
What is your current PROJECTS/CONCEPTS/IDEAS WhishList?

Started by ysi_maniac, September 09, 2009, 08:51:41 AM

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My projects are mainly Sci-Fi but I do have some whiffs in there.

My current project is a Jedi Cruiser from the days of the sith wars 5000 years before the republic. The Dark Horse comics Tales of the Jedi serve as inspiration.

As it is Sci-Fi I havn't posted any pics in the current builds.

Waiting completion.

My 4 engined Heinkel which has been in progress for 4 years
Dynavector Sky Shark which has been in progress for 5 years
Pimped out Bird of Prey
F-16 in 1/48th which isn't finished from the first profiles build

As for planning any new builds. I want to build the new GW Shadowsword but until In finish my Jedi Cruiser that is a no go.
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


This could get long. All are 1/72 unless stated otherwise. A lot of these projects are directly influenced by the art or ideas shared by the members here on whatifmodelers and the appropriate parties may be able to identify what they influenced.

Current builds:

BTR-80 with T-72 turret - needs paint
Me 109 with Me 262 canopy and contra-prop - feasibility study successful
F-86 doubledecker - needs some major assembly
Focke Wulf Flitzer in Italian WWII colours (onion rings) - assembly started
Focke Wulf Flitzer in early Bundesluftwaffe colours, armed with AIM-9Bs - assembly started
1/144 Rafale in USN colours (VFA-31 CAG)  - major assembly complete
1/144 Rafale double seater conversion in JASDF colours - assembly started

Now, the planned projects. This is where it gets really long.

Planned projects (short term): I'll include just the projects that may see the light of day fairly (used very loosely) soon.

Australian Army Bradley
Various F-15s, Mitsubishi F-2s (both with quite some surgery involved), a J-10 or two and a Su-39 for a yet to be written Japanese storyline
JASDF EA-6B Prowler
1/700 modernized Yamato
1/53-ish Revell Snowspeeder in Russian winter camo
Italian Starfighter in 1990s East Africa in WWII Italian camo

Planned projects that I've got the kits for:

1/144 RAF 111Sqn F-104
1/144 Omani/Saudi/Qatari Starfighter
1/144 Rafale in JASDF F-2 camo
1/144 AV-8B+ in JASDF colours (unsure about scheme)
Shorts Sherpa gunship
Heinkel He 177 Zwilling
Spanish Harrier Gr.3
Vampire/Meteor Mistel
Eurocopter Tiger cockpit/NH 90 fuselage kit-bash --> EuroHind
AH-64 cockpit/V-22 fuselage kitbash
Various Luftwaffe F-15s (1970s/80s colours)
Egyptian J-10
Zimbabwean J-10
Bahraini Eurofighter Typhoon
Eyewitness News RQ-1 Predator
Kenya Wildlife Service RQ-1 Predator
Do 228 anti-piracy/MPA
La-5 engine/P-40 fuselage kitbash
Australian Hawk 128
Bahamas MiG-29A
Barbados F-16A
Swifts/Strizhi MiG-1.44
Russian Knights Su-47 Berkut

(Far away) planned projects that I need to get the kits for:

A couple RAF/RN Skyrays
A couple of Lightnings, Fishbeds,... for Gekko's Burkina Faso story
F-8 Crusaders and Fishbeds/Frogfoots for a French/West African story I've got a rough outline for
Russian J-10
Canada Post RQ-1 Predator
RAF SEAC F-104 Starfighter (Malayan Insurgency)
Various TSR.2s
F/A-18XLs - both Legacy and Super Hornets with F-16XL-style wings

....and many, many more. My whif folder is getting bigger and bigger.


Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Aircraft, all 1/72nd:

F-84G - Duchy of Grand Fenwick
USCG Lifeguard (Predator) for UAV GB
Swiss He-100 (need to mask the stripes)
RN F8F Bearcat (Korean War)
Tuskegee Airman P-80 1946-7
Omani Gunvan (from Skyvan)
Israeli Nord Atlas gunship
B-26 Maruader (ala Nimrod version in Vietnam)
Artic Aggressor F-22 (still need Revell kit)
RN Hawker Henneway (kitbash with Hunter and Skyray)

Armor, probably 1/35th

Jagdsherman - Normandy, 1944
Israeli Panther - possibly uparmored, either '67 or '73
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Hmm! lets see, I've got to finish these 1/72 scale projects I have started:

EH-101 AEW/AWAC (Cormorant derivative)
BAC Eagle GR.7/7a (last TSR-2 version)
STOVL Canberra   
Shorts Choco   (upgraded Tucano)
Pilatus Winjeel II  (upgraded PC-9)
Avro Arrow Mk.VI
BAC Concorde B.1
Vickers Wellington Mk.V AWAC
Bede BD-5/5J Snowbirds

Some projects which are close to being started which could stall some of the projects I should be finishing, again in 1/72:

Avro Chadderton (twin Lancaster/Lincoln with three engines [all parts have been collected])
Avro Jet Lancaster High Altitude Bomber (not as the test beds)
Boeing XC-X ( Lockheed Galaxy competitor)
Boeing C-141 (C-135 derivitive)

If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike

Daryl J.


