
New What-If magazine "What-Ifer"

Started by Darkfold, June 24, 2010, 04:01:15 PM

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I quite like that Yakovlev/Illyushin mistel sitting near the B-1. :thumbsup:
My Blogs:

Pickled Wings: http://pickledwings.com/

Beyond Prague: http://beyondprague.net/


I like the third photo, beneath our "spokesman" my "eminence grease" by Terry Pratchett words.. :ph34r:



Quote from: Darkfold on July 13, 2010, 12:58:31 AM

Chief of propaganda section of Czech What if SIG...if you find him, you know that you are close to Czech What-If SiG exhibition... :mellow:

Ah, whiffers the world over are all slightly crazy!!! :cheers:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


First chapter of English translation of "Operation Cuckoo" is here:



First operational use of 321. Heavy rocket artillery brigade was immediately after the November war closed by smokescreen of secret. But now we can with the use of archive documents and via "oral history" of veterans briefly record the deployment of these unique rocket weapon systems, with his help the operation "Noah,s Ark" and "Herostratos", both decisive clash of November war  come to victorious end.

321.Heavy artillery brigade was formed by follow on reorganization of rocket artillery unit in first half of eighties by withdrawn of rocket batteries from armoured divisions of ČSLA during increased tensions on hot edge of Cold war, in western Czechoslovakia. The units of  operational tactical ballistic missiles came originally from 1. armoured division of ČSLA and from 9. armoured division.

Newly formed unit in strength of brigade was located in Rokycany and in military proving ground Jince. Equipment of the rocket artillery brigade was by Soviet supplied short range tactical ballistic missile system 9K79 Tochka, in the NATO code known as SS-21 Scarab.

Order of battle is seen here: two launching vehicles for battery, one command vehicle for battery. Platoon of technical support consists four missile transporters and two vehicles equipped for reloading of missiles. Each unit was too equipped with meteorological unit and testbed for missile guidance unit control.

Primary goal of 321. Heavy artillery rocket brigade was in support of ground operations of defending forces of Czechoslovakian armed forces and too in support of Czechoslovakian air forces operations. This, in the time very innovative conceprt of military art was wery flexible a is the one of decisive factor of military victory over Allied forces.

As General staff of Czechoslovakian  armed forces was very well informed about the possibility of rapid escalation from conventional war to limited nuclear war, the decision of use of the missiles just on the Allied targets on occupied  Czechoslovak soil was taken. A diplomatic warning via Swiss government to Allied states was send, Czechoslovak republic informed the Alied forces, that the sovereignty and integrity of the state is indisputable and the aggression will be repel at any cost.

From the night of 13.to 14. November is entire missile brigade alerted to immediately preparedness and reinforced to full strength by mobilization of  specialist for weather forecasting and topography. Shoot - down  of Allied SR-71 strategic recce plan piloted by cpt. Cassidy is for missile  brigade bit of war luck, because the recce Blackbird was send over the Iron curtain to obtain info about the movements od Czechoslovak ground forces. With any disturbing is the brigade and theirs vehicles with equipment loaded on flatbeds  of Czechoslovak state railways in station Holoubkov, near Rokycany. Train is after then shipped to area of southern Bohemia, guarded by unit of Workers Militia and military railway police unit.

In the day 15. November the staff of brigade issued the order of "Operation Cuckoo" and the brigade units fill them immediately. Camouflaged TEL 9P129 are dispersed in railway flatbeds cars, together with meteorological stations and with antiaircraft units equipped with 9K32 Strela man portable SAM ( in NATO code SA-7 Grail). Each unit is towed with diesel freight locomotive 781 ( known as Sergeii..) to future theater of operation located in the south Bohemia , near the town Kaplice. The transports reached theirs destination without troubles, just before the first Allied cruise missile Tomahawk attacks at night on 19. November .

Next chapter is about operation "Cuckoo 1" against Patriot SAM batteries of 10. Antiaircraft brigade US Army from base in Hanau, during first stages of conflict located on hill "Šibeniční vrch" near village Dolní Dvořiště.


Hmm., no interest, no answers., okay.., this is is my last post here..
