Mother Ships, Parasites and More: Bomber, XC Heavy Transport and FICON Studies

Started by jzichek, October 21, 2010, 03:15:18 PM

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Greetings Forum Members:

I am a small publisher and new participant here; some of you may know me from the Secret Projects Forum.  I am trying to get the word out on our newest publication titled "Mother Ships, Parasites and More: Bomber, XC Heavy Transport and FICON Studies, 1945-1954," the fifth volume in The American Aerospace Archive series:

In this bumper-size issue, we revisit the theme of early postwar strategic bomber development (originally covered in Issue 3) and introduces two new subjects: the USAF XC Heavy Transport and Parasite/Missile Carrier as well as selected Fighter-Conveyor (FICON) studies from the early 1950′s. A common thread throughout this issue is the parasite aircraft, a concept which intrigued the Air Force during this period before being made obsolete by advancements in in-flight refueling and other areas. Featuring hundreds of previously unpublished bomber, transport and parasite aircraft studies, this 204 page magazine is copiously illustrated with 258 drawings, artist's impressions and photos, including 27 in color. Subjects covered include but are not limited to the following:

Bomber & Transport Studies:

Consolidated Vultee Heavy Bombardment Airplane, Gas Turbine Propelled proposal of 1945 (5 images)
Douglas Models 1042, 1067  & 1274 Tailless Delta Wing Transports/Airliners (3 images)
Douglas Model 1064 Tailless Delta Wing Bombers (11 images)
Douglas Model 1211-J Megapod/Snark Missile/Convair XF-92/Douglas XF4D-1 Carrier (8 images)
Douglas Model 1211R-45 through 1211X-55 Strategic Bombers—new detailed information
Lockheed L-191-3 "Team Bomber" (1 image)
Lockheed L-195 nuclear-powered strategic bombers  (3 images)

XC Heavy Transport and Parasite/Missile Carrier Studies:

Boeing Model 497 XC Heavy Transport and Model 700-1 to -3 bomber/recon parasites (28 images)
Douglas Models 1240 XC Heavy Transport/1252 medium transport/XC-132  (the main feature—numerous variants, 141 images)
Douglas Models 1251/1251-A/1256 supersonic parasite bombers (14 images)
Lockheed L-168 transport, L-208 XC Heavy Transport, and L-209-5 parasite bomber  (4 images)

FICON and other Parasite Aircraft Studies:

North American "Parasite Fighter" and RD-1461 medium bomber/carrier of 1947  (3 images)
Douglas Model 1126 medium bomber (MX-948)/Convair B-36 Fuel Transfer Study (2 images)
Douglas Model 1219 supersonic parasite bomber (2 images)
Douglas FICON studies—B-36 carrying F-80, F-86, F-84, XF-88, XF-90, F-94, F4D, F7U, X-3 parasites  (34 images)
Douglas X-3 parasite studies (11 images)

The printed edition features high quality image reproduction on semi-gloss paper with perfect binding and stiffer cover stock than previous issues—more of a soft cover book than a typical magazine. Also available is a new PDF eBook version, which features a special 23 page legal size section reproducing many of the drawings from the main body of the magazine in an uninterrupted landscape format. For a full preview of the contents, please visit MagCloud, where you can also purchase the printed edition for $49.95.  MagCloud now ships worldwide at a reasonable price, so all domestic and international readers should order their printed copies through there.  The PDF eBook version is available exclusively through for $16.95.  We are working on making PDF eBook versions of our previous issues available in the near future.

There is a tremendous amount of new and interesting material here, ideal for the scratchbuilder, kitbasher and enthusiast.  If you have any questions, please reply here on the forum and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner.

Best Regards,

Jared Zichek


Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA


Thanks sandiego89; there are a lot of previously unseen parasite bomber and fighter studies in this volume.  I can't wait to see an intrepid modeler tackle a Convair B-36/Vought F7U combination, for instance!


Will die without understanding this world.


Thanks ysi_maniac!  I should note that postage ranges from $6.34 for US orders (FedEx ground) to $13.45 for international (Priority Airmail).  For the latter, you can buy up to 300 pages of material and the postage price stays at $13.45, so if you want to sample some earlier issues, it is worth keeping in mind.


MagCloud is having a 50% Off Sale on Friday, November 26th from midnight until 12 pm (PST).  You'll be able to purchase the printed version of "Mother Ships, Parasites and More" for only $25 + shipping.  Issues 1-4 will also be available at 50% off.  It's an excellent opportunity to pick up great material on US secret aircraft projects at a bargain price!

If you miss the mega sale, you can still take advantage of MagCloud's 25% Off Holiday Sale from 12 pm November 26th through December 31st.  Please note that this sale is for the printed version of the magazine only; the PDF downloads at will remain at their regular price.


MagCloud's 25% Off Sale is ending on December 31.  Get more than $10 off "Mother Ships, Parasites and More;" Issues 1-4 are also available at 25% off.  It's an excellent opportunity to pick up great material on US secret aircraft projects at a bargain price!

Please note that this sale is for the printed version of the magazine only; the PDF downloads at will remain at their regular price, as they are already quite reasonable. Thanks and happy holidays!