Porco Rosso's first Savioa based on the Fine Molds S.21 converted to a  different engine, straight cloth wings
Airfix Canberra with a few tricks.
Lindberg OA-9
Tamiya Meteor PR-HF
Lindberg  Tiger (extended).
Hobbycraft SPAD XIII with excentrichronic additions.  (See, when you whiff, you can even invent words)   :party: :party: :party:

Daryl J.


Ooof...  This is a painful list, since I can't remember what all my non-finished builds are...

In Progress:

Stuff I needed those TOWs and Hellfires for (about four Anigrand kits collected over the years)
XP-81 in some color scheme (started building, had no plans for)
XP-75 in some color scheme (see above)
XC-142 in USN colors
YF-17 in some nation's colors
Tons o' ships (waaay too many to count...  ok, so it's about 26 in various stages of building)
AH-56 modernized to the 80's (cannibalizing a lot of attack helos for bits)
Bunch o' space shuttles/fighters/stations (started a lot of shuttles and space fighters already)
A-9B (naval variant, almost done, needs armaments and decals)
2 x ANG F-14's (built up, need painting)
F-4S (needs those inlets I put a plea out for; will be USNR VF-209)
Shinmeiwa PS-1 Flying boat (was going to be USCG)
Seamaster (USCG)
Whispercraft from the 6th Day (USCG variant; was USN, but was in a USCG kinda mood one day and repainted it white overall)
F-4E (171st FS)
A butt-load of airliners done up in military roles (tankers, AWACS, transports)
B-52G (US Navy, refit of an ancient model of mine)
A few odd Amodel kits (Global Express, Christen Eagle, etc, in military roles)
The odd RPV (not calling them UAV's)
PZL 230 Skorpian that arrived yesterday from evil-Bay
Some other kits I know I'm forgetting, yet am too lazy to walk to the bench and stare at it

Whatever strikes my fancy as I look at the stash.  Have vague general ideas, but nothing concrete (save some YF-23's in 171st and 87th FS markings, and two YF-12's in markings for Kincheloe AFB... OH, and about half a dozen XR-7's and two SR-75's in companion Recce markings to the FS from Kincheloe)
F-108 in either the Kincheloe FS markings, 87th FS markings, or 171st FS markings
Mig-31K Swing Wing (been planning this one since I first joined Whif)
Another swingwing F-15N (this time an F/A-15N+ variant)
More ships (have more in the stash than I really should; have some Ruskies and other Sprucan/Tico mods I need to do)
Space Station Freedom (kitbashed Revell ISS and Revell SpOC's (Space Operations Center) with other bits for the dual keel design)
Excelsior class Heavy Space Shuttle (based on a drawing I did a long time ago for a larger shuttle, based on the 1/100 Tamiya shuttle scale-o-ramaed into a 1/144 design; name is an homage to the old FASA trek names for the Movie Enterprise (Enterprise class Heavy Cruiser) and the subsequent replacement for her, the Excelsior class Battleship, seeing as how the Space Shuttles could technically be called Enterprise Class Space Shuttles)
More FRoCA, Conch Republic, Quebec, Louisiana, Henristan, NATO, Ceylon, ASSR, Durka-Durka-stan, and Cuban Republic models
Models for the Concordant Island of Kokomo (Invented another nation, nowhere near as inviting as the Beach Boys would lead you to believe)

I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of them, but that's what my sleep deprived brain can come up with right now.
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


Current ideas:
-Republique du Quebec Air Force Mig-21(F,MF & LanceR C)*
-Republique du Quebec Air Force Su-17M4(Maritime patrol)*
-Unmanned Su-17
-Design of a F.A.C. similar to the Saar series

*I made a good timeline/alternate history involving Quebec's independence(coming to a thread soon!)
Fulcrums Forever!!!
Master Assembler


Ideas come ideas go but themes remain.

Currently working on -

Writing my Alt WWII scenario timeline and saving it securely this time. Lost it once already  :banghead:

Various builds that fit my scenario.

Plan 1919 armour

Various real world Spitfires

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I generally concentrate on only one project at a time, and take a month off in between projects to refresh. So currently, after finishing my Globrey Blordiator, I am "refreshing".

I have an extensive "pipeline" of 1/72 projects, a 1/144 project, some HO, and a couple of ships waiting. Most have sketches and short write-ups of possible parts sources, etc. on a 3X5 card in a file. Some of these are in my Gallery here with an illustration. These include:

Douglas "Decimator"--"Early Skyraider" 3-place Midway commemorative torpedo bomber done up in "Midway" livery but at Marianas, as flown by Bert Earnest, a Midway survivor. Most likely my next build because it will be very simple, in marked contrast to my beloved, but very complicated Globrey Blordiator.

Kyushu "Nibai" (Twin)-- Shinden Zwilling melded to an N9M flying wing.

Curtiss "Navahawk"--"Navajo" air contingent flying twin-engined P-40 (tweaked real aircraft).

