
W.I.P. pics of new projects....

Started by matrixone, January 05, 2011, 03:21:05 PM

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Here is a photograph showing a tail of an incomplete Bf 109K-4 fuselage found in a forest after the war along with a number of other fuselages, notice this tail is one with the camouflage painted with the aid of a stencil, the colors are RLM 75 and dark green.



Thank you very much sir  :thumbsup:

Really useful to know and that photo of the tail shows it off perfectly
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Some actual progress has been done on three of the four models in-progress.

The decals of the Bf 110G-4 have been put on and for the markings I used an Aeromaster decal sheet, the decals went on without a problem but the downside to the decal sheet is there were none of the stencil markings included so I used those from the kit decal sheet. This did not go as planned...about half of the decals fractured when placing them on the models surface, nearly all of the fuselage frame numbers broke apart and in the picture below you can see just how tiny the frame numbers are. :o

The Dinah and Bf 109K-4 also used Aeromaster decals.



I'm looking forward to the Dinah as it's a really good looking aircraft but the 109 looks amazing already  :bow:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Dork the kit slayer

 Looking good for all three.
I especially like the colour of the Dinah,but Im biased as its so very close to my colour mix for my 32nd "Frank"
Is the fuselage cross weathered or a victim to the dreaded silvering?
Please dont forget to post completed pics.
Im pink therefore Im Spam...and not allowed out without an adult    




Kit Slayer,
No, its not silvering on the fuselage decal on the 109, as part of the weathering I sprayed some dirt colored paint on the bottom half of the rear fuselage and its easier to see on the W.Nr. on the rudder.  This area will be getting some splatters of mud too.


Dork the kit slayer

Im pink therefore Im Spam...and not allowed out without an adult    



New pictures...

The Dinah won't be getting very much paint chipping, mostly on the wing roots like what you see here. Unlike the Japanese single seat fighters flyable examples of the Dinah had very little paint chipping on them. After the model is nearly finished and given its flat clear coat I will go over the wing root paint chips with a silver artists pencil and add some fresh looking wear marks to give the illusion the paint was worn off over a period of time.

The lower surfaces of all the models were given oil pin washes of a slightly darker color than the surface they were placed on, this way you won't see those odd looking black lines that are often seen on every panel line on models in contests or shows. :-\



Getting close to finishing the 1/48 scale Bf 110G-4, a lot of the small breakable things have been glued on this model and there is not a whole lot left to do on it.

Since the above picture was taken I airbrushed the exhaust stains on the wings and will be gluing on the flame dampeners and drop tanks very soon.

The Bf 109K-4, Ki-61, and Ki-46 are done and am just waiting for the weather to clear enough to where I get my usual airfield style pictures of them. Its supposed to be rainy for the next seven days. :-\



As Wayne and Garth would say: Excellent!! ;D :thumbsup:

"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks DogfighterZen,
More in-progress goodness....
The final look at the Bf 110G-4 in-progress, it since has been finished.

something I rarely build is armor and as can be seen from the dust on the box this has been in my kit stash for years

The 1/48 scale Bf 109K-4 has been finished for a short time now and before I put away all of my K-4 reference books I decided to start another K-4, this new one is in 1/32 scale from the Hasegawa kit.
The first step in painting the cockpit parts was spraying on a thin coat of gloss black, when the RLM 66 black-gray was sprayed on I held the airbrush at a steep angle from above and off to the side so that the cone of spray mostly fell on the molded on raised areas on the parts, in this image below the effect can be best seen on the I.P. and right side of the fuselage but all the parts were treated the same way.

Here some of the forced shadow effect can be seen on other parts.



good work and educative...wonder why they call in a "pin" wash


Looking forward to the Panther build as I have built that kit in the past. It's a rather basic model from what I remember.

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Thanks Allan and Gondor!

No pin wash effects on this build thus far, its been all airbrush work. Later on I will use some pin washes with oil paint on the exterior of the engine cowl.

Yes this Tamiya Panther is an older kit and is not so good compared to what they produce these days. This was perhaps not the best kit for an aircraft guy to try and build, some of the instructions are crap and misleading. For example, according to the instructions the tank commander figure can be assembled and dropped into the tank later on in the build...so I assembled the figure and spent some time removing the mold lines and other small defects to get it ready for paint and thought I would do a quick dry fit to check for any problems and quickly found out there was no way the figure was going into the tank! Later on someone from another site told me that if the tank commander was to be used the lower part of his body would have to be amputated...why was this not made clear in the instructions? There were clear instructions on how to mount the tank driver but almost nothing on the tank commander figure.
Another little problem is how to mount the tow cable, there is neither instructions nor indication on the parts as to where one is supposed to attach the tow cable. Very unlike Tamiya. :angry:

Here is what the Panther looks like after some basic assembly...

Detail painting of the Bf 109K-4 cockpit has started.

Here the cockpit has been dry fitted..



My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....