
My Armed Forces

Started by Spey_Phantom, November 08, 2010, 03:41:22 AM

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Inspired by Jkob's Inglandian Army, i thought i would have a go at forming my own army myself.
for a large number of years now, i had a number of soldier figures and vehicles that i had no idea what to do with it, so i thought, just for fun, i would use them for my own army, using mostly World war 2 equipment.

the name of my coutry is going to be the "Republic of New Flanders"

the national Flag:

for the formation im thinking early to mid 1940-45

first up, here's a pic of the soldiers, my brother gave them to me after he gave up the figure painting hobby, these are airfix US Army troops, im gonna try and giv them RNV uniforms

and here's a box i bought a few years ago, i had no idea what to do with it, so im gonna build is as a RNV Army troop carrier / artillery vehicle. i got a Willies Jeep somewhere in the stash aswell. i got some parts for large gun turrets left from 2 snowberry kits, im gonna see if i can salvage them and build 2 gun positions. i gonna see if i can obtain some form of cheap armour (tank, troop carrier...)

i also have a number of Royal Navy Sailor figures from 2 snowberry's im planning un using for the RNV Navy, but i cant seem to find half of them  :-\ (EDIT: Found them  ;D), also thinking of a number of seaplanes and Fairey Swordfish
as for ships, i still have an Airfix 1/72 German E-boat in the stash.

as for the RNV Air Force, got plenty of Pilots and ground personel, all i need to do is find aircraft, im thinking starting off with trainers first, im thinking Stearman's or Tiger Moths (or both), for fighters i still havent decided (thinking Bf109 or P-40), for bombers im thinking Wellesley or Blenheim, transports JU-52.

more soon
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Well, at least I made someone make something similar to what I'm doing  ;D.
You'll see that it's funny to do this and the feelings when you see a battalion ready are really good.
All I can say is make it with lots of patience, do it battalion by battalion (because sometimes the references dissapear from catalogs  :angry:) and also try to be organized and not buy all type of vehicles (because when you have lots of different vehicles and don't know how to organize them it's a problem).

have fun  :thumbsup:


If you are wanting some WW2 aircraft and vehicles, I have a a fair few up for sale, PM me if you are interested and I can send you a document of what I have
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


thanks for the offer, but my stash is overcrowded as it is already, and i still got plenty of WW2 machines in supply.

anyway, i got a small update, the soldiers all recieved a new dark green base coat, camo will be added later.
i started construction of the Halftrack and the 88mm gun (no pics)
as soon as thats finished, im gonna start with RNV Air Force equipment, beginning with a Grumman Widgeon (SAR bird, for the RNV Navy) and a Blackburn Skua (RNVAF)

pics later  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Very interresting project!

I'm impatient to see the development of RNV army... Nice flag anyway...


this project is still going, but in a slow pace. there are a number of builds planned but i cant reveal much.
but here's a man that can explain what im gonna start working on soon  :mellow:
General, if you would kindly take it from here.... :rolleyes:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Quote from: Nils on November 30, 2010, 12:26:20 PM
this project is still going, but in a slow pace. there are a number of builds planned but i cant reveal much.
but here's a man that can explain what im gonna start working on soon  :mellow:
General, if you would kindly take it from here.... :rolleyes:

Dose "detached" mean removed from his sprue in this instance ?

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


on the bench:

-all kinds of things.




just to show you im still building my own (small) army, i just finished the assembly of the 88mm FLAK gun.
the half-track is a total failure  :-\, im not used to building armour, so it was to be expected, i might buy a wheeled truck to replace it  :mellow:

still looking in the stash for a suitable fighter, thinking of going for a P-39Q or a Hawker Hurricane Mk.II.
also on the list is a bren gun carrier, build this one before and its quite easy  <_< i got a Bristol Bloodhound SAM on the maybe list  ;)

control tower for the airfield is also progressing well, just need to find a suitable color or camo to paint the walls  ;D

pic of the FLAK air defence gun below
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


yes, im still busy with this, but only as a side project, i just finished designing the new camo patern for the troops.
its based uppon the Belgian woodland, but minus the light green.

here's the first soldier to wear the new colors of the RNV Army  :rolleyes:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


thread revival.

with the summer now as good as over, i thought i would get some work done on whats on the bench at the moment.
in order to help slim the stash, a number of kits have been selected to join up in this revived project.

this includes, for the army:

-an Airfix willis jeep
-a Revell Humber MK.II
-a revell Ss.Kfz.234 Puma

for the navy:
-an Airfix E-boat (modified with parts from the revell snowberry)
-a Revell Supermarine Walrus (for SAR operations)
-a Matchbox Fairey Swordfish (one of my uncles former stash, as a torpedo bomber)

for the Air Force:
-a Revell Bf.109E (air defence, might be replaced or suplemented with another type)
-Airfix Bristol Blemheim Mk.IV (Bomber)

more equipement is still planned, but at the moment im reconcidering my equipment options. ive been thinking of switching over to a 1920's era force, with surplus WW1 equipment, as it would turn out to be more cost effective (airfix Male/Female tanks, troops, plenty of Revell Biplanes available) but as for ships, i might have 1918-ize that Airfix E-boat  :-\
not to mention its gonna save me alot of shelf space  :blink:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.