
Modern day "Q" ship

Started by proditor, December 08, 2010, 08:57:56 AM

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Planning stages right now, but I also need a sounding board to make sure I'm not going too crazy.

The donor model is going to be the skywave AK-99 USS Bootes.  I chose this one over the Trumpeter model for two reasons.

1) It's less accurate and has a sharp break to the bow instead of a gradual curve.  This means that it will be theoretically easier to make it look like something else! 

2) The deck does not have any of the sidewalls molded on to it like the Trumpeter offering.  This is the really important part because of my EVIL PLAN (TM, pat pending)

I'll make some pics myself once I get some time on the PC at home, but here's the visualization exercise.  Go look at this picture: http://www.modelwarships.com/reviews/ships/misc/ak/700-ak99-pr/ak99-02.jpg

Okay, now cut everything off of the deck and replace that with sheet styrene.  Why?  Because we're moving the deckhouse to the back quarter, changing one of the middle freight access hatches into an elevator for embarked helos, and a bunch of other crazy.  The best thing about this is that it changes the lines to something more modern looking.  I'm still slightly torn between front and back, but I think Helo operations will be easier with the bridge in the back.

The ship is on the way from Japan (hopefully as we speak...) and I'm hoping to get something at least cut before the holidays.


Probably should have included the part where I ask for some input, eh?

Okay, current planned loadout.

1 x 8 cell Mk 41 VLS (Planned to carry 32 ESSM self defense missiles in quad pack form)
2 x 20mm Phalanx
4 -6 x 30mm pedastal guns
2 x 4 Harpoon Launchers (?)
1 x 76mm Oto Melara Super-Rapid (?)

I have plans for the drop down camoflague containers for the guns.  Mostly it'll be thin brass plates laying open around the base of each mount.

The job.  The Q ship is planned as an anti-piracy interdictor.  Looking completely normal, it waits until the pirates start to close, and then tears them to pieces.  The embarked helos are for support of other vessels, or capturing pirates for trial.  That's why I have the main gun as a question mark, as remote controlled 30mm and Phalanx shouldmake exceptionally short work of small boats.

Feedback appreciated as the only part set in stone so far is the hull!!


Capital idea sir!  I, for one, would keep the main gun - after all, they might find the buggers shore base, and need to do some long range bombardment!

Whom will this fine vessel be operated by?


Interesting idea, although updating the hull to a more modern appearance could prove an interesting challenge.

Wouldn't RAM be more pratical than VLS ESSM as they would require a less complex radar & tracker fit, possibly in the form of pop-up or collapsable container format. Try Goalkeeper instead of phalanx just for that extra umph  :wacko:.

For an alternate hull have you considered the Tamiya Ohsumi LPD, replace the Island with conventional bridge stucture fwd, fit a funnel or funnels aft on the flight deck edge and add conatiners on flght deck to locate your Q-loads amd helo hanger. plus you can use the dock for FAC or armed LCAC ?

Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


Is the SAM fit really necessary at all? It would require a massive leap in capability for pirates to have anything which would require missiles to shoot it down. I think the Phalanx/Goalkeeper would be more than adequate, even if the pirates find a helicopter or light GA aircraft to use. Some hand-held Stingers maybe just in case. Likewise the Harpoons.
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


I'd keep the Harpoons too, some of these pirate groups have captured and use large freighters - sinking them might be the only way to stop them.


The problem with sinking a large "mothership" is that they very often have the original crews on-board as hostages.

I've always thought the ideal Q-ship anti-small boat weapon would be a MILAN launcher: concealable, accurate and one-shot kill vs any whaler/RIB size target. Might need a blast/frag warhead instead of HEAT, but that's not hard.

Mind you, the ideal, easy Q-ship response is simply a few armed men: let the damn whaler come alongside, then lean over the railing with a Minimi and a handful of grenades..... :wacko: :thumbsup:
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


Logic on the 8 cell VLS was to handle increasing threats.  In the backstory, I was planning on adding in some simple FAC's with SSMs as things get dicier.

But, that would also mean trying to fit together my brass VLS setup, and maybe that's more trouble than it's worth.  ;)  

So if we drop the VLS, and yeah, I agree that Harpoons are overkill, we're left with:

2 x 20mm Phalanx or 30mm Goalkeeper
4 -6 x 30mm pedestal guns
1 x 76mm Oto Melara Super-Rapid (Maybe 2?)

I know Phalanx has small craft capability, does anyone know if Goalkeeper does as well?

Lastly, go to one of my old builds, the 3 little PiGGs. Specifically, those pedestal 30mm cannons with the attached hellfire launchers on the center craft.  I'm considering reusing that idea.  Thoughts?

And the operator?  Heh...

XE Services LLC.  Or as they were formerly known: Blackwater.



On reflection, I say go with the 76mm: it's got more range than the autocannons, and it gives you the option of disabling a mothership with precise fire. Then again, so would the Hellfires....

Actually, I just remembered something: Sweden uses a modified Hellfire called RBS-17 as a coast-defence weapon, with a Bofors anti-ship warhead. That makes it just about ideal for this application. The only downside would be that it's not cheap...
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


Another question.

Do you think I should do drop down sides like the German raiders, or drop down container boxes to make it a bit more modern?  My temptation is the latter, but I just recently saw a nice oil of the Pinguin vs the Cornwall, and the temptation for the low freeboard crewed guns is mighty strong.  Of course with the modern set, nothing is exposed, and they can about clinically shooting up pirates like no one's business.

Last thought: Throw a 20mm cannon on some small craft, bash up a bridge and antenna and voila; instant USV a la the Protector from Rafael. 



Go with the containers, its more modern and allows for flexible loadings dependent on mission (Plus it means less modification to the hull itself if your not cutting chunks out to create weapon gallery's  :thumbsup:)
Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


I guess it's a question of field of fire.

At some point  your pirates are going to start gunning for you in particular now their normal MO is to capture a ship but they will want to destroy you so some kind of underwater attack is not without the bound sof probability


Theirs also a question of disguise the pirates are going to be able to identify the vessel unless you kill / capture them every single time how many possible disguise options will the ship have ?

I guess when disguised it's best to look as generic as possible looking more like a general tramp than anything   too modern

What will this fine ship  be called the SS Baralong?


Quote from: deathjester on December 08, 2010, 12:55:06 PM
Capital idea sir!  I, for one, would keep the main gun - after all, they might find the buggers shore base, and need to do some long range bombardment!

Ohhhh.. how one would like to say.. "small thermonuclear device"..to sort the problem out permanently

Joe C-P

Quote from: buzzbomb on December 11, 2010, 03:22:45 AM
Quote from: deathjester on December 08, 2010, 12:55:06 PM
Capital idea sir!  I, for one, would keep the main gun - after all, they might find the buggers shore base, and need to do some long range bombardment!

Ohhhh.. how one would like to say.. "small thermonuclear device"..to sort the problem out permanently

And turn all their stolen loot into radioactive slag?  :-\
Better to sink their vessels in harbor, then land troops to wipe out the pirate populace and recover the loot.
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


My understanding is that there are several of these gangs, all with their own mooring areas for captured ships. So, SBS team go in one night, liberate one ship, spirit the crew away, then take the ship and moor it in another gang's area. Wait for sun up and smelly stuff to hit the fan.... :wacko:
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones