
TC`s build thread.

Started by tc2324, January 10, 2010, 07:19:49 AM

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Todays installment of the madness meant I have fixed the weapons into place. I scratch built floors sections and then supports for them for that added extra strengh. Added a wieght at the front and while it`s not to pretty on the inside.......

...... it`s the outside that counts...!!

Also completed the engines and mated the cockpit and nose together. Now got to wait for it all to dry and check that all is strong enough before sealing up the fuselage. Odds on something no doubt will come loose...! :banghead:

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Really cool!! You could make it fighting the Japanese in Korea and enter it into the '46 GB ...  :mellow:
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


And here she is all sealed up. First coat of matt varnish has been applied and the u/c in up next.

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Started work on the u/c tonight and while that was drying out I attached the engines, put the decals on and then another coat of varnish. Heres the results. :wacko:

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


 :o :o What a sleek machine!!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

The speed at which you build a model is simply amazing, especially considering the high standard quality of the result.

Congratulations on this Night Reaper:bow: :bow: :bow:


Whoa!!!!!  That's one lethal looking sucker!!



Korean War role?


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


 :cheers: for the comments guys. To answer the question about the speed of the build from Stargazer, the simple answer is I`m not working at the moment and have all day to tinker. Although I`m rubbish as multi tasking the household chores, I seem to be able to do it when modelling... :lol: GTX, thats correct, this will be a Korean War whif.

Managed to get this build pretty much finished today with the canopy and u/c added as well as a few other fiddily bits and bobs, (you have gotta love my technical terms :lol:), so here are a few piccies of the completed model with a close up of the pointy dangerous bits at the end. Diorama shots and backstory are next. ;)

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


 :dalek: That's one leathal looking aircraft! Love it!


Final presentation. Enjoy. ;)

AC4 Y-4 Night Reaper

With the war starting to turn in favour of the the American lead UN forces in Korea, the Chinese PVA 13th Army Group launched the First Phase offensive on 25 October 1950, attacking the advancing UN forces near the Sino-Korean border. UN aerial reconnaissance had difficulty sighting PVA units in daytime, because their march and bivouac discipline minimised aerial detection. The PVA marched "dark-to-dark" (19:00–03:00), and aerial camouflage (concealing soldiers, pack animals, and equipment) was deployed by 05:30.

To this end the USAF saw a need for a close support aircraft that could give covering fire to the UN forces below or have the ability to find and fire on enemy forces as they moved during the hours of darkness. It was felt that more firepower than could be provided by light and medium ground-attack aircraft was needed in some situations when ground forces called for close air support.

The specification called for an aircraft that could carry and fire heavy weapons from one side of the aircraft and orbit the target area for a considerable time on station. After looking at various aircraft types, the Consolidated C-IX Liberator (RY-3) was chosen for modification. (This was the transport version of the Consolidated PB4Y-2 Privateer). Re-designated the AC4 Y-4 and named the Night Reaper the new aircraft had two 30mm canon situation just under the trailing edge of the port wing and the rear transport doors were removed so that a new quadruple .50 cal gun mounting could be fitted. While the gunner for the machine guns was fitted with a M3 infrared night sighting device based on Generation 0 technology, the gunners for the 30mm canon had to rely on flares, either dropped from the aircraft or from ground forces, to see and fire on the target. Four aircraft were modified to the AC design and then issued to the 1st Special Operations Squadron for `on the job` evaluation north of the 38th parallel.

The Night Reaper first saw combat in Korea on the night of 7-8 March 1951 attacking an enemy convoy at night. While a number of vehicles were destroyed and the mission classified a success, the aircrew reported that targeting was difficult from a moving aircraft and concern was raised that in future missions the safety of friendly forces near any target could not be guaranteed. During it`s six month `evaluation` 502 sorties were flown by the Reaper squadron with 1,067 enemy vehicles and 83 bunkers/buildings destroyed. It is unknown how many enemy troops were killed. One aircraft was lost due to an accident while a second took so much anti aircraft and small arms fire that it was written off after it landed. With the high attrition rate and the fact that the technology for pin point accuracy was in it`s infancy, the aircraft were removed from combat operations and other types took over the role. The remaining two Reapers were sent back stateside and scrapped three years later. The legacy of the Reaper however lived on and in August 1964, years of fixed wing gunship experimentation reached a new peak with Project Tailchaser under the direction of Capt. John C. Simons.

74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Impressive... :thumbsup: good job TC


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Cheers guys. Glad you like. :thumbsup:
74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!