
W.I.P. pics of new projects....

Started by matrixone, January 05, 2011, 03:21:05 PM

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"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"



A lot of painting has been done around here lately on my current group of models with much of it being weathering effects.

Here is the Do 335, no more weathering will be done on it until the small bits are added but it won't look too much different than this.

Not shown is the special armament this Do 335 will carry but it has been built and painted and ready to be added when the time comes. ;)



More work done on the Ta 183...

In this shot the wood grain effect can be seen under the worn off paint. Also I did not like the RLM 82 green that was sprayed on the wings as it looked to dark and not weathered enough so I mixed up a lighter version of RLM 82 and sprayed that over the top in a mottled fashion and now it looks nicely faded to better match the look of a very worn out aircraft.

This picture of the Ta 183 undersurfaces shows one of the ailerons painted in fresh RLM 81, this was done to represent a replacement aileron fitted after the original was damaged in combat.



"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks DogfighterZen!

I like how the Ta 183 is shaping up....it looks like a total wreck. :wub:
Grounded or damaged aircraft are so much more interesting than factory fresh types IMHO. The challenge with what-if models like the Ta 183 is projecting how they might have looked if they had seen heavy combat, you can't just flip through a reference book and look at photographs to help guide you. ;)

A couple snaps of some Messerschmitts that are getting close to the finish line.

The Bf 209K is the closest to being finished, just a short time ago the landing gear was added to it.



Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks again NARSES2!

Some good progress has been done on the Do 335 and Ta 183.

The landing gear legs have been added to the Do 335, before I could add all the landing gear doors I needed to do a pin wash using oil paints to the wheel wells and landing gear legs...it really helps bring out the detail molded into the parts.

And here is the Ta 183, nearly all the decals are now on except for the W.Nr.

The white 'S' on the lower part of the fin is to mark it as an aircraft no longer safe to fly in combat, this worn out Ta 183 had been retired from frontline service and helped train ex-Me 262 pilots on how to fly the type before flying ops with the Ta 183.



I am getting close to finishing the Do 335B-12 advanced trainer, much of the painting is done on it.

Before the squiggles were sprayed on the fuselage sides I placed some damp grains of salt in random areas with the hope of giving the squiggles the appearance that the field applied paint had flaked off in spots.
Also I sprayed on the exhaust stains while I had the airbrush out.



Might be silly question, but where the hell do you keep them all? Superb models.


 :o How you get the weathering so realistic simply amazes me... :rolleyes:
Excellent!  :wub: :bow:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


"Squiggle" camo is just stunning  :bow:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks Ifor, su27rules, Dogfighter Zen, and NARSES2!

I have an extra room for kits and built models, problem is I am running out of shelf space and will need to buy more shelves at some point but can't now because I am still out of work.

I have a lot of reference books and I study photographs of very worn out aircraft and try to copy the distressed look of the paintwork on my models...easier said than done! But I am making some progress. My latest finished model (the Ta 183) is weathered to the max but I kind of like it even though it is sure to be dissed by many for being over weathered. ;)


Martin H

dunno about the 183 being "over" weathered. Looks just right for a bird thats seen more than its fair share of combat to me.
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.