
W.I.P. pics of new projects....

Started by matrixone, January 05, 2011, 03:21:05 PM

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Thanks again Old Wombat and thanks Dan!

Old Wombat,
I thought acrylics dried quicker than enamels. The reason for the oil paints is they go on very thin and are easy to see through, when the oil paint has been sitting for a short while you can use a soft dry brush and add some subtle streaks to it like rain streaks.

My Me 262 is finished and a few test pics were taken of it and it looks so much better than the Bf 109, can't wait to post some good pics of it. :smiley:



Been doing more painting on the Otaki Fw 190, the base coat of faded RLM 76 has been added as well as the uppersurface colors for the wings and tailplane, uppersurface colors were sprayed freehanded but no attempt at fading the paint was done. I want to finish painting the basic camouflage pattern on the airframe and add all the decals before I fade out the paint so the markings will look as weathered as the paint job.
Also I used the salt weathering technique to add some paint chipping to the wing roots, Alclad II was sprayed on the wing roots before I added the salt. Even more paint chipping will be done later on but I wanted to add some now so the paint chipping won't look like it was it all done at once.



that looks realy good at the wing root Matrixone

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Thanks Gondor!

I just painted the fuselage and the paint is drying, also painted at the same time is the weathering on the wheels and propeller. There is another what-if model that is also being worked on at the same time as the Otaki 190 and have been busy with the airbrush detail painting some of the smaller parts on that one, things are shaping up nicely. ;)

Below is a pic of the undersurfaces and the pre-shading done on it. Yes the pre-shading is far too heavy right now but I must do this because after the decals are put on more weathering will be done which will greatly tone down the pre-shading.



A little more work done on the 190, here you can see most of the decals are on and the painted and weathered prop and spinner.



I started the extreme weathering by doing some dry brushing and adding a few more paint chips with a paint brush.
After the paint is dry the model will get the uppersurfaces faded by airbrushing some lighter colors on top of the paint first with enamel paint and later by oil paints...the oil paints will be done last because it can go over them later with a dry paint brush and add some subtle streaking the resembles rain marks.



Here is one last pic from todays work, I started the airbrushing on the uppersurfaces to blend in the dry brushing and further fade the paint.



Two more pics of the weathering process...

After looking at these pictures I went back and restored some of the national markings with a paint brush and some dark gray paint, they now look a little more like faded and flaking paint. More pics in a day or so.




Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.



Three more in-progress pics, as you can see the exhaust stains have been added as well as some highlighting of a few select panel lines done with a fine brush and oil paints.
The exhaust stains are lighter than normal because I want to give the impression they stains are as weathered as the paint job. I tried to add some light scrape marks to the exhaust stains to make them look like they are soot like.



Two in-progress pics from today I have started to add many of the small bits to the underside of the aircraft and also the landing gear. As you can see I have built this model with one of the landing gear partly retracted. No, not a result of a bad landing, this was done on purpose by the retreating Germans as a way to sabotage the aircraft. Also note the bent pitot tube on the wing.


Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Thanks again Old Wombat!

This model is very close to being finished, my plans are to have the flat clear coat on by the end of the day.
Getting good pics of the finished model might take a while, there is a lot of bad weather forecast for my area, its supposed to rain all week. :-\
