
W.I.P. pics of new projects....

Started by matrixone, January 05, 2011, 03:21:05 PM

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Okay sports fans, here are some new pics...and a WARNING.

First the new pics...

...and now the warning. :o
I tried a new product recently with very bad results, the product was a spray can of Krylon acrylic clear gloss and I attempted to use this as a replacement for Future as a clear gloss coat before adding decals. When I started spraying the Krylon on my models I noticed within a minute some of the paint had started to wrinkle up so I stopped spraying right away but the damage was already done, the Ju 88G-10 was the worst affected and the Fw 190 was slightly damaged too but not that bad. The damage on the Ju 88G-10 was on a few random areas mostly on the wings, the pic below shows the worst of the damaged paint and the other effected areas are also wrinkled but not as easy to see.

I will not sand down and repaint but will go ahead and finish the model as is, warts and all. This model will be one of my ''back of the shelf'' type of builds.



Arggg! you've hurt me, death. but don´t worry, this is not a big problem for a modelist like you. Encourage.  :thumbsup: :bow: :bow:


All this will only serve to make you an even better modeller--and for us it's given us an opportunity to have a close look at your marvellous mottling skills
You and Ian---mottling with such deft aplomb
Allan in Canberra


Thanks very much Pablo1965 and Allan for the encouraging words! :cheers:



And even more in-progress pics of these models, these pics show the weathering I did which was mostly done with oil paints and the exhaust stains were done with the airbrush.

This first pic shows the Ju 88G-1 undersurfaces, at first glance it looks overweathered but these aircraft really did get quite dirty when in heavy use in wartime conditions.

A couple pics of the Ju 88G-10

...and the Fw 190



This 190 will be another masterpiece, I have two in mediterranean scheme,  but your treatment of  the details are excellent, and the waste of paint and dirt really amazing, how ever. Congratulations.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: Pablo1965 on November 19, 2011, 04:12:46 PM
and the waste of paint and dirt really amazing, how ever. Congratulations.  :thumbsup:
Yes, model making is maybe the only area (in the whole World?) where adding-dirt is talent... Congratulations yes (not a joke, but admirative indeed).
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Thanks very much for the more than kind words Pablo1965 and Tophe!

These real world models are getting close to being finished and expect to finish them this week, after that my next three models will be what-if. :thumbsup:



Well here it is, this Fw 190 was finished this morning and will be part of the Mistel S3C trainer I am building.



Awesome plane and nice photo. Really it´s a Fw190 with your perspective, however superb.  :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:


Thank you Pablo1965,
The Fw 190 is now attached to the struts of the Ju 88G-10 and both the Ju 88G-10 and G-1 are finished, expect a bunch of pics in a day or two. ;D



Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks NARSES2 and AXU!

Out of this group of three models I just built only this Fw 190 came out looking like I wanted it to, the Ju 88G-1 and Ju 88G-10 are not very good because of all the mistakes I made on them. Haste makes waste and that is all the more true in building models.



Three new models are now underway, this one here is the old Fujimi Bf 109G/K kit (the one that came with the giant decal sheet). This model will be marked as a real world Bf 109G-14 ''yellow 4'' of 15./JG 5, you can see the airframe is built and painting has started, the pre-shading is done on the lower surfaces and some distressing of the paint has been on the uppersurfaces (you have to look carefully to see this but its there!) both the pre-shading and other weathering effects has been done with the airbrush, more weathering with the airbrush will have to wait until after the decals are put on.

On to the pics...

The other two models that are on my workbench right now will be whiffs...one of them will be finished as a derelict aircraft with a very weathered finish, this is something that I have never tried before.
