
Urban Leo A4 - Finished!

Started by frank2056, December 27, 2009, 03:32:57 PM

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Quote from: frank2056 on January 01, 2010, 11:38:38 AM
The Russian thermobaric Shmel - about the size of a LAW - could cause major and extensive damage to even well reinforced concrete buildings - at least a floor at a time - and cause total collapse of unreinforced buildings - Here's an example video from Youtube. Reloading the two rockets under fire would be an issue; I'm trying to figure a way around that. The minigun and the two rocket tubes (plus sensor platform) are light - probably under 70kg - so I may be able to add two more tubes.

Just whiff it, and do an auto-loading Shmel, and call it the Shmel M system :thumbsup:


Quote from: B787 on January 01, 2010, 02:11:02 PM
Just whiff it, and do an auto-loading Shmel, and call it the Shmel M system :thumbsup:

That would leave a big juicy, highly flammable target outside the turret! I'd definitely have to make the pillar much bigger then. The Chechen rebels took out at least one MT-LB with a captured Shmel.

Here's what I have so far. The new turret, with the paper turret ring (it's pretty stiff due to the CA it soaked up):

Two rocket tubes and a minigun, plus a 1/35 scale guy for reference. The forward hatch ring is from (I think) a Merkava tank hull. I added the two white vision ports as well as the hatch:

I'll probably blend it into the turret with some epoxy putty, made to look like a weld line.

Here's a view of the rocket tubes close to the reload position (the hatch would have been opened, first):

The tubes are scratch built, with mecha detailing parts for the covers and exhaust. The small protuberances near the front of the tubes are the solenoids to open the covers before launch.


Quote from: frank2056 on January 01, 2010, 11:38:38 AM
I got rid of the 20-30mm gun; I couldn't build a believable gun. I just have the minigun and the thermobaric launchers. I'll probably add a grenade launcher as well.\

I'm unsure what you consider a "realistic gun".  Considering that all that would be visible would be at most the barrel and perhaps the front of the recoil system (which depending upon model, is either concentric or above/below the barrel) with the feed mechanism internal to an armoured box, it shouldn't be hard to make something that looks approximately OK.

The ammunition feed will be from within the turret for the minigun, similar to the gun feed for the BTVT cannon. I had the reload hatch behind the pillar - plenty of room; it's a spacious turret on a big tank - but I'll probably move it to the side and move the pillar forward a bit.

I'm aware that the ammunition feed would be inside the pillar.  My problem is that the pillar is IMO rather too small for the ammunition feed for (at that time) both a 30mm cannon and a minigun, as well as hold the servos and sensor feeds.  Now you've removed the 30mm cannon, its a bit less of a problem.

The Russian thermobaric Shmel - about the size of a LAW - could cause major and extensive damage to even well reinforced concrete buildings - at least a floor at a time - and cause total collapse of unreinforced buildings - Here's an example video from Youtube. Reloading the two rockets under fire would be an issue; I'm trying to figure a way around that. The minigun and the two rocket tubes (plus sensor platform) are light - probably under 70kg - so I may be able to add two more tubes.

Well, that is assuming that it manages to penetrate.  What was remarkable about the video was that all the rounds fired found their way into what ever room/compartment they were blowing up through a convenient window/slit.  None of them showed the rocket having to actually force its way through any structure to get inside.  In otherwords, you cannot always be sure there will be that convenient window or slit available to you, which is why I suggested a large calibre gun or rocket.  Preferably with laser guidance for improved accuracy.  Even while most MOUT occurs at close ranges, you want to still be able to hit your target at longer ranges if you encounter them.  That way, you can make a convenient breech in a wall which you can use yourself to enter the house when its assaulted.

The sensor package is coming; some mast mounted on the pillar or as part of the weapons head and a couple others on the turret.

I'd be tempted to put it on an elevating mast, with an armoured hood (perhaps with armoured louvres - one of the things I notice most about the use of remote sensors is how vulnerable they are to return fire, with exposed lenses, etc).
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


Quote from: rickshaw on January 01, 2010, 08:39:01 PM
I'm unsure what you consider a "realistic gun".  Considering that all that would be visible would be at most the barrel and perhaps the front of the recoil system (which depending upon model, is either concentric or above/below the barrel) with the feed mechanism internal to an armoured box, it shouldn't be hard to make something that looks approximately OK.

My attempt (earlier pic) seemed to have too small a breech mechanism and not enough room for either type of recoil system. I tried to make it concentric but it still didn't look right.

QuoteI'm aware that the ammunition feed would be inside the pillar.  My problem is that the pillar is IMO rather too small for the ammunition feed for (at that time) both a 30mm cannon and a minigun, as well as hold the servos and sensor feeds.  Now you've removed the 30mm cannon, its a bit less of a problem.

