.  Plus, they also look cool in RAF markings as other modelers have already shown here.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Quote from: GTX on July 17, 2009, 12:14:22 PM
As to RAF Gripens, I still think it makes a great replacement for the Jag.

Quite suitable to replace some of the RAF Harriers too :thumbsup: (though some will be needed for the carriers)
The Gripen NG nad EF2000 combo could also replace the Tornado GR4 with time.


ive read that piece in AFM to  ;D
gripen s as agressors is quite a good iea, but to expensice for the RAF as im reading, even secondhand gripens (sweden is selling its JAS-39A/B models)

if i was the MoD, take a couple of Tornado's, Hawks & Typhoons, paint them in agressor color schemes and there you go, your own agressor/DACT unit. or do what israel does and buy some secondhand MIG-29's or SU-27's cheaply.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Israel never bought any Fulcrums or Flankers, althou a few 29s from Poland were borrowed for eval back around 97-98ish

Shas 8)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Quote from: Shasper on July 23, 2009, 02:34:08 PM
Israel never bought any Fulcrums or Flankers, althou a few 29s from Poland were borrowed for eval back around 97-98ish

Shas 8)

I think it was revealed a few weeks back that Israel did in fact operate their own MiG-29s for combat training.