
Bf 109 L-0

Started by Hotte, August 01, 2010, 05:05:00 AM

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Here is a model of UweB from the german Flugzeugforum.de
If a Bf 109 L-0  ;D
The machine has been developed as a private development by Willy Messerschmitt as a hedge in case the Me 262 program is entirely beside the sly. The first flight of the first prototype was in the summer of 1944.
But it is only a pilot series of 10 machines were built.



Interesting! Are you referring to a true story or a what-if tale? :huh:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Interesting Tadpole. You could make a nice line up of actual and Wif Tadpoles from late WWII fighters  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

The Wooksta!

Looks like what I'd planned to do with the Unicraft Bf 109TL conversion.  Nice.  I'd like to see a front shot.


As a basic model was the Heller kit of the Bf 109 K-4.
The rest I've created in the self-made.


The Wooksta!

Modified Heller K?  I did something similar about 20 years ago.  Model's long since gone though.  If I was to do it now I'd start with either an Me 209A or a Revell or Hobbyboss Bf 109G-10


hi Hotte

I am bit of a Luft 46 buff.  I didn't think they made any prototypes and that is was a paper project - i though the concept was abandoned in 1943 because the 262 was progressing well.  No matter - I don't let the truth stand in the way of a good model.  I did the conversion in 48 scale based on a 109F (I think).  Yours looks better than mine because I didn't give mine a long enough nose to accommodate the underslung jet.  Yours has graceful lines - mine ended up a bit chunky. 

And I also would like to see some more images.

Nice going



The Bf 109 L from the front.
The canopy is similar to a Me 163 one part.



The Wooksta!

Nice but I've reservations about the intake cone.  It's just too modern. 


OK, ya got me! Is this "fer real", or a major WHIF? That is, not a built-up version of a real paper project, but an all-out fabrication. Either way, I LIKE IT!

I like the model, but it smacks of a Yak-15-17-19-21. It wouldn't surprise me that both Germany and the Soviet Union reached the same conclusion about how to use a single jet engine in a small aircraft, but in all my research I have never heard of this "German" version.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


This is a great little model! Although to be a bit of a JMN - if that's a Jumo 003 then the intake cone should be truncated, with room for the Riedel starter motor.

Quote from: sequoiaranger on August 05, 2010, 09:40:01 AM
I like the model, but it smacks of a Yak-15-17-19-21. It wouldn't surprise me that both Germany and the Soviet Union reached the same conclusion about how to use a single jet engine in a small aircraft, but in all my research I have never heard of this "German" version.

For the early Yak jets, the Russians used exact copies of the Jumo 003. So it's not surprising that this plane looks like a Yak...

The "real" Me-109TL had two Jumo engines under the wings.

The Wooksta!

Quote from: apophenia on August 05, 2010, 05:18:54 PM
Quote from: The Wooksta! on August 02, 2010, 03:30:17 AM
Looks like what I'd planned to do with the Unicraft Bf 109TL conversion.  Nice.  I'd like to see a front shot.

The Unicraft "Me-109TL" was based on whif artwork I did a few years back (and having it kitted is certainly an ego boost  ;D).

The 'tadpole' arrangement seemed like a good whif alternative to the Real World, twin-engine Turbo Lader. The original caption made clear that the concept was a whif ... and the image was of the whif 'TL downing a Yak-3 as a backhanded acknowledgement of the inspiration  :rolleyes:

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I cobbled something similar together about twenty years ago (I think it was summer 1990) after reading an Ian Huntley article in SAM.  262 engine, Heller 109K for the fuselage & tail and another Heller 109 wing, I think it may have been the G.  TBH, it was just a collection of junk from the spares box.  Long gone now.


There were two Me109 TL projects - as other writers have suggested.  The 109 with the fuselage underslung jumo  might be called TL1 and yes there is a kit of it in 72 scale (Unicraft I think).  RLM became concerned about possible delays in the ME 262 and so the Me 109 TL (let's call it TL2) became a paper project.  The Me 109TL2 used parts of the projected Me 309 and 2 jumo with the wings in the 262 style.  In the end the 262 progressed in a timely manner and the Me 109 TL2 remained a paper project.  You can purchase the 48 scale resin kit from Antares in Argentina.  I happen to be doing a kit bash of the 48 scale kit.  I could be more precise about dates for these developments from some of my Luft 46 books but they have been packed away by she-who-must-be-obeyed.

The Russians grabbed a bunch of jumo's at the end of the war and called them RD-10.  They stuck a RD-10 under a Yak 3 and it became the Yak 15 and it first flew in 1946 and was one of the first 3 jets for the Russians.  Czech Model make the 48 scale kit - I have broken into my box but not started the build.

All that aside, Hotte's model looks great and I'll bet was a bunch of fun to build.

The Wooksta!

Both the Airmodel and Planet Bf 109TLs have the two wing mounted engines.  All the references to the TL i've seen mention that the wing was to have been the wing from the Me 155A carrier fighter.

I did have a possible piece planned out with Messerschmitt proposing an Me 209TL Yak 15 style with a BMW 003 for the Volksjager contract.