
late bloomer: Focke Wulf FW220 Dreizack

Started by Spey_Phantom, April 12, 2010, 06:07:02 AM

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inspiration hit me last night for this one, i know its a little late in the GB, but i think i can make it  :rolleyes:
last night i was thinking "What if Germany gad its own long-range escort fighter/interceptor to replace the Bf110"

the idea i came up with utilises a single Revell 1/72 FW Flitzer and 2 1/72 FW190's. although i already have 1 flitzer and 2 FW190's in stash, i cant start as the 2 190's are not similar (1 is a revell FW190F-8 and the other an academy 190A-6, they are to different in both type and size) so im gonna get another revell FW190F-8 this weekend to reduce complications, until then im first gonna finish a number of builds that are currently on the bench (already have to many projects going on ATM).

the aircraft i powered by a pair of BMW radial engines and a single Jumo 004 jet engine for high altitude or emergency war power  :rolleyes:

to give you an impression of the design, here's a quick profile  :mellow:
would look nice with a pair of bombs and rockets under the wings  ;D
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Ed S

Sounds promising.   Looking forward to seeing this in plastic.

We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Hot damn, but that's cool! Dreizack is a very fitting name!

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.

Cliffy B

Sick!  Only suggestion would be to move the center fuselage up high enough so that the cockpit is above the 2 radials.  Would improve visibility immensely.  Just a thought though, can't wait to see this one either!  Any ideas on camo yet?
"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."
-Tom Clancy

"Radial's Growl, Inline's Purr, Jet's Suck!"

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."


on terms of camoflage, i dont know yet, might make it a desert camo's bird.
as for visibility, im gonna look into canting the inner parts of the wings downwards, might work to.

anyway, i just gor back from the model shop and bought the second revell FW190 kit for the build, so that means plastic cutting can start at any moment. its going to have to be a rushjob, as the deadline is in 2 weeks time (unless there is an extension  :mellow:)

pics to follow  ;D
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Quote from: Nils on April 17, 2010, 02:46:22 AM
on terms of camoflage, i dont know yet, might make it a desert camo's bird.

What about something appropriate as a long range escort for Fw-200 Condors in their anti-shipping role?


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


here's an update :D

yesterday, fuselage and wing number 1 was put together, a pretty straight forward jub, nothing fancy.
one side of the wing was sawn off as to meet it with the fuselage of the flitzer.

second was to close up the area where the cockpit usually is, nothing a little piece of plasticard and putty cant do  ;D
now comes the long and frustrating process of PSR, and it takes extra time as the revell putty doesnt dry that fast  :rolleyes:

Today, started the same treatment to the second fuselage,
to give you a good insight of the basic design, here's a quick dry-fit.
i think she might make a good escort fighter for the Amerika-bomber, because of the extra feul she can carry in the cockpit section of the FW190 like engine booms  :mellow:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.



Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


now that shows promise.....looking forward to seeing how it turns out  :thumbsup:
.............hes a very naughty boy!
allergic to aircraft in grey!
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time........Bertrand Russell
I have come up with a plan so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel. ......Edmund Blackadder


Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<



got another update

last night i started on the cockpit, main instrument panel painted and decaled soon after

the inside of the cockpit, painted up.

assembly and painting of the cockpit

and here is how she looked this morning, cockpit build and fitted, fuselage and wings gleud together.
the problem was that the space between the booms was to wide to fit the tailplane of the flitzer, so i cut out a piece of 1mm thick plasticard and sanded to down to an aerodynamic tail section. tomorrow im gonna start filling the gaps in the wings, fit the landing gear, hardpoints for bombs and maybe (if i still have time left) a first layer of paint.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.