
BBES XAF-77 Falcon, "Regal Eagle",

Started by AeroplaneDriver, October 17, 2010, 06:08:49 PM

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OK, so here we go on the first building I've done in over a year...fingers crossed!!!

This started last year as a Fighter to operate in the same timeline as my HMS Scimitar, Talon Martian Assault Lander, and (still unfinished) Vampire Heavy Fighter (pics of all three in this build thread on the Scimitar for those who havent seen them: http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,21119.90.html ).

As I've fleshed out its story to finish it I've decided to ditch the 'wings' that were on the original version last year.  Instead it will be a small, nimble, exo-atmospheric fighter (XAF).  So here goes the beginnings of its backstory....

The optimistic hope that Mankind's steps into the sea of space would lead to a utopian future with humanity united in their exploration of the greater universe lasted all of about 100 years...instead of the idealized future shown in 20th century entertainment such as Star Trek, our baser human instincts followed us into the Void.  As space became more and more commercialized, competition for resources and territory led, inevitably perhaps, to it becoming more and more militarized.  

Skirmishes were not uncommon between the Colonial Powers, with the Martian Water Wars being the most violent of these confrontations.  As mining operations grew in the asteroid belt and the moons of Jupiter Piracy also grew.  Corporations, individuals, and countries alike operated pirate and privateer vessels during the first half of the 22nd Century, making the period reminiscent of the Colonial years in the New World on Mother Earth.  

Patrol vessels like the Commonwealth Broadsword Class Frigate HMS Scimitar had a need for a small fighter.  Though they had limited hangar space, Frigates like the Scimitar and the US North Carolina Class still had need for a viable flight of at least 3 Fighters as well as their utility shuttles. To fill this need BBES (the space conglomerate Boeing/BAES/Embraer Space Systems) offered the XFA-77 Falcon.  Like its namesake a century and a half earlier the Falcon was designed to be a small, nimble dogfighter.  With pirate ships becoming increasingly sophisticated and customized, the Vampire Heavy Fighter, while powerful in a military conflict, lacked the maneuverability to keep up with some of more successful raiding ships.  

The Falcon entered service with the Royal Navy as the Falcon SF.1 in late 2119.  Each of the Broadsword class ships carried a flight of four ships, with three being kept at flight status, with a fourth in reserve.  

This Falcon is historically significant as it was the ship of Princess Victoria during her three year tour with 943 NSS.  During  her time with 943 Sqn she spent a year aboard HMS Scimitar, six months aboard HMS Rapier, and a six month exchange tour aboard the USS Puerto Rico.  Victoria, callsign "Vicksen", saw extensive combat in her Falcon, following in the footsteps of Prince Simon, Princess Beatrix, Prince Harry, and Prince Andrew, in becoming the latest member of the House of Windsor to go to War.  

When finished this build will carry the "Regal Eagle" nose-art as first applied during Vickie's first operational tour, aboard HMS Scimitar, 2120-21.

So I got that going for me...which is nice....


OK, tonight has been mostly about playing around with weapons configurations...I thought I wanted a ventral 'sail' with an integral retractable landing 'foot' and twin laser cannons...but after spending about an hour on this part, I'm not sure if I like it...I relocated the guns to the outer part of the nacelled, and I may ditch it altogether and go with a landing strut coming out of the P-38 nosegear bay, deploying to the rear, with two smaller struts from the front of the nacelles.

Right now the weapons config is two laser cannons on the outboard nacelle surfaces, and the modular weapons fit in the front of the nacelles currently carrying a particle cannon on the right and a multi-barrel micro-torpedo launcher in the left.  Propulsion is just about finalized with the nacelles containing the main ion engines and the rear fuselage containing twin plasma maneuvering thrusters.  The ion engines currently only have the magnetic rings installed, since I'm still searching the parts box for drive nozzles that look right...

Anyhoo...here she is so far...first two with the 'sail' installed, last with it removed, just sitting as it would look inflight if I went with the fully retractable landing struts.

So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Awesome Job :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: why do i hear the 'Star Wars' theme in my head as i see this Awesome Fighter? Could you just picture somewhere on a Distant Planet,an Alarm Klaxon going off and the PA Blares with the Order,"Scramble,Scramble,All Pilots to Your Craft! Enemy Ships Detected!" Keep up the Great work!Dan :cheers:



Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


OK, last update for the night, and likely for the week...

Finalized the weapon configuration, doing away completely with the laser cannons on the outboard side of the nacelles.  Since it's supposed to be a light fighter I just went with the asymetrical configuration with a micro-torpedo launcher in one nacelle and a directed energy weapon in the other (we'll see in the final story if it's a laser or particle beam). 

The Ion Engines are also done, and the shield manipulators attached permanently. I painted the whole thing Tamiya Black for now...it may stay black, but if it does it will get a flat clear coat to dull it down, except for the canopy, which will stay gloss black to represent the LCD canopy which powers down to a dark opaque setting to protect the pilot from the sun.  When needed the canopy can become transparent, or alternately the outside view can be displayed on the inside for the pilot.

Anyhoo....enough jabbering...here it is so far:

So I got that going for me...which is nice....


I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Excellent job! I love how you kept the tabs on the TF-30 engines up front... very smart to just leave them and use them as additional detail  :cheers:
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


OK kids, one last update before I have to head out for my flight...

I liked the black, but it just didn't fit the look I wanted...so I went with RAF Ocean Gray, the same is HMS Scimitar. Some details are picked out with various metallics, though the engines are still just tacked on for photo purposes.  I did away with the 'sail' idea and went with a traditional retractable landing gear.  The rear landing strut is done and temporarily attached with blu-tac.  Right now the front is held up with a big blob of blu-tackish stuff.  When I get home I'll build the forward gear, which will be two smaller struts which retract into the nacelles.  The canopy is masked off, and is still the gloss black underneath, which is how it will stay. I'll do a canopy frame with strips of painted decal film when it's all finished up. 

More after the weekend!

So I got that going for me...which is nice....


It is looking good so far.

Are you going to include the House of Windor Coat of Arms in the markings (even personal markings)?
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


I'm liking the look of this. Can't wait to see her finished.  :thumbsup:



OK, closing in on the finish line, for what will be my first completed build in over a year!   :party:

The lading gear is complete and ready to mount, as are the main engine drive rings, but there are a couple of decals to go first, then weathering.

First pic shows the black and yellow 943 RNSS squadron markings on the shield emitters, as well as the particle cannon in the left nacelle and the micro-torpedo module in the right.  The silver items outboard of the cockpit on the 'wings' are the latches where the ship mates to the launch bracket when deploying from a standard Type 44 Launch Rail.

Underside shot shows the white repulsor-lift gravity manipulators as well as the GE M67 Laser cannon under the forward fuselage.  This view shows the Union Flag under the Royal Navy stenciling.  This is unique to to this ship. All other RN fighters, like all other RN spacecraft fly the Black Ensign, however as this is the ship of a member of the Royal Family, it carries the Union Flag.

Final pic for now shows Princess Victoria's "Regal Eagle" nacelle art.

Should manage to finish this one today, so no more pics till she's done.
So I got that going for me...which is nice....



I kind of, sort of, love it to pieces  :wub:  :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


That came together very well.  Are you going to heavily weather it?  IMO, it would be sweet to see this one with a "well-used" look.  It's going to be awesome either way. :thumbsup: