
W.I.P. pics of Ta 152C and Fw 190D-13

Started by matrixone, November 22, 2010, 03:34:15 PM

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Since these are mostly O.O.B. builds I will start the in-progress pics at the painting stage.
Below are what the models look like right now, they have been base coated on the sides and undersurfaces and pre-shaded, they will get the rest of the painting on the undersurfaces done soon.

The uppersurfaces...

Notice how much longer the fuselage of the Ta 152C is compared to the Fw 190D-13 (the Ta 152C is the one at the bottom of this pic)
Both of these models will be painted and marked as JG 301 aircraft, the D-13 will be armed with X-4 missiles, the Ta 152C will be the escort fighter for the bomber killer D-13. ;)



Hi Matrixone

nice pre shading on the underside = looking forward to the finished product

cheers  Bernie


Thanks Bernie!

The pre-shading has been sprayed over and the models look much better now, on past models I have been guilty of spraying too much paint on top of the pre-shading and making almost impossible to see the pre-shading at all. Its hard to judge how much of the pre-shading will still be visable when the model is finished after all the markings are on and the weathering is done, on these two models I left the pre-shading showing a little more than I usually do...can't wait to see how this turns out! ;) Not only is there pre-shading on these models but I have made the paint have a sort of patchy worn appearance by spraying on lighter shades of the base color RLM 76 in mottles and streaks. The idea is to avoid the plain look of the panels...it makes no sense why a model would have pre-shading but yet have clean showroom looking paintwork, I want the paint on the panels to look slightly distressed so it will better match the weathering on the rest of the aircraft.

I will be painting the uppersurfaces today and might have some new pics later today.



Looks as if I am going to get another master-class in how to build Fw 190's by Matrixone again !!!

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Daryl J.


Thank you Gondor, Pablo1965, and Daryl J!

Sorry about not having new pics posted yet, painting the uppersurfaces is taking longer than expected. Since I am trying to age the paintwork slightly I am using three different shades of each paint color it is taking longer to paint each model because of all the color changes in the airbrush. What I have done so far on the painting of these models looks good, I can't wait to see what these things are going to look like when all the painting is done, the wings are done and today I will be spending time on painting the fuselages.

Something that I will be doing different on these builds is using some spinner spiral decals instead of painting the spirals on. After looking at the decals it looks like they could be trouble to put on the spinner, what I will be doing is cutting the spiral decals in half and put on only one half at a time. I have read about others having trouble getting them put on the spinners because the decal is so long and thin and is prone to getting tangled up or torn, putting them on in smaller sections should be easier even if it takes a little longer to do it that way.


Daryl J.

Spiral decals---- :angry: :angry: :angry:!!!

At least in my hands and 1/48 scale.   


Did more painting on the Ta 152C and D-13 today, again I did not get as far as I wanted to but am happy with what I did get done.

On to the pics...
Here is the left wingroot of the Ta 152C, in this pic you can see the slightly distressed looking paint, I was attempting to make the paint look slightly worn and sun bleached without going over the top. After the markings and the rest of the weathering are on the model the distressed paint won't stand out as much as it does now.

This is the Fw 190D-13, I also aged the paintwork on this model just like I did on the Ta 152C, here you can just barely see how I faded out the RLM 76 on the fuselage sides, it has some very subtle streaks running from top to bottom. This model is not painted all the way yet, the strange mottled finish on the fuselage spine is not an intended camouflage pattern, I simply ran out out of mixed paint in the color cup and decided to finish painting the fuselage on Friday.

Here is the right wingroot of the Ta 152C, when I did the pre-shading on the fuselage sides you will notice I also did some exhaust staining at the same time, this is the first stage in doing the exhaust stains and will make the final steps in weathering a little easier later on. On this model I am very happy with how well the DB power egg fit to the fuselage, I was worried how this would look after paint was added because I had a bad time getting a good fit after cutting off the nose with the Junkers power egg on it.

The Ta 152C and Fw 190D-13 from above...

After the camouflage painting is done on these models I will be painting the rear half of the wings undersurfaces Alclad II aircraft aluminum.




Thanks Pablo1965 and dumaniac!

After the markings are added they will be weathered slightly to match the paint fading I did on the uppersurfaces. I will do this with some precise airbrushing, dry brushing, and a little light sanding with fine sand paper. ;D
The weathering effects on these models are just practice for the two large scale Fw 190D-9's I will build early next year, they will be real world but I will be going all out to make them look like the real thing.



My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Thanks Gondor!

I painted the propeller blades and also gave them some light weathering with the airbrush with variations of the RLM 70 color.
Also I am getting ready to paint the X-4 missiles and will try to add those spinner spiral decals soon.



I just tried using some of those spinner spiral decals and I like them so far, cutting them in half and putting only half on at a time seems to work quite well, the only glitch so far is the spiral decal for the Ta 152C does not want to go on very smoothly. I was careful to use the spiral decal from the EagleCals Ta 152C sheet with the spinner from the Ta 152C kit and still had problems with it not wanting to fit on the spinner, the decal acts like I am trying to put it on too small of a surface, the Ta 152C spiral decal looks like it was made for the slightly larger diameter Fw 190D spinner. The other spinner spiral decal for the D-13 went on perfectly.

Sunday I painted the wing undersurfaces and the X-4 missiles with Alclad II and today I will be painting on the JG 301 RVD bands and the III group bar. Also being worked on is a scratch built late war cigar shaped drop tank, I am almost finished with it now.
No pics in this update, I should have some later this week.
