
German Moon Base Alpha

Started by philp, September 25, 2010, 07:55:40 PM

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Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


"Lusaka Tower, this is Green Leader..."

The Wooksta!

It's the usual mish mash of paranoid nonsense and wish fulfilment that's spreading though UFO lore like a plague.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:


Geee, if them Nazis could do all that, why'd they lose the war?   :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.

The Wooksta!

I can just about believe that the Germans *might* have got a workable nuke - they had the industrial base, the nuclear material and the scientists - but anti gravity and flying saucers?  Bollards!  If they'd had that lot, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

If anyone does believe it, I have some sea front property for sale in Birmingham that you may be interested in.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

Joe C-P

Willful ignorance _and_ stupidity.
Imagined self-importance seems to drive these people, the idea that they've discovered something no one else knows, and they're smarter than the "so-called experts". The more you try to show how wrong they are, the tighter they cling to their beliefs.
Many moons ago I tried arguing with a guy who believed he'd come up with an alternate explanation for gravity, and despite multiple people demonstrating the evident mistakes in his "theory" he just kept spouting the nonsense. The last I read from this person was his claim that all dinosaurs had lived on a single, small continent while Earth orbited Saturn in a synchronous orbit, because dinosaurs were too big to stand up on their own without a second gravity source pulling them up. Oh, and that tides are not caused by the Moon and Sun. Literally:  :banghead:
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.



I kinda think (hope) this is more a what if sorta thing rather than trying to state it as fact.  If the individual concerned genuinely believes this stuff, he's disturbed in a fairly significant way, but given all the other stuff on there, one has to assume it's purely for amusement rather than trying to state "factual" information.

