
W.I.P. pics of new projects....

Started by matrixone, January 05, 2011, 03:21:05 PM

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Daryl J.

What are the specific paints used for the brown on the aft fuselage and for the fuselage sides?      :thumbsup:
Daryl J.


Hi Daryl,
Not sure which brown you mean, the RLM 81 brown color on the rear fuselage spine is from the old Aeromaster enamel paint line, after looking at the color photographs of this aircraft the Aeromaster paint came the closest to a match of the color better than any other paints that I have.
The brownish color red-oxide primer repair patches were hand mixed from Model Master enemel rust with some red added to it until I got a good color match.


Daryl J.


Aeromaster RLM 81, RIP.   

I'd love to see it back.   


Model Master needs to hire the person or persons from Aeromaster who decided which colors would be chosen for mass production...the Model Master range of paints are poor color matches to known Luftwaffe colors and they need to update their product line. Its not like there is not enough information out there to get the colors right. :banghead:



I have been doing some weathering on ''blue 12'' the past two days, much of the time has been spent getting the mud splatters to match the mud splatters on the full sized airplane. The exhaust stains have also been painted on.
Not seen but also painted and weathered is the wheels, landing gear doors and the exhaust stubs.
The paint chipping on the gun cowl and wing roots will come later, not much more weathering will be done on this model so final assembly will begin after all the paint is 100% dry.

Below is the under surface of the wings which have been weathered and tarnished, the light reflecting off the wing in this shot prevents the weathering effects from being seen very clearly.



Yet another masterpiece nears completion  :bow: :bow: :bow:

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


This is really an impressive paint job1 I wish I had half the talent - and it's not the airbrush, because I have an iwata just like yours!


Thanks very much Gondor and Frank!

This model was painted with my Iwata Revolution BR airbrush. For the broad areas I thinned the paint 50/50 with Model Master thinner, for the mottling and fine detail I thinned the paint a lot more and lowered the air pressure and held the airbrush close to the surface.
One thing I learned is to never mix the paint in the cup of the airbrush, I always mix my paint in a different container and then pour it into the color cup. If you mix the paint in the color cup the paint tends to come out grainy even if the paint is highly thinned and stirred.
Also I use prepared beeswax to put on the threads of the spray nozzle, I do this to get a good seal and it really helps to have a good seal when spraying fine lines at extremely low air pressure which sometimes is as low as 5 PSI.

I have started adding some of the smaller bits on the Dora and hope to be done with it in a couple days...then its full speed on ahead on that Ta 283! ;D



Blue 12 is now finished, today it was clear enough outside to get some pics of this model, here is one of the pics and there will be more to follow early next week.



The two large scale Doras are finished now so I will turn my attention to some smaller scale models for a while, this is one of them...a 1/72 scale Me 110 from the recent Revell boxing, this was really a Monogram kit first produced in the late 1960s or early 1970s and is very crude by today's standards. There is no cockpit details except for the pilots seat and a decal instrument panel, the rear gunner has to sit on pegs since there is no cockpit floor or seat!
Another reminder that this is a really old kit is the surface detail, its all finely raised panel lines.

Below is what the model looked like Monday, I base coated it and added the pre-shading with gloss black paint. Since there are no recessed panel lines on this model I can't use my usual method of oil washes for weathering so I will use the pre-shading alone for adding depth and detail.

I have since sprayed over the pre-shading with a thin coat of RLM 65 but have left much of the pre-shading still visable, I hate pre-shading that is too stark looking but want to try having it show a little more on this model as an experiment.
The uppersurfaces will get painted in colors RLM 71 and RLM 02 and will get some post fading done to them by lightly spraying on some thinner tinted with white paint. No pre-shading is planned for the uppersurfaces.



Looking forward to seeing you work on that 110  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thank you NARSES2,
This model will be in the markings of a machine operated on the Eastern front in 1941 and will have some yellow tactical markings put on it and should make for a colorful model.

Last night I was reading one of my reference books about Me 110 camouflage and the early 110s in the RLM 02 and RLM 71 colors had the top and sides of the aircraft misted with a light coat of RLM 02 to reduce the contrast of the two colors slightly, I will do the same on my model by carefully spraying some thinner tinted with RLM 02.
I just cleaned my airbrush after spraying on the RLM 71 and after the paint is dry I will spray on the thinned RLM 02, I might have new pics later today.



Almost all the painting is done on this model except for the yellow tactical markings.
So far there has been no masking needed during the painting process, all the camouflage was painted free handed with the airbrush.



The tactical markings for this 110 was painted on today, next up for this model is the gloss coat and the many decals.



I spotted a mistake, that model doesnt start with an FW or Ta  ;D Great work as always  :cheers:
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.