The minigun ammo feed is external, through an armored feed channel like the ammo belt on the M1117. The pillar is mainly for servo and sensor support.

QuoteWell, that is assuming that it manages to penetrate.  What was remarkable about the video was that all the rounds fired found their way into what ever room/compartment they were blowing up through a convenient window/slit.  None of them showed the rocket having to actually force its way through any structure to get inside.  In otherwords, you cannot always be sure there will be that convenient window or slit available to you, which is why I suggested a large calibre gun or rocket.  Preferably with laser guidance for improved accuracy.  Even while most MOUT occurs at close ranges, you want to still be able to hit your target at longer ranges if you encounter them.  That way, you can make a convenient breech in a wall which you can use yourself to enter the house when its assaulted.

If you use a smart rocket round that can be fired ballistic ally, a thermobaric weapon can cause a roof collapse if exploded above the target. In any case, this tank is designed for urban recon and support - lots of windows to pop a round into.

QuoteI'd be tempted to put it on an elevating mast, with an armoured hood (perhaps with armoured louvres - one of the things I notice most about the use of remote sensors is how vulnerable they are to return fire, with exposed lenses, etc).

I finished most of the mast yesterday; it's on an elevating mast and the head is armored and has three main sensors as well as IR laser designators. The minigun will have a sensor as well - probably useless while firing, but useful for targeting.



I finished most of the mast & pillar gross details today. I think I'm going to have to rename this to WALL-LEO:

Here's the mast in the retracted position. The sensor head can move as well. Lenses and armored doors will have to wait until it's all painted. It looks like I knocked off one of the smaller sensors, too. The small brown dome is a GPS antenna, or at least represents some of the antennae yet to come:

Here's the mast almost fully extended:

The rivet detail on the pillar (and an access panel in the back) are relief detail decals from Archer Fine Transfers. They'll look pretty good under a layer of paint. I misted it with a little primer to keep the decals on. the glue on my decals wasn't very good.


I did move the reload hatch right under the rockets. Obviously, the procedure is to open the hatch, then rotate the rockets into place.
Here's the turret put together with a quick coat of primer to find any glaring errors. There are surprisingly few problems:

The commander's hatch still needs to be finished. The "no slip" is Tamiya tape cut to size. It's similar to the no slip cast on the main body of the kit.

I also did some work on the rest of the tank, I'm surprised at how poorly it fits together. There are huge gaps between the upper and lower hull - thankfully, most of it will be invisible. The rear plate was ill fitting as well.

As for a back story, I'm thinking a second War of the Pacific, between Chile and Bolivia. I'm picturing a pair of Chilean 2A4s with one of these guys at point, rolling through La Paz...



John 'Panzer' Hinton


Will die without understanding this world.

Doc Yo

 Neat concept and the usual superb execution, Frank. Only thing I would have done differently would have
been to put an "up and pivot" style loading hatch under the missiles. Right now, it looks like the hatch can only
be opened if the tubes are lined up to fire. The sensor mast is terrific-I seem to be addicted to Ma.K at the
moment, and will have to borrow the concept for something or other.


I was really tempted to use both of the up and pivot hatches from the Leo turret... but I have plans for the turret. In retrospect, I should have just glopped on some mold putty and made a copy. The Stryker doors were "free" though.

The sensor mast was really easy to make. The various Kotobukiya and Wave accessory parts I've gotten from the Starship Modeler store over the years have really come in handy.


It's been MONTHS since I updated this thread. I made an unfortunate choice in camo pattern, and the tank looks too "Russian", but I'm sticking with it - no way I'm redoing the paint job:

This is just the first stage of weathering, etc. The paint results just aren't what I had in mind, so it zapped some of my interest. The sensor mast is back to primer, because I screwed up the camo on it. I think I'll leave it in gray - I had the tank against the window and the gray mast is much, much harder to see at arm's length against the sky than the old camo'd mast.

The vertical posts on the turret may get some scale chickenwire anti-RPG "armor".


Doc Yo

 yes, it has been awhile, but as always, its been worth the wait. I don't think the paint looks "too Russian",
but I'm not too up on modern cammo.


Camo looks alright to me :thumbsup:

Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Yep.. I like this..especially the sensor mast.

Will Wall.E want his head back  ;D

keep up the great work


Quote from: buzzbomb on March 22, 2010, 02:40:21 PM
Yep.. I like this..especially the sensor mast.

Will Wall.E want his head back  ;D

keep up the great work

Yeah! I was thinking about Wall.E too...
BTW, nice model, and love the paintjob/scheme! Add a little extra stuff to the turret, bags, storage, etc...and it'll be a very great model! And it may be place on a simple desert diorama :)