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Look Ye ,and Despair

Started by sotoolslinger, September 07, 2010, 11:24:59 AM

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Gaze with yer own Mk 1 eyeball at me latest creation

The most righteous scribner JP Vieira (a Portagee ,and therfore untrustwothy ;D) done provisioned me with this here desine

While me ol matey "Uncle" Jeffry Fontaine has sent my pirate carrier this here Chinee copy of a MiG -19

So I done put this here horriffyin creation together

Soon ,me cullys , I'll be sendin yer ships to tha locker

Ye shall tremble in yer lace an finery as me planes wot I has called "The Dragon" raids yer islands and coasts

See my sigul which me ships will be marked and despair

The Dread Pirate Ronald ,Captain, The Iron Maiden
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland

Jeffry Fontaine

Nice work!  Especially when you consider the company that produced the MiG-19 kit :^)

Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg

Alvis 3.14159

I've always wondered how they'd do a carrier based Mig-19.

Now I know.


Alvis Pi


Actually Jeffry the model is pretty well done as to fit.  :thumbsup:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


See ye that here is p's and s's and aaaarrrrs :lol: :rolleyes:

Know this ,ye dogs, if ye come against a Dragon ye'll face off not none ,not one, but two, I sez two , o these here 20 mm roto cannon :wacko:

I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


I like the rocket launchers, Cap'n, they obviously be a great surprise to the scurvy dogs which resist ye!
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.

John Howling Mouse

ARGGGG, me timbers be shivered but this be a right fit piece o' air-sailing kit! 
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


Thanks Dan. Did Some major Mods :wacko: Pics in proper pirate language later Yaaaaar :blink:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland




aye, sabretooth tiger with an eyepatch. vrythin just be needin an eyepatch and rum


Could poke your eye out with that!! Aye aye matey....


Yaaar me own Tortugan engineers done added these er housin's for bigger feet . For the landins on carrier decks.

They also done give er more forard speed with the addin of aft burners

Fer feedin the beast me foin engine boys done give er these here confounded tanks

All this they done with only a few lashins to improve morale
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Twin exhaust and furry dice!!