Heinkel He-211---4-engined He-111--a "Phoenix" re-build to enlarge (replace, actually) the present fuselage using the old Lindberg 1/64th-scale He-111 and other components.

D4Y8 Suisei-Kai---an enlarged "Judy" using Ryusei, Nanzan, and Suisei parts (as well as an old Northrop N3M).

Caproni "Bandini"--Italian triple-row reciprocating engine torpedo plane made from Caproni Campini jet (someone else here beat me to it, but kept the jet part--mine will have rear turret instead).

1/700 angled-deck "Yorktown"-type carrier for WW II ("USS Bon Homme Richard" from "Furashita's Fleet")

1/144 Boeing 314 flying-boat made into a luxury executive transport for my brother in Montana--the "Kalispell Klipper"

"He-113D"---a He-100 derivative using the Nanzan and He-280 wings, desert camo.

"Hawker Henley"--extrapolated British carrier dive-bomber adding on Tempest/Sea Fury components and a rear-defense turret.

"Doshaburi" (Coudburst)--1/72 Japanese heavy manned kamikaze rocket craft make from 1/48 V-1 and Okha.

"Highball" DeHavilland Mosquito--Carrier-borne, Spiteful 5-bladed props and cowlings, bulged bottom and "Highball" ordnance for "Oxtail" missions against heavy Japanese warships.

Tank Ta-152T--long-wingspan carrier torpedo bomber, using enlarged 1/65 Nichimo Fw-190 as base, adding on uber-FW/Tank components and two-place cockpit.

Me-209T--Carrier fighter--Bf-109H long-wingspan, Me-209 tall tail, possibly Japanese Ki-100 radial nose.

C6Y1 "Yamagumo"-- single-place "Judy" recon--first to fly over Pearl Harbor.

Brewster "Bison"--if MPM comes out with their Brewster Buccaneer as promised, I will "Phoenix-build" my present Bison to be more proportional.

1/1200 "Yokozuna"--stretched "Yamato" from "Furashita's Fleet".

HO (1/87) Jaguar 3.4 sedan (RW)--one in a long series of models for my brother of cars that he has owned.

There are more, including some "Real World" aircraft---a "Fritz-X" Dornier Do-217K/M, an F4F from the USS Enterprise, and a Douglas Dauntless, and a Kawasaki Ki-100 using my master molds from a long-defunct "cottage" kit company (Model-Aire International).

Whew! I rest.

My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Ed S: Thanks. I'll have a look and see what I can find.

Quote from: Sisko on September 09, 2009, 03:46:15 PM
As it is Sci-Fi I havn't posted any pics in the current builds.

Why not!?
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


these are some of the projects that are currently stocked into the "Think Tank"

-1/72 Blackburn Buccaner (Royal Australian Navy, as an A4 replacement)
-1/72 FW190T-1 (Carrier based version of the FW190)
-1/72 21st century Focke Wulf Flitzer (currently in design stage, perhaps even a zwilling)
-1/72 Argentine Navy SU-22M3 (been on the planning for 2 years, but the build kinda stalled)
-1/72 Belgian Tiger F-4E
-1/144 scale STOBAR carrier (currently under study, styrene plates already in stock)
-1/72 GNAT (from the movie "Hot Shots")

and then there are the Real World projects (all in Belgian markings)

-1/72 T-6G Harvard
-1/72 Fouga Magister
-1/72 F-16BM "10 years OCU"
-1/72 MS230
-1/72 Seaking Mk.48
-1/72 Fokker DVII
-1/72 CR42 Fiat
-1/72 Hawker Hurricane Mk.1
-1/144 F-104G and TF-104G Starfighters
-1/144 Alpha jet E
-1/72 Mirage 5BR
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Right now in some form of construction I've got:

1/100 F-15 intended for the 318th AGS in "Smurf" camo (ghost gray/air superiority blue)
1/72 Revell MiG-31 "Strikehound"
1/72 S-30 Soviet test bird (no, y'all will just have to wait to find out what it is, unless you can actually find it in the "search" function)
Revell Sea Master intended for USCG service
1/48 J-14
couple of 1/48 V-22s in Israeli specops use

I wont list my ideas as there wouldn't be enough space here to itemize & list them out, but something I've wanted to do for a year now is a couple of models for a buddy of mine, an A-10 (thats his baby) & an A-4 ('cuz they're both Scooters lol).

Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Quote from: pyro-manic on September 10, 2009, 09:55:35 AM
Ed S: Thanks. I'll have a look and see what I can find.

Quote from: Sisko on September 09, 2009, 03:46:15 PM
As it is Sci-Fi I havn't posted any pics in the current builds.

Why not!?

Cause I don't know I guess that I didn't want to clutter up a Whif board with Sc-Fi models. Unfortunately it is all I am building at the moment.

But I supose it wouldn't hurt.

I'll post some pics this weekend.
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Must admit it's a genre I admire and I really do like the retro "Dan Dare" type stuff.

I was looking at the ad for the Pegasus models Alien Flying Saucer complete with Alpha Centurai pilot the other day. I think there's 2 in the box so one landed and one flying - might give it a go  ;D
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.