
Fort Worth Scale Modeler's SUPERCON - Saturday, September 12th, 2009

Started by Tuck, August 11, 2009, 12:16:40 PM

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Ya'll gona have a What-If table again?  Was quite a hit last year....I'm VP this year for the club, so look fer me...

:tank: :tornado:
"I do this hobby for fun not to be nitpicked, and that's one reason i love this place (What-If) so much, its not necessarily the quality, its the 'spirit' of the build or idea that's important..."-Beowulf


Yep, as soon as I call somebody over there to make table space!  Can you clear the spot we had last year, Tuck?  Or do I need to get somebody else on the horn?

Don't forget your TSR!


Likes to re-invent the wheel


Contact David Hawkins for table info.....I hope that same area is still available!??  TSR 2 will be there!


Here is our website with more info


"I do this hobby for fun not to be nitpicked, and that's one reason i love this place (What-If) so much, its not necessarily the quality, its the 'spirit' of the build or idea that's important..."-Beowulf

Sentinel Chicken

I have four tables reserved for my prints. Perhaps you can put me next to the SIG table so I can keep Scoot out of trouble?


Likes to re-invent the wheel


Good news, bad news time.

Good- 2 tables have been set aside for us and they're working on getting us next to the ChickenWorks.

Bad-Toolslinger won't be joining us so we have a bit more room than planned because I was just bringing current stuff (which isn't a lot)

I will have my laptop running profiles but Wyrm, if you want to bring one (if you have one!), we can set it up and run more slideshows.

I'm also bringing my toolkit to work on projects so if anybody wants to do the same, we can have a work party goins ons.


No laptop, only desktop. Maybe I can fix up a newer slideshow with my things or something.
Likes to re-invent the wheel


Sentinel Chicken

I have three profiles that I have had enlarged to 6x18 inches that I'll put in frames for display on the SIG table.

If I have the chance before this weekend, I'll try to fix up some of my whiff models to add to the table display.


Get cracking on those models JP.  If not, pack them anyway and build inbetween hocking prints!


Okay, I'm working on some Whif scenes that could be shown on the Latop. I hope it's got a USB port so that I just have to bring my phone with the files on it.
Likes to re-invent the wheel



Picture time.

The spread.  Between the SIG and Sentinal Chicken's ChickenWorks we took up the entire area.  And since we were on a stage, everybody walking into the area saw us.  But that also backfired a bit because we wern't in the main flow.  But we did get traffic come by.

Lightning wasn't the best either on the end of the row, but the laptop running profiles and Tuck's 1/72 B-36 pretty much helped with that!
