
Mitsubishi Ki-46 Dinah

Started by GTX, January 16, 2010, 12:58:25 PM

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Maybe the whif a few posts down, of that lovely gray "German" Ki.46 isn't so far off after all. Look at THIS un-retouched photo!!:

Actually, the "Balkenkruze" is the bright green "surrender" cross that Japanese aircraft were supposed to wear during August/September 1945 if they were surrendering. Luckily for us, the b/w rendering makes it look very much like a real German Balkenkruze.

Someone could probably Photoshop an Opel into the picture instead of the American-style car, and put some tunics or peaked caps on the officers and REALLY take us all for a ride! Fun, huh?

My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


For a second I thought that was a Matrixone photo.

The French obtained a Dinah (there's only one Dinah as far as I care - the sexy one with the streamlined nose) to use in Indochina, but during the ferry flight back to base, they couldn't lower one of the wheels and ended up writing off the plane.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


>there's only one Dinah as far as I care - the sexy one with the streamlined nose<

AMEN to that!

I had an old Airfix step-screened "Dinah" and ended up concocting a Ki-45 "Toryu" heavy fighter out of it (looking VERY much alike but for some minor adjustments). You know, the "Dragon Slayer" kind with the "Schrage Muzik"--this was a "conversion" rather than a whif (I cut my "re-arranging" skills teeth on many "conversions" that lead to me starting to do whifs):

When the LS "streamlined" Dinah version came along I "had to get me some of that". Long ago I had planned to do a German one with two six-bladed props, but that project got "cancelled" (the two six-bladed props will appear on my "Twin Shinden" instead!). At least my upcoming "Zebulon" will be a fitting tribute the to Dinah.

The Chinese salvaged a couple, too, after the war but weren't used much.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


I kinda forgot about this thread. My "upcoming Zebulon" is here, now, where it "belongs" as part of the Mitsubishi "family". Intended to be a "twin-engined Zero", it is a little larger, but still in the "Zero" vein. "Dinah" fans will notice I did use one (LS kit) for the basics, adding a Zero cockpit and canopy, an A-26 gun nose, and a Dauntless tail. Shortened the wingspan a bit, too. I liked the Thai camouflage scheme I had seen on RW Hayabusas, so tried it out here.

My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Nice to see Thai markings   :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.