
Here be tales of strange things...[Inspiration]

Started by GTX, August 27, 2010, 10:05:58 PM

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Those among you who be needin' inspiration look here!

Captain Greg, The Beardless One
All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Quote from: philp on August 28, 2010, 10:31:16 AM
but if yea be searchin under Pirate Airship or Space Pirates, ye get as many pitchers of wenches as ye do craft.

Aarrr, and what be wrong wiv dat  :blink:  any & evry trim ship in my bunk be good  :wacko:

....................... unless you're one of dem sort a pirate.
you may as well all give up -- the truth is much stranger than fiction.

I'm not sick ... just a little unwell.


Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Just watched "Porco Rosso" again and, as a result, had to look through the stash for something that could be pirated (even though I won't have any spare time to join this GB). My eyes fell on an Eduard Airco DH.2. Thought about relocating the engine so it would hang under the top wing and seating the pilot in a central float attached to the lower wing.

Googling for some inspirational images, I came upon a different take on a DH.2 floatplane.
Doesn't look too bad and keeps the classic looks of the DH.2. Note the pilot. :lol:



Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


ah, me me findin this lass here  ;D

and speakin of pirates, 2 weeks ago ive seen an actual pirate vessel in the Brugges canal, unfortunatly i didnt had a camera with me, would have taken a pic before i sending it to davy jones locker  :lol:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Been thinking a Pirate Submarine would be cool for this.  Or some Space Pirates.

Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Arrrr, It be a mishap, but the way the tarp be a drappin' be makin' for a scallywag seadog!  Avast, there likewise be a Jolly Roger on the starboard bow!  Arrrr!!!

I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


yar, ye be checkin out this Pimped out F-8 Crusader, now there's a fine lookin plane for ya  :wub:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.



Okay, bit late but.... Da Frog's pirate tram got met hinking about other ridiculous pirate concepts, and one that immediately struck me, in this part of the world, was a pirate narrowboat on the canals. You can just imagine it chasing some poor sod at 3 knots for hours waiting for a lock so it can catch up..... ;D

Anyway, look what somebody else found!


That's just class..... ;D :thumbsup:
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


How about a Pirate double decker to plunder the local shops or RV's?
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Most of my inspiration comes from my youth, my years in the royal auxiliary air force and si-fi. Finding the time to build them is the problem, but as long as there is an ideas bank. I'm happy. :banghead:


Gyarrr i be findin' me tram backstory (which i wrote back in school hence the crapness)


   "More speed" shouted Cap'n Blackbeard at his engineer from the driving cab of his W class tram as he attempted to close the bright orange Z class tram of the Private Transport Network.
   "Arr all the motors are working again" Angus the engineer shouted back.
   "Set the sails. I need more speed and while you're at it raise the flag." Cap'n Blackbeard shouted to Tim the cabin boy on the roof of the tram. With the sails now set and the Jolly Roger flying the W class tram began to gain on the Z class.
   "Stand by for boarding. Take the wheel Angus" shouted Cap'n Blackbeard as he moved to the door of the driving cab and picked up his special duelling point changer. The dread pirate Fred picked up his special W class pantograph club and stepped to the door in preparation for boarding. On top of the tram Tim picked up Long Tom, the pair of extra long insulated bolt cutters.
   As the W class tram drew alongside the Z class Cap'n Blackbeard and Fred opened their doors. The doors of the Z class tram opened and a fearsome looking private transport pirate stood in each doorway. Cap'n Blackbeard leapt across to the Z class tram and began to duel with the fearsome Hieronimous, grand commander of the private tram fleets. The pirate in the doorway opposite Fred raised his automatic ticket validater and leapt across the gap. Fred parried the first wild lunge and countered with his club, knocking his opponent down. He leapt onto the Z class tram as Angus came out from the driving cabin to deal with the stunned private transport pirate. On top of the tram Tim had parried a lunge by the other tram's topman with his bolt cutters and had managed to chop them in half. The private transport topman tried to leap across to the W class tram but  Tim managed to get enough of his weight behind Long Tom to stop the topman in mid air and send him crashing to the tram tracks racing below.
   "We're abroad now Tim, cut their pantograph" Cap'n Blackbeard yelled. Tim took a firm grip of Long Tom and leaped to the roof of the Z class tram. Once there he cut through the pantograph cutting off the electricity to the tram's engines.
   Inside the Z class tram Fred was struggling with the private transport engineer and Cap'n Blackbeard was duelling with Hieronimous. Cap'n Blackbeard's and Hieronimous's point changers clashed again and again as they cut and thrust, parried and lunged at each other. Neither captain could gain the upper hand until the trams decreasing speed carried it over an intersection. As the tram bumped over the joins in the tracks Hieronimous lost his footing and Cap'n Blackbeard was able to deal him a great blow to the side of the head laying him out cold. By now the engineer had ceased to struggle and Fred was holding him against a wall with his club pressed across his throat. The tram had slowed down to about a third of its original speed by this time and Cap'n Blackbeard went to the drivers seat and applied the emergency break. The Z class tram came to a stop within fifty metres of where Angus had stoped W class. As Cap'n Blackbeard turned round from the drivers seat Hieronimous came to and began to sit up.
   "You scurvy scum your dread Z class tram and your crew of private transport pirates proved no match for me. As soon as I get power back to this tram I'll make you and you're scurvy crew walk the plank into oncoming traffic." said Cap'n Blackbeard.