
Rainy Day Project...

Started by AeroplaneDriver, November 16, 2010, 09:47:43 AM

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So...here in lovely western North Carolina it's a bit dreary today...and to make matters worse I'm getting over a nasty head cold/cough...no work today though and not much to do, so I went digging the the stash for a 'quickie' project. 

What I came up with is a lovely Fujimi F-14 that I received as part of a lot of started kits from an ebay seller.  Some of you may remember the Fujimi Phantom FGR.2 that I built last year...that kit arrived from an ebay auction mostly completed, even though the auction listed it as NIB...I emailed the seller who apologized profusely for the listing error and to compensate sent me a box containing two F-18s, a SU27, an assortment of 1/144 stuff, and this Tomcat...a simple 'sorry' would have been fine, but this guy went overboard...so anyhoo...this Tomcat has the 'pit done and fuselage assembly complete to the same nice standard as the FGR.2, so time to finish it off I think.  It'll be in inflight build since the wings are assembled with the flaps and slats retracted, and I love the look of the Tomcat with the wings swept inflight.

Not sure HOW it will be finished though...some ideas so far:

RN 70s EDSG over white-interceptor or nuclear strike
RN 80s EDSG-interceptor, nuke strike, or anti-shipping
RN original grey/ desert camo-90s-deep strike or CAS
JASDF interceptor
CAF anti-shipping
French Navy

Any thoughts or input?

Camera issues mean no pics yet, hopefully later today.

So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Still no pics, but over the course of the day I got the gear bays closed up, some touchup work done on the 'pit, the seats painted, and a little bit of PSR done.  Gotta work a few hours tomorrow, but should get some more done tomorrow evening. 

Pics when I get the camera sorted!  :-\
So I got that going for me...which is nice....

Cliffy B

"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."
-Tom Clancy

"Radial's Growl, Inline's Purr, Jet's Suck!"

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."

Army of One

Quote from: AeroplaneDriver on November 16, 2010, 09:47:43 AM

RN original grey/ desert camo-90s-deep strike or CAS

This one.....This one....do it....do it......DO IT NOW!!!!!!!



Not much progress to report this evening...had to work today, and still getting over the crud that has invaded my sinuses and chest, so it's been more of a movie night than styrene night, but some work has been done prepping for paint...polishing out the canopy seam, masking canopy, etc.  Hoping to get the paint going tomorrow.  Camera appears to be Tango Uniform, so I may be camera shopping for an early Christmas prezzie too...

So far I'm leaning towards a Paveway-armed Desert Storm machine, with a grey/sand camo, similar to the "Flashman" type scheme I did on my RAF Raven (Su25) last year...though EDSG over White with a WE177 on an intake hardpoint is still tempting me too...
So I got that going for me...which is nice....

Howard of Effingham

i'd suggest you go with the flashman scheme, AD and why not with a WE177 too?  :rolleyes:
Keeper of George the Cat.


I do love the Flashman scheme...maybe an "Alert" aircraft kept at readiness aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth with a WE177 in 1991 to back up Mrs. Thatcher's warning to Saddam over the use of Chemical Weapons....
So I got that going for me...which is nice....