
cadet series Enterprise E

Started by noxioux, September 09, 2010, 01:42:53 PM

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Nice job on the paintwork, although the TOS ships were always painted with what the Starfleet Technical Manual calls 'Thermoglaze', which prevents feedback from the shields damaging the hull....apparently....!  During the refit, the shield sysytems were changed, rendering Thermoglaze redundant.

Oh dear, I let my closet Trekkie out....


Sorry for the late reply Mib!  I've been pretty busy.  I'd love to do an NX-01, but would cost as much as the rest of them put together!  Hopefully down the road they'll pop one to go along with this set.  I don't know why they don't just do that--a comprehensive enterprise set in whatever scale seems doable.

I do have a 1/1000 and 1/350 NX-01 that I'll get done eventually.  The 1/350 is actually built and painted, but I'm going to re-do it, and add the aztek decal set.  The azteking makes a huge difference in how they turn out.


Thank you for your reply, noxioux! :)
I love Star Trek saga but I love NX-01 too  :wub:
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-"Unlimited technology from the whole universe, and we cruise around in a Ford POS?"

-"Nothing is as it seems, guy!"


Really nice. :wub:

Am I alone in thinking NX-01 was the best looking Enterprise? or that Star Trek: Enterprise was the best version of the show? I dislike DS9 and not a particular fan of the original series (although the films are good), but in terms of the series for me it is -Enterprise, then Voyager, the Next Generation.


How old are you, James?  When ST came out in the 60s when I was in high school, it was really cool stuff on our low-res, mostly b&w TV sets.  Granted, looking at them now they are quite cheesy. 
The Leng Plateau is lovely this time of year


Nice job, but the last 23rd Century Enterprise class heavy cruisers don't look right unless they're in resplendent white.  That's MY ship and time frame.  They're seriously the coolest Sci-Fi ship by me.
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Quote from: royabulgaf on December 10, 2010, 05:04:50 PM
How old are you, James?  When ST came out in the 60s when I was in high school, it was really cool stuff on our low-res, mostly b&w TV sets.  Granted, looking at them now they are quite cheesy. 

25. I can remember watching Next Generation in the early 90s and I now watch it with a certain fondness but I think it's showing its age. Picard is still quality imo.  :thumbsup:


IMO, nothing beats the original series.  But then I guess it's what you grow up with.  I just actually purchased the remastered series, and it still rocks.  I thought I would hate the revised SPFX stuff, but it actually does help out quite a bit.

But honestly, I like it all, more or less.  I don't do cartwheels over TNG or DS9, but both series have a lot of great episodes.  I haven't seen a bunch of Enterprise, but I have enjoyed the few episodes I've caught.

Next up will likely be one of each of the new Round 2 repops:  I really look forward to doing the Reliant.

John Howling Mouse

Great looking models....love the hybrid metallic look you've captured.

The original series might be hokey by today's standards but, watching them as a kid, they certainly left an indelible impression.  You honestly felt like you WERE in deep space for an hour each week.  And, between the Enterprise and the Klingon cruisers, you had some radically memorable designs.  These were THE spaceships of an era.

I was so excited to get my hands on those original AMT models.  And, in my haste to be able to "fly" them, I buggered everyone of them up.  But I loved them.  Seeing your cadet models brings back a lot of memories.

Remember when those little 1:3 scale prop models came out?  Tricorder, Communicator and Phaser?  Man, was I pessid to discover they were not full-size!  But I still built them up and played with them until they each broke down from sheer wear and tear.

Sorry, back to your models: fantastic!
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