
Home on the Range - A SciFi diorama in 1/32 or 1/35 or something.

Started by puddingwrestler, March 14, 2010, 07:45:54 PM

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Dangit, I just went and bought new shorts today.
I was going to pose for pics but since PW ain't gonna put em in the dio I'll have to return them.
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


That's no reason to return shorts - just put them in the stash and I'll add them to a later dio.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Hey being in construction I have knee pads too :blink: (Don't go there) :party:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Started working on the ground work. Basically just high density blue foam with some contour sanded into it at this stage. Next stage involves sticking sand to it, so nothing special for a while there...

Also stuck more panels on the chuck wagon. The tri motor is basically done. And I found a box of Verlinden stuff I'd semi-forgotten - it includes some very useful stuff; boxes of supplies, boxes of beer, bottles etc.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Is it just me or does this have a Firefly feel to it...


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Not really, the tech level is wrong and everyone has thier shirt buttoned up. Also firefly never had robots and shoulder pads. Or bright colours. Trust me on this, the bright colours are coming.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


I've started painting the tri motor ute. I'll pop some pics online later today when I have the basic colours all on, but before I start to weather it.
Then I'll pop more pics on when it's been dirtied down.

It's green btw.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


As promised, here are the pe-dirty pics of the Trimotor.
Which is now a Ford.
Because: A: I had the decals
B: It was a Mazda, and Ford owns Mazda.
C: Ford have a long history of Tri Motors
D: Ford invented the Ute. I will not enter arguments here, I said Ute, not Pick Up. These are different, and Ford invented the ute. More accurately, a Geelong farmer's wife had the idea and wrote to Ford about it, and they built it.

There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


And here it is all nice and filthy... really must remember to stick thehead lights on before I load it up and stick it into the dio...

There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


About to start painting the figures. There's a bit of construction lef on the chuck wagon, then it'll be time to glue things to the base and so forth.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


No I have not forgotten about this, I've been working on other porjects (Whiffer's Quest and some stuff for my school games club). The chuckwagon needs a few little tweaks and gap fills, then some steps and so forth added before painting time.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


My virtual repaint site: http://hangarofmib.blogspot.com
-"Unlimited technology from the whole universe, and we cruise around in a Ford POS?"

-"Nothing is as it seems, guy!"


No, Diesel punk maybe. None of it is steam powered.
And I'm not comfortable with Diesel punk either, it's not diesel powered or diesel era (diesel punk covers roughly 1915-1930), it's just retro styled.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Final construction on the chuck wagon is done and I've installed the canvas top. Now it's just a matter of waiting ages and ages and ages for that to dry...
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Wellllll... I've got the chuck wagon painted and weathered. Just a matter of finishing some figure work and some more ground work now.
Here it is anyway (note that vehicles are not attached yet - they'll be floating sllighlty thanks to the magic of plastic rod!)

There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.