
Vieira's Phantom mixed with F-104 : the my version (1/48 scale)

Started by G.Marcat, September 10, 2009, 02:15:13 PM

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Waiting of to find again the feeling with the projects already started (F/A 818 and YA-7X)  I have decided of to start a my own version of the F-4 Phantom mixed with the F-104.

JP VIEIRA made the drawing for the F-404 Phantomstar: http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,21287.315.html and Sotoolslinger has made the his version of this nice fighter http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,22915.0/ but I need of to try the my skills on this model.

To differentiate it from the version made by Sotoolslinger I will do some mods to the F-404 by Vieira.
For example, the my F-404 will have the high wings:

However, a pair of days ago I have gave the start to the "my" F-404.

The base for the Phantom is the ITALERI F-4E/F kit.

First, I did assembly the main parts of the kit: fuselages halves and  wings:

Immediately the second day I have cutted the wings:

cut away also the tail:

The gaps left from the cut off of the wings on the two sides of the fuselages have been filled with plastic and superglue.

To round the lower sides of the fuselage I have filled the two Sparrow missiles bays on the rear end of the Phantom

With two pieces of plasticard filled the main wheels bays on the two wings previously removed:

Also the holes for the underwing pylons have been relocated, so the pylons will appear more  on the external of the wings than they are on a real Phantom.

This is all for today.

Eddie M.

I am very interested in this project. Lokking forward to your updates!! :)
Look behind you!


Another update: this is the Work done until now:

Removed the upper part of the Phantom spine from the tail at cockpit zone:

As said, the my F-404 will have the wings mounted in a higher position so for first thing I did a round and smooth lower fuselage contour.

The Italeri Phantom have a reinforcement in the lower center portion of the two fuselages: this is perfect for the my purpose because I need a safe point where to glue the new relocated undercarriages.

Using the interior fuselage's reinforcements as center I cut away two rectangular holes: inside these holes will be glued the new main undercarriage and I will do a pair of undercarriage panels.

Recently I have changed a little of idea: instead of to sacrifice a precious F-104 stealing from it the pieces that I need, I have decided of to modify the current Phantom nose.
The current front part of the F-4's nose has been glued REVERSED up to down in the manner of to reach a curved shape.
This shape will (PROBABLY) end with a spare F-104 nose cone.

If I will not change idea again in future, the my F-404 will use the cockpit and canopy of the F-8 CRUSADER (parts saved building the my F/A-818).

The three parts: front windshield - canopy - F-8 rear fuselage coaming have been assembled together because I need to know exactly how much space they require f installed on the F-404:

This is the spare cockpit taken from the F-8 Crusader by Monogram painted and ready to be inserted in the F-404 fuselage:

Eddie M.

I feel like a student watching a master surgeon at work. Facsinated and thrilled. Looking good! ;D
Look behind you!


Done something even today:

This is the drybrushed front panel

and this is the cockpit module  finally glued together.

Now is left of to add a pair of black-gray sidewalls to the cockpit module to close it and finally will insert this module in the completely opened front Phantom's front fuselage.

JP Vieira

I really enjoy that my work has inspired others and love to see your interpretation of it.
Many thanks and best regards: keep up the good Work :thumbsup:


This is looking great!   :thumbsup:  Very nice work.....your new title should be "plastic surgeon"  ;D  Really looking forward to seeing more.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


Very interesting conceptualization - looking forward to seeing the progress.

One daring thought - why not get a little artistic and swap the wingtips so they're tip-down off that shoulder mounting?  It might prove for a little more interesting and unique in some ways.  Just tossing some wood on the fire here.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


Quote from: JP Vieira on September 21, 2009, 05:16:48 AM
I really enjoy that my work has inspired others and love to see your interpretation of it.
Many thanks and best regards: keep up the good Work :thumbsup:

Thank You for the your ideas: I'm currently planning of to build the your project about the F-104 mixed with the Crusader and there are another pair of your ideas that inspire me. You have assured me a lot of work for the rest of this year (and over).


Quote from: Sauragnmon on September 21, 2009, 11:02:58 AM
One daring thought - why not get a little artistic and swap the wingtips so they're tip-down off that shoulder mounting?  It might prove for a little more interesting and unique in some ways.  Just tossing some wood on the fire here.

I have in mind 3 options:
A: to leave the wings tip up as in original: it's a big effort to relocate them in a upper position.
B: to reverse the angle to a down position
C: the option that tempt me: TO REPLACE THE Phantom curved wingtips with the WINGS TAKEN FROM THE F-104!!!!
The measures are the same: the F-104's wings at the root are larger as near  the Phantom's original wing tips.

However, nothing is decided, but as now the wings are completed  I'm not very interested to restart the work on them.


Says something for the 104's wings if they're as big at the root as the tip-bend on a Phantom's wings.  I would consider the options at your leisure - to flip the tips I would advocate slicing them off and switching sides - if you make an even cut, in theory you have enough area to keep the straight when you put the right tip on the left wing that it'd have a downward cant.

It's really your model, and it'd look sweet either way you do it.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


I love to do the things more complicated.

The tail from the F-104 when grafted to the Phantom rear end look too much small in size if compared with the more large mass of the Phantom.

For this reason I have built a my own F-104 tail using three sheets of plasticard, a sheet for the core and two little sheets for the sides to add widht. The base drawing is based on the shape of the F-104 enlarged at 120%.

This afternoon glued the cockpit assembly to the front fuselage:

Now the hard part: to rebuild the upper shape of the front fuselage in the zone around the windshield.


Mmmm doing the nose is going to be fun, that and the spine to boot.  She'll be an interesting piece when she's done that's for sure, and one might wonder who could know, without looking, what the parents are!
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.

JP Vieira

Quote from: G.Marcat on September 24, 2009, 12:58:24 AM
Quote from: JP Vieira on September 21, 2009, 05:16:48 AM
I really enjoy that my work has inspired others and love to see your interpretation of it.
Many thanks and best regards: keep up the good Work :thumbsup:

Thank You for the your ideas: I'm currently planning of to build the your project about the F-104 mixed with the Crusader and there are another pair of your ideas that inspire me. You have assured me a lot of work for the rest of this year (and over).

It's allways great to see your work. :thumbsup:
I hope you won't get mad (for the extra work), but I have planned a lot more profiles in the months to come. ;D
I can only hope that you and other talented members can put some of them into plastic.
Best regards


Only to publish something! :banghead:

a my drawing (very basic) with some nose variations from a a regular F-4E

(I would to finish the my F-404 with the last nose, that with the F-104 nose cone.)