
tintin build #4 & #5: Syldavian LA-5FN and Shark Sub

Started by Spey_Phantom, September 11, 2010, 10:41:41 AM

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yes, its time for another build for the tintin collection  ;D

first up is the Shark Submarine from "the treasure of Scharlakan Rackham' (dont know what they call him in english) and the animated film "The lake of sharks"
but the progress of this build can be followed over on the test & experimental GB thread.


second one is a 1/72 Lavochkin La-5FN from the album "Rocket to the moon", in the album, our heroes are invited by proffesor Calculus to the Nuclear test facility of Sprodj in Syldavia. in one part of the story, an unidentified plane crossed over the restricted airspace above the facility, and fighters from the facilities airfield are scrambled to intercept. although the picture in the comic & TV show in unclear of the type (kinda looks like a Hurricane, D.520 or a Renard R.38. figuring that Syldavia lies in eastern europe, i thought i would gice it a russian plane, so i chose the La-5FN (to counter the bordurian Bf.109's)

for the camo, im thinking 2-tone grey with a red nose & spinner, like the one on the box, but with Syldavian roundels  ;D

here's the box of the model  :mellow:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Excellent idea Nils, I'm impatient to see your progress on that build!



got back into the styrene recovery phase today, and finished up this build.
the shark sub is already done (see test & experimental GB) so now its time to finish the La-5  :mellow:

she's almost ready, wings are already painted and decaled, tomorrow its the fuselage camo, decals and the fitting of the wheels & rudder  ;D

here are some pics of the progress.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.



but first, a little Back History:

in may 1941, Borduria signed a pact with Nazi Germany, together with Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania. King Ottokar XIV of Syldavia realised that it was surrounded by facist forces and invasion was imminent. on the 5th of June 1941, this became reality as Bordurian Stuka's crossed over the border and attacked Syldavian airfields in the West of the country. the Syldavian Air Force was equiped with only a small and antiquated force, relying on a small number of old Hawker Hart, Gloster Gladiator and Polikarpov I-16's to defend its country.

desperate for help, the king contacted the allied forces, the RAF sent out a small borce of spitfires and Blenheims to defend the country. in august 1943, they were forced to withdraw as Bordurian and German forces invaded the country, in only a matter of days Syldavia was overrun. Syldavian soldiers and pilots who managed to escape to Turkey, focused on putting together a large force to take back the country. but since large orders of a single type of aircraft could not be placed, it was decided to buy various types in smaller numbers.

in March 1944, the Syldavian Air Force has reequiped itself with a variety of aircraft, up to 25 La-5FN fighters and 20 IL-2 Attack aircraft from Russia, 17 A-20's and A-36's from the USA and a force of 20 mosquito FB.VI's from RAF stocks. then the Syldavian Air Force set out to take back the country, first by taking out the Bordurian AF in the country. a group of 10 A-20 and 15 La-5's sent out to take back the airfields. the La-5FN appeared to be more of a match for the Bf109G and the FW190.

after Syldavia was taken back and peace came in 1945, the La-5FN contineud to form the backbone of the Syldavian Air Force, after the war they were supplemented by 50 additional aircraft from Soviet stocks. one of the most famous and misterious La-5 squadrons was the 375th Fighter Squadron, based at the secret nuclear test facility at Sprodj. there objective was to protect the facility, where Syldavia was conducting its Space program. mostly, they were sent up to shoot down Bordurian spy planes, particulary Fieseler Storks and Ta154's. the LA-5FN stayed in service with the Syldavian Air Force until mid-1952, when they were replaced by the Mistere IVA.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Well done Nils: nice hostorical background, nice build and splendid deco. The syldavian cockade is lovely  :wub:
My only remark is that personally I would have given a "mirror effect" to the cockades: the Royal pelican on the left wing should have seen the eyes of the one of the right wing. But it's just a personal comment and not a criticism, once again I like that Syldavian La-5!

You make fine decals, that is my actual problem: no knowledge of any CAD program (my Palombian decals were made by a French friend)