
Saab Gripen for RAF DACT and supplemental AD?

Started by AeroplaneDriver, July 16, 2009, 05:27:11 AM

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On the subject of a dedicated NATO aggressor squadron... We do... All the NATO countries join in the USA's exercises allowing all of us to play with each other in the huge sandbox that is the US desert, this is why there is video on youtube of american and british pilots explaining how they've spent the weekend beating the latest russian designs.... because even the new Su-35 has been sold to people involved in these training exercises.... india ect... most people forget that the US wargames are not only US vs US... but often US vs NATO....

Shame we all have to bow to the US for wargames like this but they've got the space, we havent.

Still i quite like the idea of a "Euro-Aggressor"..... So much so i think ive got an idea.... Muhahahahahahaaa !  ;D


^ Yeah, but getting NATO planes across the Atlantic is some undertaking. And the US Aggressor force is mostly for the benefit of the US forces. Other countries can come and play, too, but they're mainly an American thing (well, obviously, as they pay a lot for them!). That's why I had the idea of a European-based NATO aggressor unit that can deploy to other countries "on demand". So they don't have to deploy somewhere (let alone across the Atlantic!), but the Aggressors will come to them.

The Su-35 hasn't been exported yet. And the Indians were flying their Su-30MKIs with "brakes on". So I think not too much that hadn't been known before could be gleaned from those deployments in terms of Flanker capability.

Space sure is an issue, though. On the other hand, there should be ranges where larger exercises could be held. And with the aggressors coming to your own place, finding a suitable range shouldn't be too hard either, basically using your own training ranges.


Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


I like that idea a lot...  getting the "enemy" to come to you so to speak.... Still its got my brain ticking over.... now to wait for my delivery from IANthehuntergatherer though the post.... Mooohahhhahaaaa !!


Quote from: ChernayaAkula on July 25, 2009, 07:08:35 AM
^ Yeah, but getting NATO planes across the Atlantic is some undertaking. And the US Aggressor force is mostly for the benefit of the US forces. Other countries can come and play, too, but they're mainly an American thing (well, obviously, as they pay a lot for them!). That's why I had the idea of a European-based NATO aggressor unit that can deploy to other countries "on demand". So they don't have to deploy somewhere (let alone across the Atlantic!), but the Aggressors will come to them.

The Su-35 hasn't been exported yet. And the Indians were flying their Su-30MKIs with "brakes on". So I think not too much that hadn't been known before could be gleaned from those deployments in terms of Flanker capability.

Space sure is an issue, though. On the other hand, there should be ranges where larger exercises could be held. And with the aggressors coming to your own place, finding a suitable range shouldn't be too hard either, basically using your own training ranges.

Easy, the RAF, Luftwaffe and Armee de L'air just cross the channel ;D


Quote from: ChernayaAkula on July 25, 2009, 07:08:35 AM
^.......And the US Aggressor force is mostly for the benefit of the US forces. Other countries can come and play, too,....

I can only think of one word to sum that up .... Vulcan!

Ok I'll get me coat - - - Sorry.


Quote from: Overkiller on July 25, 2009, 12:57:20 PM
Quote from: Geoff on July 25, 2009, 12:13:08 PM
Quote from: ChernayaAkula on July 25, 2009, 07:08:35 AM
^.......And the US Aggressor force is mostly for the benefit of the US forces. Other countries can come and play, too,....

I can only think of one word to sum that up .... Vulcan!

Ok I'll get me coat - - - Sorry.

...didn't see that one coming....just like the US.....  :wacko:

On more than a few occasions according to an ex RAF bod I used to work with. He said the USAF used to scream bloody murder when a Vulcan penetrated US airspace and 'bombed' the target....
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Ive heard similar stories from canberra and jaguar crews too although i dunno how much truth is in them  :mellow:

Makes for a good giggle all the same   ;D


I cant help but wonder if the recent announcement about the reduction in Typhoon numbers might not lead a more Defense-friendly government to look at a high-low mix with a few Squadrons of Griffon FGR.1s....

Probably not, but it's nice to imagine an RAF that grows instead of shrinks...

So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Dont worry.... i'd heard we're thinking of buying more JSF's than originally intended.... so it all equals out... of course truth is right now its the army that need the money.... So for now big spending on things not directly helping afghanistan are on hold (Aircraft carriers for example)

However i like the idea of a "What-if" RAF gripen A LOT !

(Goes off to search or Gripen kits)   :wacko:


Brazil has got the Grippen on a shortlist to replace its Mirages, along with the Rafale and F/A-18.