

Started by noxioux, May 03, 2010, 08:25:00 AM

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The important part first--linky to the pics:


It seemed like there were fewer participants this year, but there was still some great stuff out on the tables.  I thought the best part of the show was the naval subjects table.  In particular, the rigging on the small ships made my fingers ache just thinking about it.  The big tyrannosaur won best of show, and deservedly so, as it was gathering compliments all day long from just about everybody.

My Lend-lease Bearcat won Best Turncoat (subject in enemy markings), which was a nice surprise.  And I got a nice Eduard Albatross in 1/48.  I've been wanting to do a biplane, so that's pretty good luck.

One thing I will say, and I apologize in advance if this ticks anybody off:  I thought the judging was pretty wonky.  There were entirely too many sweeps, and a disproportionately large number of awards given to a couple of the fellows.  Now, those guys did deserve some awards, no doubt about it.  But it got pretty silly, IMHO.  And I'm not the only one who thought so.

This isn't sour grapes--I came out of the show smelling like roses, I think.  And I'm not under the illusion that my modeling skills are on a par with many of the people showing there.  But I will say that if you have small show that could benefit from larger participation from the modeling community, it would be wise to come up with some house rules (if IPMS rules don't cover it) that spread the love a little bit.  I know I will continue to bring stuff out for these events, but I must also say that my enthusiasm was severely tempered.

But, even if you don't win anything, it's worth the effort just to see what's being done out there.  I find myself having a strange compulsion to try out a 1/700 ship of some kind, or maybe 1/350 submarine. . .  Maybe next time I'll just skip the awards. :cheers:


Just knew this would happen if I posted in the Upcoming Events thread.


First off, can't believe I didn't run into you, that was your Bearcat, right? What else did you bring?

I didn't stay for the judging as I didn't get what I was working on finished.  Made myself a rule that if it isn't done the week before the show, no sense rushing it. Overheard the judges meeting and they didn't bring up anything about sweeps.  I have seen the local judging go both ways over the years in having sweeps and not allowing them.  I personally like to share the wealth but also like it when the best builds win.  So I am no help.

There were some great whiffs spread around through several categories when I left and I didn't see the judges moving any of the planes.  I also agree on the ships, some beautiful detail there.  I actually met up with a guy from SSM who did the Falke dio and the other 2 large sci-fi kits.  He also did the 72nd 503 Tank Transporter with Marder.  We had a good chat and I may be taking a trip with him next year to Wonderfest if I can work the finances.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies