
W.I.P. pics of new projects....

Started by matrixone, January 05, 2011, 03:21:05 PM

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Quote from: matrixone on March 16, 2012, 10:22:12 AM
Thanks again Gondor,
The weather might be clear this coming Sunday so I should be able to get outside and get some pics of the finished model then.
How did this model turn out? Sadly, only so-so but the real value of this model is the experience gained in doing extreme weathering on an aircraft model. One of my plans for a future project is to build a 1/32 scale Fw 190 and finish it like this current model but have the airframe show a little more damage and also displace the control surfaces slightly for a more candid appearence.

From your previous photos I would say your FW-190 was looking very good.  I have never really tried weathering so a person like yourself inspires me.  Let us see some new photos and I'm sure it will look great!
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Thank you kerick,
I posted pics of the finished Fw 190 a few weeks ago, here is one of those pics of the finished Fw 190...

When I thought about making this Fw 190 as derelict aircraft I was planning on cutting away the control surfaces and displacing them slightly for a more candid look but that older Otaki kit had some thick plastic to cut through so I left it as it was and just concentrated on painting it.

Weathering is the part of modeling I like very much and I learned by doing but there are now videos on Youtube and threads in modeling forums that go into great detail on how to add weathering to models, my advice is to learn as much as you can and then grab an older kit or two and experiment to find out what works the best for you. Also looking at many photographs of crashed or heavily weathered aircraft will help you figure out how to weather your models. Good luck! <_<



More work done on the two Me 163s, all the camo has now been painted on.
For the RLM 81 I used a custom mix of O.D. and dark brown Model Master enamel to get the color I wanted, out of the bottle Model Master RLM 81 don't look right to my eyes and prefer to mix my own paint color.
The RLM 82 green from was Xtracolor, its a high gloss paint and looks very strange next to the dead flat custom mixed RLM 81 but after the models are given their clear gloss coat the colors will look about right.
Both of these models were painted free-handed, no masking needed.

Also painted today was my 1/48 scale what-if, unlike the Komets the whole thing needed to be masked. :banghead:



Two more in-progress pics of the Komets, in these pics you can see the yellow noses that were painted on as well as the gloss coat and some of the decals that have been added so far.
The clear gloss coat made the camo colors look quite a bit better and evened them out like I planned on.

Today I will be adding the rest of the decals on these models which is something I usually enjoy but the decals from the Academy kit are not that great, no matter how long I let the decals sit after dunking them in warm water they resist being moved from the backing sheet. This was no problem for the larger decals but has been a problem with the small stencil markings because I tore a couple of them this morning while trying to move them from the backing sheet.



Sorry to hear about the decals Matrixone, the pictures look great though.

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Thank you Gondor!
Decals are now all on the Academy kit, it was a PIA because it took so long to do. Ordinary decals would only have taken less than a half hour to do the same amount of stencil markings.

BTW, the high number on the Me 163S is fictional, no known Me 163S used that number. I chose the high number of 62 because in a lot of cases the Luftwaffe used higher numbers on their trainers of frontline combat aircraft.



Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks NARSES2!

No pictures today but work is still being done on the models, all the decals and another clear gloss coat has added and am right now using oil paints to detail a few random panels near the lower fuselages.



Although its not easy to tell the difference, here is some of the work I have done with oil paints (mostly on the undersurfaces).
The panel lines look way too heavy at this stage but no problem, the flat clear coat will mute the starkness and help blend them in. ;)



Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


always had a soft spot for the 163 and that pair look brilliant!
secretprojects forum migrant


Thanks again NARSES2 and thank you Caveman!

I also like Me 163, it was the type of oddball aircraft that looks more what-if than real world.



Very nice couple, and well done as usually.  :thumbsup: :cheers: :bow:


Thanks Pablo,
The Komets are now finished as well as that 1/48 scale what-if that gave me so much trouble.
I will be posting pics of the 1/48 scale what-if first, the Komets have to wait for their pictures because I am still working on the ''Schue-Schlepper'' transport vehicle. ;)



A great plane, as usually. Very nice scheme. :thumbsup: :cheers: :bow: