
W.I.P. pics of new projects....

Started by matrixone, January 05, 2011, 03:21:05 PM

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Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Painting the mottle on the fuselages of the two 1/144 scale 262s was not the bad, I just had to hold my breath while doing the mottling to keep my hands steady.
I had wanted to also free hand spray the splinter camo on the wings of the Me 262 trainer but decided to play it safe and mask off the splinter pattern. Me 262s late in the war had a soft edge on the splinter pattern, the Germans did not have time to mark out the splinter pattern and then paint it, they often used a spray gun and tried to match the pattern as best they could without masking or marking where each color goes.



More work done on the 262s...these little Eduard Me 262s are really nice kits and have been a pleasure to work on. I started adding the decals today and they are really good and very complete for 1/144 scale decals.
Also I started painting the uppersurface of the 1/48 scale Me 262, there is still a lot more work to be done yet with other colors. The fuselage will be fully painted first and then I will finish up the wings.

In this pic you can see I had painted the undersurfaces on the Tamiya and you can barely see the pre-shading and post fading work that I did, it did not come out well at all in this pic but its there.

More pics will be posted later this week.



More pics of the Tamiya Me 262...

More pics will be posted later this week.



Finished the camo on ''yellow 2'', I know it looks like its poorly painted but the real aircraft was given a very crude and incomplete additional camouflage paint scheme and my model is pretty close to how the full size machine looked.



Looks good to me! All you need for "camo" is something to break up the recognition outline of the aircraft, and some colors of local scenery. I always enjoy the "how", and of course there were many inventive folk in the real world that applied camo in distinct ways that we "copy" or are bemused by. It would be a pretty dull modeling world if the all the world's aircraft were just painted light gray overall throughout history!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Thanks very much sequoiaranger!

This field applied camouflage scheme is very unusual with the dark lines sprayed inside the light colored lines, I feel the additional camouflage painting was never completed as intended...only part of the light colored lines were filled in by the darker color, notice none of the broad light colored lines aft of the cockpit were filled in with the dark color. This looks very much like the paint job was rushed and perhaps interrupted by an air raid(?).
These field applied camouflage schemes were effective, in the new JaPo book on the Me 262 there are some combat reports from the allied side of the fight against the 262s and one of the P-51 pilots mentioned the 262s were well camouflaged and difficult to see on the ground, only when they were on their take off run or in the air could they be seen.

The dark colored nose is a replacement taken from a different Me 262, it was common in the last weeks of the war for non-flyable damaged aircraft to be used as a source of spare parts...the normal supply chain for spare parts did not exist in the last few weeks of the war.



Quote from: matrixone on May 03, 2011, 09:50:15 AM
This field applied camouflage scheme is very unusual

Your not kidding  :blink:

Great work though

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Thanks Gondor!

I really like this wild looking field applied scheme, don't be surprised if you see it again on one of my what-ifs. ;D
I have had my eye on one of the HobbyBoss 1/48 scale Me 262 kits and if I do get one it will be whiffed.

About my two 1/144 scale Me 262s...I have attempted to attach the landing gear and am having some trouble with my hands shaking making such delicate work difficult to do, I will have to wait until my hands are a little more steady before adding the small bits to these models. The landing gear legs for these models are not much bigger than a whisker, if I were to drop one of the RLM 02 painted landing gear legs on the carpet I would never see it again.


Brian da Basher

That money shot of the Big Poppa 262 and His Boys is something lots of Luft-Fans would drool over. It's always great to see what you've been up to, Matrixone!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher


Thanks very much Brian, its great to hear from you again!

The Tamiya 262 has its coat of Future sprayed on, after its dry I will start putting decals on it.

The two Eduard kits are getting many of the small parts put on them, I will be glad when these models are finished...some of the small parts are almost too small for me to work with and I have to wait and work on them when my hands are steady, so that means no caffeine drinks for me! ;D


Ian the Kiwi Herder

Am I witnessing another MX1 masterclass ?...

...Yes I believe, I am !  :bow:

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


Thank you Ian!

I was all set to start putting decals on the Tamiya Me 262 and opened up the EagleCal bag and pulled out the sheets only to discover they sent me a 1/32 scale sheet and not the 1/48 scale like I ordered, when I placed my order with Eagle Editions I ordered the new Me 262 decals in both 1/72 and 1/48 scales and NOT 1/32! :angry: Now the Tamiya kit is on hold until I can get the proper size decal sheet.

Since I could not do much more with the Tamiya 262 I decided to finish up the two Eduard kits, I needed to stretch some sprue to make some of the small parts so I grabbed my lighter to heat up some sprue only to find out my lighter was out of fuel. I don't smoke so I don't have other lighters or matches and will have to go out later today and buy a new lighter.

And one other bummer, I found out the radio station I listen to in the mornings fired their hosts of the morning show, that morning show was the best of its type I have ever heard and have been listening to them since 2001...it was great doing my modeling thing and listening to that program and now that its gone it feels like a death in the family. :-\



Here is the last in-progress pics of the little 1/144 scale Me 262s, they are nearly finished now and will have pics of the finished models in a day or two.

While I was waiting for the decal sheet to arrive for the Tamiya 262 I went ahead and finished the weathering on the wheels, much of this was done with the airbrush.

The decals for the Tamiya kit did arrive today and I should have some pics posted soon.


Brian da Basher

Man that's some great work, right down to red marks on the tires for the valve stems.

Next you'll be painting on the P.S.I. limits in Deutsch!

You never fail to impress, Matrixone!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher