
W.I.P. pics of new projects....

Started by matrixone, January 05, 2011, 03:21:05 PM

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Thanks Brian!

The red marks on the wheels are slippage marks so the ground crew can check if the tires had turned on the rims. ;D

This morning I started putting decals on the Tamiya kit, Eagle Cals are always easy to work with and no problems are expected. One thing that is not so easy is deciding what stencils to put on this model, this aircraft had additional field applied camouflage paint on it and for sure some of those stencils were painted over but from the few available photographs of this machine its hard to determine which ones.

The two 1/144 scale Me 262s are done and am happy with them because they turned out far better than I expected them to. I will try and get some pics soon but the weather has turned dark and cloudy again so no telling when I might get those pics taken. This past winter and this spring we have had a record low amount of sunny days. :-\



More in-progress pics of the Tamiya Me 262, these pics show the decals have been added and the first phase of weathering with the airbrush has been done (paint fading on the uppersurfaces and post shading on the undersurfaces).

Next up for this model is some weathering using thinned oil paints.




When I bought the new JaPo Me 262 book and saw the photographs of ''yellow 2'' I just HAD to try and make a model of it, this aircraft has the most radical camouflage scheme I have seen in a long time.

Today I added the oil paint to parts of the model and its starting to look very tattered now. Next up will be a flat clear coat and then when that is dry more weathering effects will be added.

No pics yet of the other model I have just started, the Eduard Bf 110E kit. Getting a good fit of the engine nacelles to the wings will NOT be easy! :angry:
This kit has great detail but a horrible fit on some of the parts.



Much of the weathering is done now, the real aircraft did not show that much weathering aside from the wing root area.

This pic shows the paint fading and chipping done to the nose, ''yellow 2'' had a replacement nose taken from a battle damaged Me 262.

Here is the undersurfaces, oil paint was used to give the airframe a slightly dirty and worn look to it...the few paint chips don't show up at all in this shot.



That air brush work is Awe inspiring  :o really cool patterns  :thumbsup:
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


I see, really awesome. Good work. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :bow: :bow:


Thank you Taiidantomcat and Pablo1965!

This wild looking paint scheme is the reason I wanted to do ''yellow 2'' in model form, I figure nobody else is crazy enough to attempt it. I really hate doing models of aircraft that have already been done to death by other modelers...you will NEVER see me make a model of one of those JV 44 Fw 190D-9s! :-X
This is why I like building what-ifs because you have a much better chance of having something original on your shelf, ''yellow 2'' is a real world aircraft but I don't see many other people trying to make a model of this one because of the wacky paint scheme so its almost as good as a whiff.



love the camo - its champion

cheers Bernie


Brian da Basher

I was trading emails with a friend who used to be into super-detailing in 1/72. He said he might take a look at the stuff here and that he's quite fond of Luftwaffe camo schemes.

If he sees your work, Matrixone, he'll be in heaven!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher


Waaaw,I missed this !
What can I say... :wub: :wub: :wub: great great camo !


Thank you Brian and Alex,

If your friend does look in at some of the work here I hope he decides to stick around here, more Luftwaffe friendly members would be welcome.



I have started the Eduard Bf 110E and here are a few in-progress pics of what it looks like today. This is NOT a very easy model to build, fit issues are a real problem here with the engine nacelles the worst so far.

The dreaded engine nacelles...

The cockpit before assembly...

There are a few more things to go into the cockpit before I can glue the fuselage halves together.

